Chapter 20

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We land I am put on a stretcher despite my protests. The wheel me in and I look around for my brothers. Annie sits next to me on her stretcher.

"Mira! Look!" I say pointing at Finnick making his way looking for Annie probably.

"Finnick!" Annie gets up and her and Finnick share a kiss. I look around for my brothers.

"Aina!? Aina!?" I hear Luca's voice but don't see him.

"Luca!? Jacob!?" I say loudly.

"Aina!" This time it is Jacob's voice. I look and see them looking around.

Jacob looks at me he squints and then realizations goes over his face. He grabs Luca's arm and they run over to my stretcher. I get up and we all hug.

Luca is crying. I wipe away his tears.

"Qué está mal? What's wrong?" I say

"You sound so much like mom." He says.

"Really? But why are you crying?" I ask.

"You look so different. What did they do to you?" He says looking at my scars and bruises.

"Nothing that can't be fixed." I say.

"I missed you." He says

"I missed you too." I say.

I notice Jacob has been pretty quite which is unusual for him.

"Jacob why are you being so quiet?" I ask.

"It was my fault you got taken. It should have been me." He says.

I laugh.

"Why would you think such a stupid thing?"

"Well I should have saved you." He says.

"Estupido, no one could have saved me. You couldn't have done anything and I'm back now aren't I?"

"Yeah I guess your right." Jacob says not entirely convinced.

"I didn't recognize you right away." Luca says tears still running down his face.

"Was I looking to amazing for your brain to process?" I say striking a funny pose.

They laugh but then see a little bit of my scarred and bruised back. Jacob gasps and Luca turns me around so they can see my back.

"Aina! What the f-frick." Luca says angrily.

"It doesn't hurt at all. I am fine." I say my voice fast and unsteady.

"Aina, don't you dare lie to us." Jacob says.

"It is fine. I will be okay in a week tops." I say

"Aina! Don't play this off like it is nothing!" Luca says.

"I don't know why we have to talk about it." I say.

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