Chapter 9

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The next day I wait in the living room playing the piano quietly. Singing along softly. Luca comes and in I immediately stop.

"You aren't half bad." He says

"Thanks I've been practicing." I say.

I get up and and see Jacob coming half asleep. Jacob says, "You messed up the tempo. Here let me show you."

He sits on the stool and plays the song perfectly.

"No no it is like this." He says doing it a small bit faster. Jacob laughs and says, "Is that a challenge?"

Luca laughs and says, "Aina you are the judge."

I nod and get out a pen and paper. Luca pulls out a bunch of sheet music. They both take turns playing the song. On the slower songs Luca does slightly better, well on the faster ones Jacob does way better.

They keep playing for hours. Competitively playing each note. I eventually lose count. And just decide that Jacob won. By the time they are satisfied it is only an hour till sunset.

I go and get a blanket and we go up to the roof to watch the sunset and eat dinner, which Luca brought.

When we get there we see Katniss and Peeta had the same idea as us. So we quietly go to the other side of the roof. I am pretty sure Peeta heard us. But he didn't say anything.

We all sit joking and eating the food that was packed. And for that moment we forgot about the games tomorrow.

We watch the sunset together. And after it is over we stay there talking reminiscing on old memories some with our brothers some without.

At one point we hear something behind us. We go silent I motion for them to stay well I check it out. I go behind the hedge that was in front of out picnic site.

There is a bench and sitting on it is Finnick. He seems calm but I know better then to assume that.

"Hey, are you good?" I ask.

He looks up at me startled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Me, Luca and Jacob are just hanging out. May I ask what you are doing here?"

"Jusy wanted to enjoy my last day of freedom." He says.

"Well we have some food if you want to come and hang out with us." I offer.

"I don't want to intrude." He says.

"Nah don't worry you aren't intruding on anything. Just us trying to throw grapes in each other's mouth." I say

"Why not." He gets up and I lead him to our picnic spot. When Luca sees him he smiles and says, "Hey Finnick want some food?"

"Sure" he sits down and grabs a handful of candy.

I forget sometimes that Luca and Jacob probably already know the other tributes. We tell jokes and try to throw candy and grapes into each other's mouth.

Finnick and Luca never miss but me and Jacob have our fair turns of missing. I learn things about finnick like that he has a girlfriend from district 4, Annie Cresta, and mags used to be his mentor and that they are close.

He already had heard about what happened with Adrain, Zack, and Noah. Overall Finnick is cool and I think we have a confirmed alliance.

We don't leave the roof till midnight. We say goodbye to Finnick, and go back to our floor. We all go to our rooms tired.

I take a shower and wash my hair. I get ready for bed and to my suprise I go to bed almost immediately.

~Next Morning~

I walk to breakfast where Jacob and Luca sat anxiously. I sit in between both of them.

"You guys better eat, you may not get a chance for the next few days." Luca says.

"You don't gotta tell me twice." Jacob says eating another spoon full of green chili stew. He probably specifically requested it.

I get some food and eat trying to ignore what I am about to go into. Luca takes out a small nicely wrapped box.

He says, "Um Aina, Zach told me to give this to you if you got reaped."

He hands me the box. Scribbled on the wrapping paper in Noah's messy handwriting is For your token. From all of us. Don't mess up.

I hold it not wanting to mess anything up. I carefully unwrap the wrapping paper folding it and putting it in my pocket.

I open the little brown box to reveal a charm bracelet, with thirteen charms. One charm for each of my brothers including Jacob.

Each one of the charm has a different thing that each brother taught me, with their names written in their handwriting on the back of it.

For Adrain's it was a small knife because he taught me how to perfect my aim. For Noah's it was a book with a monster on the cover because he taught me to read and sparked my intrest in scary stories. For Zach's it was a trap because he taught me how to make traps.

Jacob's was a laughing face because he was the one who practically taught me every joke I know. Luca's was a pan because he taught me how to cook. At this point I am about to cry.

"Zach made the chain when you were born as a necklace. But the loops were huge and Henery had the idea to turn it into a charm bracelet. I actually had the ideas for the charms. Everyone made you a charm after they taught you something they thought were worth their charm and Zach made it. I had forgotten about it. I guess Zach has had it all this time." Luca says.

I hug Luca. "Thank you." I say.

He hugs me back and says, "Don't mess up."

I laugh and say, "I won't I promise."

He let's go of the hug and I hug Jacob. He says, "Yes I took credit for your sense of humor the moment I was allowed a charm."

I laugh. Then Luca checks his watch.

"You guys have five minutes to get finished eating. You are already ready for the games. Both in your outfits yes. You know the drill get to the cornucopia get your stuff and run." Luca says.

I quickly eat the rest of my food and make sure my hair is in a tight bun so it won't move when I am running.

Jacob finishes a few seconds after I am ready to go and says, "You meet me as soon as you can ok?"

"Ok" I say as we run to the plane they are supposed to take us up in.

"GOOD LUCK." Luca yells right before we are out of earshot.


Finally getting to the games! This should be fun. Hope you are enjoying it so far.

Thank you for reading!!!

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