𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷- ♋︎

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My father.
"W- w- why?" I stuttered as I looked up at him nervously.
I had never ever met my father.
He did a runner when my mum was seven months pregnant.
"Pretty little thing aren't you?" He said gruffly.
I glared at him stoically, but in the inside I was dying.
"Cancer. I know this is a surprise honey," my mum said softly.
"S- surprise?" I stuttered again.
"Kid, I'm back. First thing is first: we have got to change your name," the man saying he was my father declared.
I squinted up to see what he looked like- and he looked quite a lot like- no no no- do not go there!
He had scruffy brown hair with a beard growing in patches and a nasty smell.
"Why are you back now?" I demanded after a few moments silence.
"Listen kid, I don't want to deal with my ex wife so I'm here," he crossed his arms angrily.
"You let him in? After what he did? He abandons you when you're pregnant, and now he comes back and everything's-,"
My eyes widened as I stood there, speechless. My left cheek was throbbing where he hit it.
"Enough! Enough! Don't hit her!" My mum grabbed his arm, but he sent her flying.
"Mum!" I shouted after finally finding my voice.
"Draco was right. Neither of you are worth my love," he snorted, and that's what made my blood run cold.
"D- Draco? You know him?" I started to stutter again.
He turned to face me with a snug grin on his face. "He's my son," he said proudly.

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