𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟷- ♋︎

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I opened my eyes and a light blinded me.
It was a dream wasn't it?
A trick on my mind to get it off the thought of the pain searing through my arms.
Then, I felt something move in my hand.
It was someone else's hand.
Their hand dwarfed my own in comparison and it felt rough, like they had been doing hard labour every day of their lives.
"Morning," his voices slurred together.
"Morning," I answered, heart skipping a beat.
"How are you?" He asked drowsily, sitting up straight in the chair.
Fortunately, he did not let go of my hand.
"I'm fine," I said, wincing as I sat up.
"Right," his green eyes bore into my blue ones. I looked away as they stared into my soul. I hated how he could read my like an open book.
"Hey," his voice went softer. "Look at me," he let go of my hand and took hold of my chin and forced me to face him.
"You're loved Can. Please never even think about doing it again," he begged.
"I promise," I said weakly, knowing it probably wasn't true.
"Cancer," he said impatiently.
"You can watch me throw the knives into the river,"
"That increases water pollution,"
"I'll throw them in the bin then,"
He gave me a hard look. "Promise?"
"I pinkie swear!" I promised.
He let go of my chin and leant back in the white hospital chair.
"The others are here," he said casually.
"Others?" I raised an eyebrow. I didn't think I'd made much of an impression on anyone.
"Like Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius," he listed off everyone.
"Oh and Lib and Ari broke up," he added.
"Good for them," I said dryly.
He chuckled. "And that's all the gossip I have for you,"
"Thank god. I need to keep my reputation of being uninformed up you know," I joked.
We both laughed.
"She's awake!" I saw a flash of turquoise hair.
"Come out Pi. I can see you," I called.
"You scared us!" Pisces exclaimed, rushing into my room.
"I'm sorry," I said quietly.
"Never ever do it again. Ever," she hugged me.
I nodded. "Yeah uh... get off me please,"
"Oh yeah- sorry!" She let me go.
"You doing okay? How was the sleep?" Aries asked, putting a hand on Pisces' shoulder probably in a way to calm her down.
"It was nice sleep," I said.
"What about you scorp?" Capricorn called to his best friend.
Scorpio gave him a rude gesture and ran a hand through his hair. Again.
"You okay?" I whispered.
He jumped at the quietness of my voice but nodded.
"I'm great," he assured me.
But, for some reason I didn't fully believe him.

Hello everyone! I have a newfound hatred of Macbeth and Trigonometry.
Stupid homework.
But I found out I didn't fail my art assessment! Yay!
Still dreading the results of my history and English assessments though- they were written solely on mental breakdowns.
But hope you liked the chapter, I wrote it at 2am this morning after watching twilight again- my friends fault, and I forgot how bad it was- no offence to the twilight fans who read this book.
But seriously, Harry Potter is way better.
For starters, the actors show emotion.
So that's my small rant, have a good weekend! I have an inset day today- three day weekend!
Bye everyone!
And you can just skip through the authors note, they're not actually usually that important

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