Chapter 13

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Me and Jacob laugh and reminisce over old memories. I try to push away the bad memories. Jacob braids my hair but this time not because he is stressed just because it starts to fall out of the bun it was in before.

It is almost dark and Finnick and Katniss are still pretty shaken from the jabberjays. Peeta comforts Katniss and Finnick is in the water.

I feel bad for laughing at our old memories and being happy well everyone else is so shaken. Jacob doesn't say anything about my hair being way thinner from the fog. Even though I know he notices.

My hands are still shaking but other then that I seem pretty much okay from the jabberjays. Jacob cracks jokes about all the dumb stuff we used to do, like throwing rocks at the tracker jacker hives and trying to outrun them back into the house.

We laugh at it, I remember trying not to get stung. The sun starts to set and Jacob says, "Look at el ocaso. I mean the sunset."

I look up at we watch the sunset.

"Do you think this is a real sunset or just something artificial the capital made?" I ask

"Well let's just pretend it is the real thing." He says

"Ok" I say.

We watch it until it has completely sunk and the stars come out.

"Wow when was the last time we slept under the stars?" He says

"It has been a while." I say.

Finnick is taking the night watch. I fall asleep pretty quickly.

~Next Morning~

I wake up it is still dark out. Finnick is making a net. I sit up and take my hair out of the braid it was in before and pull it back into a bun. Everyone is asleep and I try my best to move over to the water without waking anyone up.

When I get there I say, "Are you okay?"

He jumps and says, "Oh yeah."

"Today was rough wasn't it?" I say.

"Technically yesterday."

"Wait it already tomorrow. Wow time flies." I say


"If you don't mind me asking was that girl you were talking about, Annie. Was she by any chance that victor Annie Cresta?" I ask.

"Yeah, I am just worried about her." He says.

"Don't be I bet she is at home sleeping safe and sound." I say trying to comfort him.

"But there is no way to know that."

"Well you just have to hope."

"Is that how you seemed fine so quickly?" He asks.

"That and I had Jacob's help with distracting me."

"Yeah, you guys seem to have each other all figured out." He says.

"Well we have known each other since I was two. So we have had some time to figure each other out." I say.

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