𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟶- ♏︎

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"Is she okay? Leo?" I smashed the hospital doors open.
Leo, Pisces and a woman I assume was Cancer's mother were huddled in the waiting room.
"We don't know yet," Leo answered shakily.
I sat down next to him.
Well, collapsed into the seat next to him.
"I thought she was okay," Pisces murmured.
"We all did," Leo said.
I sighed heavily and ran a hand through my hair.

I think I fell asleep in that uncomfortable position on the plastic chair.
Because the next thing I knew, was someone shaking me awake.
I snapped my eyes open and reached for my knife.
"Woah Scorpio, it's just me," Cap said.
"Sorry," I grumbled, taking my hand out of my pocket.
"Any news?" Gemini asked, appearing behind Cap.
"No," Leo said from next to me.
"We'll stay till she wakes up," Taurus said.
"Thanks guys," Leo gave them a strained smile.
"Where's Aries and Libra?" Pisces yawned, she too, must've fallen asleep.
"Arguing outside," Aquarius sunk into one of the uncomfortable white plastic chairs.

Cancer's mum, Mrs Crabs I assume, came out of the hospital half an hour later.
"She's stable," she overcame her surprise of seeing eleven teenagers sat in the waiting room to see her 'loner' daughter.
"Can we see her?" Pisces stood up immediately, I followed.
"Yeah. One at a time," she said hesitantly.
"Can I?" Pisces turned to me and Leo.
"You shouldn't have to ask," I said softly.
"Go," Leo shot her a pointed look.
She smiled at us and rushed through the doors
Mrs Crabs had entered from seconds before.
"She's okay," Leo breathed, fully collapsing into his chair.
"Yeah," Gemini sighed.
"Let's go get some snacks. I'm hungry!" Sagittarius declared.
"I'll come with you," Aries said, getting up and following Sag out.
Libra glared at his back.
"Okay. Now we know Cancer's okay, you can tell us, what's going on?" Taurus asked.
"We're fighting,"
"We got that," Aquarius said dryly.
"He said he had to break up with me because he doesn't have those 'feelings' for me anymore. We've been dating for four years!" She exclaimed.
"But... Aries has his own feelings, he feels like he has a reputation to make but, I don't think he really cares about that anymore. He might've started to date you because he liked you, but you were both 13, feelings can change," Virgo said.
"I know. I have my own reputation. But... I liked him. A lot. It wasn't love, but.." Libra trailed off.
"It's okay Lib. You don't have to rely off anyone, especially a guy, to help your reputation. Who gives a damn anymore anyways? We'll be graduating in July," Gemini said wisely.
"I guess so. Thanks guys," She grinned, wiping her eyes.

"Scorp, can I talk to you?" Cap poked my shoulder.
"Sure?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I know you like Cancer. A lot. But, how did you realize you liked her?" He asked.
I blushed.
I never blush.
Stupid feelings that will never be reciprocated.
"I guess I just knew. I was all weird and feelings," I shrugged.
"Do you love her?"
My breath got caught in my throat.
"Because I think I love someone," he murmured.
"Gem?" I whispered.
He nodded mutely.
"Then go talk to her," I said.
"Scorpio?" Pisces had come back. "She wants to see you. You after Leo, don't worry," she added as the blonde boy looked up.
I nodded and gave cap a pointed look.
"I'll do it," he said.

When I entered the hospital room, she looked dead.
I froze in the doorway, she was hooked up to many machines and had fat bandages around her wrist.
The only sign that she was alive was the beeping of the heart monitor.
"Scorp?" She asked.
"I'm here Can," I assured her, sitting down by her bedside.
"I'm sorry," she murmured.
"For what?"
"I didn't mean to do it," she said imploringly.
"It just... happened. I was feeling down, but I must've done it too deep," her lower lip trembled.
"And you made me feel like somebody cared and-,"
I kissed her.
Mainly to shut her up.
That's a lie.
I broke away.
Her eyes were wide.
"I do care Can. So, so much," I took her hand.
Then, she started crying.
"Whoa whoa woah, did I do something wrong? I am so sorry-,"
"I love you too dimwit," she said, laughing through the tears.
"You confuse me like hell, you know that?" I teased her.
She bit her lip.
"Maybe I do know that," she grinned.

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