𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸- ♏︎

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Some months later

"I'm sorry Scorp. I'm sorry!" I watched as my father was dragged into a police car.
My mum was holding Lyra, mouth in a thin line.
"Mum," I turned to her.
"I'm leaving town. You can stay here or you can come with us, your father has ruined everything," she turned back to the house.
How did my life turn upside down in a matter of months?

I started skipping school more, and getting more involved with the gang my dad's in. Eastside Eagles.
"Scorpio, can you help for a second?" Lucifer, named after the cat from Cinderella, one of my dad's friends, called.
"Yeah," I answered, pushing away the beer in my hand and walking over to help him lift up a crate.
"You're doing good son. If you're interested, you could join us," he said casually as we transported it into his truck.
I bit my lip.
"Maybe," I said after a stretch of silence.
He chuckled. "Go to school boy, I bet your friends are worried. You can come back later if you want,"
I nodded.
"Thanks Lu,"
"Hope to see you more often boy,"
I nodded.
Maybe I should join the gang.

"Ah Mr Scorpion. How lovely it is to see you in a classroom," my maths teacher said dryly mad I stepped into class.
"It's lovely to see you too," I said sarcastically, sitting down into my seat next to Aquarius.
"Get back to work. See me in my office at lunch break," he said.
"What we doing?" I asked aquarius.
She glared at me in response.
"You've been MIA for a month now, and now you decide to show up casually in the middle of school?" She hissed.
"Yes," I answered.
"I can't wait to see Cap, Can, Pi and Lee tear you to pieces," she rolled her eyes.
"Nick name basis. Best friends already?" I asked snarkily.
"Your fault," she answered back.
"Whatever," I growled, leaning back in my chair.
She scoffed and went back to her work.
I did feel guilty for being rude, but I'm exhausted and fed up of everything.
My dad was arrested.
My mum left me.
I now live in a flat above a bar.
I also don't know how to cope with feelings very well.
Life is so great y'know.

And... that was mega super rushed I apologize. I guess I wanted to get to the point of the chapter, and to get into Scorpio's head, everything is on fast forward for him since his dad was arrested and such. Um so as I promised, Scorpio is now the stereotypical 'bad boy'.

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