Chapter 5

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Today I am woken up by Luca turning off and on the lights repideatly.

"Bueno Daís, time to wake up."

I drag myself out of bed and get ready for training today. I pull long hair into a tight ballet bun. And put on the clothes that were provided for training.

I go to breakfast all ready and see Jacob in his training clothes but his hair looking like he just rolled out if bed.

There is so much food just for breakfast. I don't have much of an appetite so I just put a few pieces of bacon on my plate and an avox pours me some orange juice.

Luca sees how little I'm eating and says, "Jeez Aina where did your appetite go?"

"It left with my hopes and dreams." I say overdramaticly.

Luca laughs as Jacob piles more food onto his already full plate. Jacob offers me a orange and I take it to get them to be quite about how little I have decided to eat.

My hands shake for a second as I grab my plate but my hands immediately go back to being steady and careful.

During breakfast I stay silent as Luca and Jacob talk potential strategies. I don't bother to listen I know that Luca already has one planned out and I will have to go with either a innocent or tough act. I don't care which one at this point.

After breakfast Luca sends me and Jacob on our own to the training room alone. Which I don't mind Jacob tells me one of his stories he makes up. About a dozen mice and their adventurers is helping a princess.

I know this shouldn't be as interesting as it is especially because of my age but he is such a good story teller that every word he says is golden.

Once we get there Jacob and I separate and I practice my survival skills. Well Jacob talks to other tributes and practices with weapons.

Jacob is good at making friends for some reason I am terrible at it. I can talk to people but to keep a conversation going for more then ten minutes with someone besides family is almost revolutionary for me.

Well I work on making a fire the boy from four comes up to me. I think his name is Finnick Odair. I make the fire quickly already knowing very well how to make a fire.

I look up at him and say, "Hello, I'm Aina."

"Yes I believe I've heard of the youngest victor. You are alot smaller in person."

I laugh a little bit, "Yeah I know. I don't remember your games it was what like a good ten years."

"Yeah your games were only a few years ago though right?"


I start on tying up knots. I know for a fact that the ones I make are not fancy and not known very well by no one else. I tie the knots I have always tied for my traps. They never come apart so I use them often and for just about everything.

Finnick has left the survival station. Jacob motions for me to come over to the knife throwing station.

He hands me a knife and says, "Ok so I got a basket of apples for us to mess with from the cafeteria."

I know exactly what he is referring to. When he took me to practice my aim for the first time when my other brothers were busy he taught me a game where he would put an apple on his head and he would not be allowed to flinch as I threw a knife at the apple. He almost never flinched.

It took me months to not flinch now I almost never flinch and he never misses and neither do I.

He standing in front of one of the targets and I throw a knife and it hits the apple perfectly. He laughs and says, "My turn."

He takes the knife and hands me a apple. He hits the apple and I don't even flinch.

A peacekeeper catches us and makes us stop. We stop and the rest of training goes by quickly.

When we are done Luca is waiting for us and he says, "How did it go?"

"Well it went better then you think I talked with Finnick a bit he seemed cool. I also worked on survival skills." I say to Luca.

"Wow you actually talked to someone?" He says playfully.

I playfully slap his arm and Luca looks at Jacob waiting for him to say something.

Jacob says, "I talked with Peeta and he seems cool. Although I am not sure Katniss is too into sponsors right at the moment."

Luca seems calm about it and shrugs. I decide I am gonna stay in my room tonight. I exuse myself and leave Luca and Jacob to talk.

When I get to my room I pull the blanket over my head. I lay down deep in thought. It is  interrupted by Lica knocking on the door.

"Aina it is time for dinner come on."

"I am not hungry."

The door opens. Crap I forgot to lock it. He walks in and I pull the blankets off my head and he is sitting at the bottom of my bed.

He says, "Aina are you ok?"

"Honestly, No but I will be fine just give me a minute."

Luca knows me too well and wraps his arms around me pulling me close to him. My head rests in his heart.

"Aina don't worry you and Jacob will get out of the games. And for Adrian, Noah and Zack, I know that will never be ok. I can tell you for a fact that it will be different without them. I know this is gonna be hard but we will go through it together."

"Thanks" I whisper.

I get up and we walk to go get dinner.


I am sorry for the training bit being kinda a vague I didn't have too many idea for that. I hope you liked reading this chapter.

Thanks for reading!

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