𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟿- ♋︎

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A few months later- Cancer is in college and Scorpio is getting his apprenticeship going- along with learning to run a business. They are still dating and friends with everyone and this is not the last chapter. It ends the chapter after this with an epilogue from Scorpio's point of view. Comment any ideas you have for the epilogue or anything- I love reading all your comments. Anyways, I'm going to go back to the story now.

I was busy revising for my classics exam when I got the call.
"Hello?" I answered.  "Wait- really?"
"Yes I didn't mean for that to happen- send my condolences to his family. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it to the funeral, I have exams and coursework and essays to do, again I am sorry for your loss Mrs Starr," my stepmother hung up and I found myself finding tears streaking down my face.
Draco had been arrested a few weeks ago for heroin usage at a party- he committed suicide in his cell a couple of hours ago.
Mrs Starr- his mother, said she was devastated for her son's death but was apologetic for the way he had treated me. She was really nice- he got all my dad's genes obviously.
She and my mum do yoga together every Friday now. He hurt both of them and it warmed my heart for my mum to have a friend who understood her.
I closed my classics textbook and shot a text to the group chat.

Cancer: hey I don't know if you heard but Draco's dead. He committed suicide a few hours ago.
Scorpio: can't say I'm sad. He was an ass.
Aries: he was more then that
Virgo: kids friendly?
Taurus: y'know, Leo, Gem and Pi are on this chat. AND cancer doesn't like the use of foul language
Cancer: thank you taurus. How's all your studies going anyways? Can't wait for the meet up tomorrow!!
Sagittarius: it's great! Can't wait to see y'all tho.
Leo: yeah same here. How's Dom doing in Brighton anyways Can?
Cancer: I think he likes it. At least I hope he does. He hasn't brought any dead animals in which is great
Aquarius: see, my hamsters would never do that to me. They're angels.
Sagittarius: correction: DEMONS
Libra: they are pretty evil Aqua
Gemini: that's why I have a budgie.
Capricorn: and that's why I have a tortoise
Capricorn: so can we go back to the fact that Draco. Is. Dead.
Gemini: he's a guy who ran me over with a car. Surprisingly, I don't have any sympathy for him.
Cancer: well I have to go. I have an essay due tomorrow and I need to finish it so I can come see you guys.
Pisces: study hard! See you tomorrow Can Can x

I switched my phone of and sighed. How was I supposed to react? He died and that's a big thing. He was my brother, but my bully. He ran one of my friends over with a car, but he committed suicide in a jail cell.
How am I supposed to react to this?
There was a knock on my door.
"Come in?" My voice was slightly cracked. To my surprise and relief, Scorpio stepped into the room with chocolate ice cream in one hand and his motorcycle helmet in the other.
"Hey Love," he said, putting the ice cream down on my desk and dropping his helmet.
I stood up and threw my arms around him.
"I knew after you texted the group chat you'd feel all confused and have a slight mental panic so I drove here quickly as I could," he explained.
"Thank you," I kissed him softly, standing on my tiptoes and dragging his head down so he was slouching.
"I also missed you like heck and wanted to see you," he mumbled as I buried my face into his chest.
I let out a slight laugh. "I missed you too. How's your apprenticeship?"
He seemed to brighten up at the mention of it.
"Its going so great! I was worried I'd have to work in WH Smiths or do something really drastic and stupid like join the navy or something," he grinned.
I laughed. "Please don't join the navy,"
"It's my last option, plan Z," he assured me.

Felt like some of you needed confirmation that HE IS NOT JOINING THE ARMY THAT IS MY OTHER BOOK OKAY
I also thought you would like to know that Draco's dead, since I read through all your comments. I love them. Please comment more if possible I love your opinions :)

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