𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟹- ♋︎

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I heard the door open.
"Mum?" I turned around to look at her.
She was still unconscious, bleeding from her head.
My father- no- Draco's father- had tied us up tightly, and the rope was biting into my already scarred skin of my wrists and cutting into my ankles.
I had a few bruises over my arms and legs from when he dragged me up the stairs to lock me and my mum in my bedroom, I also had a red mark on my face.
"Mum please wake up," my voice was hoarse.
No response.
I struggled closer to her and felt her pulse.
It was there, but faint.
The door had opened.. possibly a rescuer?
"SOMEONE! HELP ME PLEASE!" I screamed loudly.
Then I heard a scuffle, and a bang, and a shout of pain.
Then footsteps ran up the stairs and the door blew off it's hinges.
"Scorpio!" I breathed out with a sigh of relief.
He too, looked very relieved.
"Oh thank god you're okay! I was so worried and-,"
"Get my mum to the hospital. She's dying quickly. Tell me everything later," I whispered as his face got close to mine whilst he was untying my restraints.
He hesitantly backed away but picked my mum up anyway.
"I'll send Aqua up to undo the ropes," he promised before disappearing with my mum in his arms.
She was safe. I was safe. Scorpio and Aquarius were here- which probably meant Sagittarius was too.
"Hey Can," Aqua kneeled down in front of me.
"Hey. I'm just wondering.. what happened to my dad?" I questioned as I felt the ropes release my wrists.
"I think Scorpio killed him," she said with a shaky voice.
"Wait- your dad? Really?" She raised an eyebrow as I stood up.
"Yeah. He's also Draco's dad if you can believe that. Killed him?"
"I mean his head looked pretty messed up,"
"Good riddance," I grumbled as we headed downstairs.
Aqua wrapped an arm around my shoulders and stopped me from seeing the body.
What was going to happen now?

"Gemini! Oh god I didn't know! I am so so sorry!" I rambled as I tripped into my friend's hospital room.
She laughed at my clumsiness. "It's okay Can. You okay?" She eyed the bandages around my wrists.
"Yeah. Rope burns hurt," I said casually.
'Especially over scars that were there already'
I added in my head as an afterthought.
Gemini seemed to know what I was thinking, and changed the subject immediately. "Your mum okay?"
"Yeah. She's got a concussion and a mild skull fracture," I smiled weakly. "You?"
"Broken leg, broken arm, several bruises and cuts," she shrugged.
"Sounds like fun," I joked.

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