𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿- ♋︎

872 26 12

I gazed at the water as it folded over itself, over and over again.
It was eerily peaceful here,
On a deserted beach.
Next to a tall cliff.
The water continued to slosh and fold over itself and around my feet.
I giggled as it lapped between my toes, tickling my feet.
This beach was my special place.
My secret beach, my secret cove.
It was mine.
And I loved it.
Suddenly, my phone buzzed next to me.
"Hello? Cancer speaking," I answered the call.
"Yeah I can do that. Don't worry mum. Yes I have some money, okay. Got it! See you soon. Love you too, yes and- bye!"
I put my phone back down beside me and drank in the environment surrounding me.
My secret beach, perfect and untainted, the blue sky, just a shade lighter then my own eyes, and the perfect white fluffy clouds soaring overhead.
Where's my sketchbook?
I rustled around in my rucksack, finally finding it hidden beneath a whiteboard.
I opened my pencil case and gazed out to sea again.
Dolphins. With mermaids.
I smiled as I started to draw rough outlines of the view in front of me- but with dolphin tails and the occasional mermaid.

When my phone started ringing again, I jumped.
I forgot I didn't turn it on silent.
I looked down at the screen.

1 missed call from Scorp
1 message from Leo
1 message from Pisces
1 missed call from unknown

I sighed. I missed something.
I looked at the time.
"Shoot!" I almost swore as I rushed to gather all my things.
It was almost dinner time- and I said I'd pick up something for my mum.

"Cancer sweetie is that you?"
"Hey mum! Sorry I'm late!" I gasped as I got into the door.
It had started raining on the way home, so I decided to run.
It was a miracle I did t fall or trip over.
"You named our daughter cancer?" A man's voice said.
I froze as I took my back off my shoulder.
Our daughter.
That must be my father.

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