Chapter 31

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I lay down my hair down and sticky with sweat and what I think is blood. I don't even want to get up.

It hurts everytime I breathe. The drugs they gave me must have worn off. I fill tears running down my face.

I don't want to move my hand to wipe them because it already hurt too much.

I close my eyes and bite the inside of my check trying to ignore the pain from the rest of my body.

I am hardly aware of what is going on around me. I hear some footsteps around me.

"Is she gonna be alright?" I hear Jacob's voice unusually calm.

"We don't know. Hopefully, the way things are going it is likely. She'll go to the capital hospital and they'll fix her up in probably less then a few days with their technology." A female voice says.

"When will she wake up?" Luca says.

"Soon hopefully before she gets to the hospital, that would be a good sign. I'll leave you guys be well we wait for the truck that will take her to the big hospital." She says leaving.

I try to open my eyes. It even hurts to do that but I eventually do it.

"Aina?" Luca says.

I try to smile but immediately flinch at the pain.

"She's alive!" Jacob says his voice happy but you can still hear the sadness.

"W-what is going to happen?" I ask flinching at the pain from just moving my mouth.

"Their gonna take you to the hospital here in the capital and fix you up." Luca says.

"So I'm going to live?" I ask.

"Yes." Jacob says sternly.

"Death is not an option." Luca says smiling at me.

"I'm sorry." I say

"For what?" Jacob asks.

"For not listening to you." I say.

"You never listen to me. You don't have to apologize anymore. I expect it at this point." Jacob jokes.

I smile and I can see the concern and sadness buried in their eyes.

"Did we win?" I ask

"Yep, Snow's own guards turned on him!" Jacob says.

"Wait really!?! Give me a play by play." I say trying to sound enthusiastic but my throat hurts as I talk.

"I wasn't there but I heard it was like in the stories." He says.

I nod and Jacob says, "So you tell us what happened on your part."

"We were going to kill Snow me and Finnick were backup. Then the chaos started and a peacekeeper recognized me. He grabbed me and try to take me I told Finnick to shoot me because I didn't have my night lock pill. He didn't shoot and then the bomb went off. And now we're here." I say.

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