Chapter 17

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A few week later

Everyone sits quietly. I have a few new scars on my back. They are probably still bleeding but I don't care enough to check.

I have been whipped, electrocuted, burned, and worse of all the tracker jacker venom.

I only got the tracked venom three more times after that first time. But it was still pure torture.

Thanks to this torture I have developed a habit of digging my nails into my arms. I originally started this habit to distract from the pain of my cuts from the whipping and now do it when I am stressed.

So I have the scars on my arm from the times my nails broke the skin.

I think they started using the venom on Peeta. I can only tell by his dazed expression that he wears when he has been coming back for the past few days.

Peeta had another interview. He still acts like Katniss is being used by the rebels even though I consistently remind him she is doing this willingly.

Annie has gotten it pretty easy considering how she obviously has no information.

She still screams randomly and will laugh at inappropriate times. But I think she went insane after her games so this is nothing new.

I can only calm her down by singing the song. She is other then that very nice.

Out of all of us, me and Joanna seem to be holding up the best. Peeta still talks but his voice shakes and he seems more uncertain.

I sit in the corner of my cell. Not curled up just sitting. Letting the cuts and scabs on my back slightly rub against the wall.

Peeta sits down still dazed, Annie sits quietly humming the tune of some song from district 4.

"Peeta, are you okay?" I ask my voice surprisingly clear and pure considering our situation.

He just nods. I get up and walk next to his cell. I reach my hand through the bars and place it on his shoulder delicately.

"Peeta don't worry we will get out I promise. Cross my heart." I say using the childish promise on accident.

He looks at me I can see in his eyes he is on the edge about to break.

"Aina, no one is coming to help! And the capital isn't gonna let us out! How can you make a promise like that if you know you won't be able to keep it?" He asks raising his voice.

"I know they are coming. My brothers wouldn't just leave me like that." I say my voice sounding skittish and small.

"How. How do you know that?" He says.

"I just know, okay. I know that Katniss, Finnick, Luca, and Jacob are probably working on a way to get us out as we speak." I say defensively.

"I don't know how you can possibly be so hopeful. We are being tortured, and they will probably kill us in a few days. How are you still so full of hope?" He says.

"I guess that is just how I was raised. No matter what happened, no matter how many times the peacekeepers would beat us senseless we still had hope that one day it would get better." I say trying to explain myself.

"But what about the fact you may die?" He says.

"I am not scared of death. If I die then so be it. I have already accepted that life is short and I need to always be prepared for the worst. So the thought of death doesn't ever bug me." I say sounding older then I am.

"Yeah that makes sense. I was prepared to die in the quarter quell, for Katniss. I guess as long as she was alive it didn't matter if I was dead or not." He says.

I nod listening.

"I guess it is the same here. But I don't know if she is okay or not." He says.

"She is. I over heard a peacekeeper say something about her filming propaganda for the rebels." I say.

"She is being forced to do those. To help them. She wouldn't help them if she knew what she was doing." He says.

"Porbresito, you really believe that, don't you." I say mockingly.

"Yes I do. She wouldn't do that." He says getting defensive.

"Ok. Ok jeez." I say.

"Sorry. But I just know she isn't doing that." He says tiredness visible in his voice.

"That is okay." I say calmly.

"What is today's date anyway?" Peeta asks.

"I think it is September 15." I say silently realizing yesterday was my fifteenth birthday.

He nods and stares at the floor. So I leave back to my corner.

I still keep my hair in a tight bun even though it sometimes opens the cuts on my back.


I know this one is shorter then normal just wanted to finish it before midnight. I hope you like it so far. If you don't you can offer ideas for a new future fanfic because this one is gonna end in a month or so if we keep the way we're going.

Thanks for reading!

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