𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟸- ♏︎

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"Pick up, please pick up," I prayed as the phone rang.
I was currently in the back of Aries' car on the way to Hospital- Cap went with Gem in the ambulance so now it was me, Pisces, Aries and Libra in Aries' car and Taurus, Virgo, Leo, Aqua and Sag in Sag's car.
It went to voicemail. Again.
Cancer where are you?
"She picking up?" Pisces asked, looking over my shoulder.
I shook my head mutely.
"She's fine. I can feel it," she assured me.
"I.. yeah.." I trailed off, she shifted away to turn to Libra, but still I felt something bad was happening.

"Hey. Cap. She up?" I opened my eyes groggily, seeing cap's shape enter the waiting room.
"Her parents are with her. She'll be fine," he said shakily, answering Virgo.
"Any word from Cancer?" He turned to me.
I shook my head.
He frowned. "That's not like her,"
"I know," I bit out.
"Scorp. Let's go," Sagittarius demanded.
"We know Gem's okay, now let's see if Can is," Aqua added.
"Thanks," I muttered as we exited the hospital.
"She's our friend too. And she gave me a heads up on Draco," Aquarius grinned.
"Why did you need a heads up on Draco?" Sagittarius demanded.
"Oh yeah.. I maybe forgot to tell you?" Aquarius said guiltily.
Sagittarius gave her a hard stare.
"SobasicallycancerfoundoutthathehasacrushonmeandblackmailedherIsaidnottotellyoubecauseidpreferitifyouwerewithmeinsteadofinjailwith Scorpio," she said in one breath.
"English preferably," Sag's normal joking mood was gone. He wasn't happy.
"So basically Cancer found out that he has a crush on me and blackmailed her. I said not to tell you because I'd prefer it if you were with me instead of in jail with Scorpio,"
"I could kill him on my own without getting found out," Sag put arm around her shoulders casually telling her everything was good.
She chuckled and patted his chest.

When we reached Cancer's house, a different car was parked in the driveway. I quickly ran up to the door and rang the bell several times.
It was a man who answered.
"What do you want?" He huffed.
"My girlfriend lives here. Where is she?" I crossed my arms and looked down at him with a cold glare.
His toughness withered away quickly. "She's uh.." he licked his lips. "Preoccupied,"
"That's a big word for a man like you," I growled lowly.
"A man like me huh?" He raised an eyebrow and looked up at me with a confused but annoyed expression.
"A dirty scumbag. Now tell me where my girlfriend is. Old man," I growled.

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