𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺- ♏︎

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I kept glancing at her as she glared at her lap.
Something was different about her and I don't know what.
"Never have I ever-,"
Oh yeah. Forgot that we were still playing a game.

After never have I ever (which I won by the way) Leo suggested seven minutes in heaven. Which is very smart with three couples, two people who like a couple, two people who like each other, an innocent quiet girl and... me.
I drew a little scorpion on my paper before dropping it into one of Leo's mum's weird hats.
You know what, I bet it's going to be me and Cancer because destiny and fate are annoying.
"The jug and the bull,"
Oh I was wrong.
Taurus and Aquarius.
Sagittarius and Virgo both looked... cautious.
Sag glaring at Taurus and Virgo glaring at Aquarius, with the 'Don't touch my boy/girl friend or else' look.
They went in the cupboard, heard a bit of arguing and talking before seven minutes was up.
Immediately after they came back, Sagittarius kissed Aquarius firmly and Virgo rested her head on Taurus' shoulder.
Relationships are weird.
"Crab and scorpion," Leo read out.
Knew it, and by the look on Cancer's face she guessed too.
We climbed into the cupboard.
It was dark. Really dark.
I managed to squint to see her with her eyes closed and arms around herself.
"Scared of the dark?" I asked.
She opened one eye. "I can't see you," she said quietly.
"I'm here," I took her hand and she made a cute little squeak.
I chuckled. "You're quite adorable you know that?" I asked.
I felt her turn away, probably blushing.
"You're scared of the dark though?" I continued.
"Isn't it obvious?" She grumbled.
"Just checking," I let her hand go gently and she cowered back into the corner of the cupboard.
This was going to be a long seven minutes.
"Want to chat?" I offered.
"What about?" She muttered.
"Well the innocent quiet loner girl carries around a knife? There must be more to the story," I said.
In the small cupboard, I felt her body freeze against my arm.
I felt her tugging at her sleeves when I moved closer to her.
"Are you okay?" I towered over her, even slightly bending down in the cramped space.
"You don't care. You're the emotionless rebel juvenile," she snorted.
"Well you can be surprised about us emotionless rebel juveniles," I said coolly.
"Oh... I'm sorry," she said.
"Doesn't matter," I grumbled.
We both stayed silent for a few minutes.
"Hey-," she was interrupted.
The door was opened and I hopped out.
"I'm going. This is boring," I told everyone. I walked to the front door and wrenched it open.
"Leo I'm going to go too... parties aren't my thing," I heard Cancer mumble.
I ignored her as she walked outside, and she ignored me.
I put my helmet on and started the bike, quickly zooming away from Leo's house.
Never going to one of his parties again.

"Wake up boy!" I jerked my head.
"Seriously?" I glared at my father who had an empty bucket in his hand.
"You'll be late for school," he said. "Make your own breakfast. I'm going to the bar and your mother's got Lyra," he went out my room.
"Thanks dad. I needed a shower," I grumbled after he left.
I stood up and went into the hallway, and across into the bathroom.

"Scorpio just hold her for a second," my mother thrust Lyra into my arms as soon as I got downstairs.
"Um okay?" I stroked my sister's soft hair.
My mother shot a small smile at me before she rushed upstairs, probably to change in some expensive suit because that's what you wear when you take care of a newborn baby.
"Hey Lyra," I smiled down at her.
She giggled.
My mother came down fifteen minutes later, in, as predicted, an expensive looking suit. "We have a babysitter coming around tonight because me and your father will be out, and you have detention after school," she said, taking Lyra out my arms.
I groaned. I always have detention. Usually Aries or Cap's fault.
She glared at me. "Eat breakfast young man,"
She shoved me with her Lyra free arm towards the kitchen cupboards.
My dad would love you to think he did all the work, the house, the bills, comfortable clothes, nice food, but really it was always my mother's job as a lawyer that did it.
I got my usual breakfast of cornflakes and coffee.

The innocent and The juvenile Where stories live. Discover now