Chapter 4

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After seeing who the competition is Jacob attempts to distract us by cracking jokes. It works and I find myself joking with him.

Luca stays silent and I know better then to talk to him when he is sad. He doesn't like to talk about what he is upset about. He prefers to address it for a few hours and then ignore it for the rest of his life.

We get to the capital. I make sure you can't tell I was crying although I am sure they saw me during the reaping.

I walk out still joking around with Jacob. I make sure to look as careless as possible to not give the capital any more satisfaction then I already have.

We are rushed to our get ready for our stylists. The second I get in the prep team who has been replaced since the last time I came start surveying me.

"Oh my gosh we don't have too much work to do. She is already gorgeous." One girl with bright green hair says.

I smile at the compliment and the fact she didn't point out that I was wearing a tshirt and jeans.

They wash my light brown hair continuously talking about how amazing my highlights are and how they can't believe it is natural.

The green haired lady does my hair well a man with light purple hair and a few tattoos does my makeup.

He makes occasional comments on my crystal blue eyes or on my eyelashes.

Another man with blonde hair is yanking all my leg and arm hair which although it isn't enough to be noticable still long enough for it to sting like crazy.

After they have finished I look pretty much the same as before but with a little bit of blush and my hair up fancy.

My stylist comes in he has blue hair and starts talking about something dress related and how it may be the best dress he has ever created.

After I change into my dress Luca takes me to the place where we the parade beginning is.

I see the boy who won last year from twelve, Peeta I think, looking around for someone, probably his district partner. I decide to go and talk to him make some friends.

I walk up to him and say, "Hello I'm Aina."


"It's a pleasure to meet you P-Peeta."

I stumble over his name. I should have known I am terrible at talking to new people.

"The same to you"

He ignored the fact I stumbled over my words or maybe he didn't notice.

"I saw your games last year your camafloge abilities are amazing."

"Yeah thanks. I saw your games you were pretty good at hunting."

"Thanks. Oh al-"

Before I can finish the parade starts.

"I am so sorry. I have to go to get into my chariot. Good luck. Bye"


I rush off and Jacob is already on his side of the chariot.

Luca says, "Jacob look tough, Aina still look innocent but tough at the same time."

"How am I supposed to do that" I say

"Figure it out"

The chariot leaves and I try my best to look innocent and tough at the same time. I think I did good.

The crowd cheers for us. The cheering gets louder once district 12 comes out. Jacob is obviously annoyed of this.

After the parade I get off and say , "Race ya." To Jacob and take off running.

He runs after me to the elevator where Luca waits for us. He looks stern like he is mad at us.

"Come on guys be more mature." He says.

I roll my eyes and say, "I don't wanna die being mature. That doesn't sound fun no thank you."

Luca says, "About that I talked with Haymitch Alburny and Putarch Heavensbee and I need to talk to you two about something later."

I nod and we ride back up to our room. The second we get in Luca calms down.

"Ok so they had a meet up a few minutes before the parade started with twelves of the mentors and a few other select tributes and the head game maker. They were talking about a rebellion and how if it goes right we can save Katniss the face of the reballion and hopefully both of you too."

I immediately know I am in. Jacob seems to need to think about it. He thinks for a few seconds and shrugs and says, "What is there to lose anyway?"

"He has a point. I'm in." I say

Luca says, "Ok so the plan is to keep her alive at all costs and do what beetee says. That is all you gotta do ok?"

I nodd and Jacob nodds. I think that Luca expecting us to argue or something. But I know for a fact that I want revenge on the capital for what they did to each and everyone of my brothers. And I know for a fact that Jacob's family died after he came back from his games from a mysterious fire and he will want revenge as well.

We both just want revenge we don't care about the costs. Luca probably was thinking the same thing as me.

"Looks like I have to look after two little girls now." Jacob says jokingly.

He may be 24 and have a big build and I know I am only 14 and only 5'1 but I am not a little girl.

"Hey neither of us our little." I say

"Oh pobrestito." He says jokingly

I make a jokingly mad face and laugh.

Luca laughs with me and we all go to change into something more comfortable and eat our capital dinner.


I loved writing this. It was so much fun! I hope you liked reading it. I try to update every night so that is the update schedule although sometimes I may be busy.

Thanks for reading!

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