𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟺- ♏︎

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"Can. Are you free tonight?" I leant against the lockers as she got out her art folder.
"I might be. Why?" She raised an eyebrow, slight smile on her face.
"I was going to ask if you wanted to go to the cinema and watch that film you said you wanted to see," I said casually.
"In that case it's a date," she blushed.
I chuckled. "You're adorable," I leant down to kiss her on the forehead before walking away.
"Smooth. Real smooth. When was the last time you had a girlfriend apart from Can?" Cap muttered.
"Like a month or two before me and Can became friends, it was the one with.. with.." I trailed off.
"The ickle crab changed you a lot," he teased.
I rolled my eyes. "Not that much,"
"Yep. You're in a gang, you're not a player anymore, and you remember your girlfriend's name!" He listed them off with his fingers. "Also, you're easier to approach,"
"Screw you," I growled, I then rather childishly stalked away, pushing into several year sevens and eights on my way.
"I am not easy to approach," I grumbled as I got outside.
"Hey um Scorpio?"
"Go away,"
"Go away Pisces,"
"We have a shared-,"
"I said get lost,"
"But we have to-,"
"I'm not in a good mood. We can do it another time," I growled.
"Fine then. But if we fail, it's your fault!" She stalked off.

"Pi said you were rude to her earlier. Are you okay?" Can asked as we sat down in our seats.
"Cap said some things that scared me slightly," I admitted.
"What things?"
"I'll tell you later Can. Let's enjoy the film,"
She raised an eyebrow but turned to look at the screen.
"Scorp. Wake up. It's a good bit," she grabbed my hand.
"M'kay," I opened one eye.
"Scorpio," she whined.
"Okay. Sorry," I opened both eyes.

"So what's up?" She asked as we left the cinema.
"Cap explained how much I've changed because of you," I said, shoving a hand through my hair.
"Well like, I used to be a bad boy player,"
"Yeah I know,"
"But since I met you.. I actually have genuine feelings for you. I remember your name for a start,"
I let my hands drop.
"I guess it was always just easy being an emotionless player, there was no strings attached, everything was easy. But then I met you,"
"So you're saying I made your life harder?"
"No! No way Can. Not ever have you made my life harder! I'm just... useless at this good boyfriend stuff. You literally could've had anyone. But you chose me, and that surprises me every single day, but if this is a dream, I'm savouring every single moment I have with you. Because one day, you'll realize I'm just a bad boy player and leave me, to become famous, or to have a normal, functional family, or whatever you want to do. So not at all, have you made my life harder. You made my life have something worth fighting for," I kissed her nose gently.
"You could've had anyone. Yet you chose me. The loner girl named after a deadly disease," she said softly.
"And I know you're a bad boy. You used to be a player, and I hope my future self never lets you go Scorpio Scorpions. Because I love you so much," she smiled through tears.
"You love me?"
My eyes widened. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of-,"
I kissed her then.
"I love you too Shortie. I love you too. So much," I hugged her tightly.
"It's been an alright day hasn't it?" She said.
"Yeah. It certainly has," I agreed.
"Let's go to a cafe or something and get dinner. I'm hungry," she piped up.
I laughed. "Of course love, where to?"

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