Chapted 33

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I wander the hallways looking for nothing in particular. I hum to myself with a small jump in my step. I don't know why but it seems appropriate that the walk that showed my innocence stuck with me.

I roll the ball in the palm of my hand slowly. I run my other hand on the wall letting it go over the bricks.

The tune I hum is familiar although I can't put my finger on were I know it from. I don't bother to try to figure it out, scared it might bring me back to what I have lost.

I start to walk faster. My hair is still down it hasn't been down for this long in years. The hair bounces on my back with every step.

My eyes glaze over with tears. I don't care to push them back. I let them fall down my face until they abruptly stop. I wipe the last of them away.

I realize I have started to run. I slow back down to a walk. I walk for a few more minutes until I hear Luca running up behind me.

"Aina! There you are!" He says out of breath.

"Yep, why were you looking for me?" I ask knowing I was cleared from the hospital earlier that morning.

"Coin wanted the victors to meet up." He says.


"She didn't say. Come on."

I follow him and when I catch up to him he spins me around. I laugh and we walk to where we were supposed to be meeting.

We are the only ones smiling when we enter. Everyone else looks like they have just been reminded of what they lost.

I straighten my face and sit down next to Jacob who is obviously faking his sad face.

I smile at him he smiles down at me. He then straighten his face and I do the same.

The room is silent and Katniss hasn't gotten here yet.

"Your hair is tangled." Jacob whispers.

"I know." I whisper back.

He just pulls my hair back into a simple quick braid to make it look presentable instead of the rat's nest it was before.

"Thanks" I whisper.

Katniss finally comes in. She looks sad, I can't be suprised seeing her sister died.

When she walks in Jacob must remember what it was like to lose a sister because he puts his hand on my hand protectively.

No one noticed this small gesture. Then Coin walks in everyone seems annoyed at her presence although I try to use my manners and not be rude.

She proposes that we start another hunger games but with capital children. The second she suggested it the little string holding me together snapped.

"No!" I say loudly.

"The victors will be voting." Coin says.

I angrily and desperately stand up out of my seat, Jacob's hand falling.

"That is wrong! We fought so we wouldn't have to send innocent children to die!" I say my voice stronger and firmer then it has been in months.

"Then it is a no from Aina." Coin says.

"I think it is a good idea." Jacob says.

"It is a yes from me." Luca adds.

I feel like I have just been punched in the stomach. How could they?

"No! Who would even come up with that idea!" Peeta says angrily.

"Me actually." Coin says calmly.

Peeta looks baffled at the fact she came up with the cruel idea well I'm not even phased.

"I vote no with Peeta." Beetee says

I look at him thankfully.

"We vote no." Annie says speaking for both her and Finnick.

"I vote yes. Snow has a granddaughter right?" Joanna says

"I vote yes. For Prim." Katniss says.

I glare at her. It is tied it is up to Haymitch.

"I am with the girl on fire." He says.

"Well then another hunger games it is. I will announce it at Snow's execution later today." Coin says leaving.

I look at Jacob and Luca my face is full of sadness and betrayal. I probably look like a kicked puppy and I can't hide that I feel like one too. No matter how much I try.

I stand up and just mutter under my breath, "I hope your happy. Because this blood is on your hands."

I storm out knowing what I said was petty, rude and childish but I don't care. I wait next to Annie and Finnick's apartment.

They come to the apartment a little while later. When Annie sees me she rushes to me.

"I am so sorry." She says her voice laced with pity.

"It'll be fine. There won't be a games if I have anything to do with it." I say

"What are you doing here? Your brothers were looking for you. Their all worried." Finnick says

"Well I know I won't be able to face them anytime soon, or at least today. So I was wondering if I could just hang out over here. Just for today I'll be out of here by tonight."

"Of course." Annie says.

"You should tell your brothers that your here though." Finnick adds.

"They'll see me at the execution." I say

"Okay then." Annie says letting me in.

She shows me to the guest room. I thank her and the second I am in the room by myself I yank my hair out of the braid and pull it into a tight bun again.

I get dressed in the outfit that Annie let me borrow. I decide before I leave to the execution to take off my bracelet.

It hasn't left me arm since I got it. When I take it off I feel guilty immediately. I slip it into the pocket and go to meet Annie and Finnick to go to the execution.


Wow it is almost over!!! I hope you like it.

Thanks for reading!!!!

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