White noise

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Camila shivered while she stood out side the tour bus waiting for Austin. It had been a month since they'd last seen each other, when they were touring together.
They both had crazy work schedules so it was hard for them to find time together.
She'd been standing there for over an hour when she decided to call him to see what was taking him so long.

"Hey where are you I've been waiting here forever" camila said shakily through her chattering teeth.

"Sorry baby I got called into the studio I completely forgot I was meant to call you" Austin replied.

"Well when are you going to be here?" Camila snapped starting to get annoyed.

"I don't know how long I'm gonna be in the studio but it won't be early enough to see you, maybe if I have time tomorrow before I fly back to New York I could see you" He said.

"Weren't you meant to stay the week?" camila replied

"All that got switched around, I have to fly back for interviews" Austin sighed.

"So when will I see you again.." camila said trying not to get mad

"Two weeks tops, once I get this album press sorted we can spend all the time you want... Okay?" Austin could sense she was mad but there was nothing he could do this was his career on the line.

"Ok" camila said timidly, "goodnight"

"Night baby"

Camila walked back into the tour bus, Normani and Ally were watching a movie on the sofa.

"Hey wheres Austin, wasn't he meant to stay with you tonight?"

"Yea his schedule got switched about he has to fly back to New York"

"Was he outside with you"

"No he's at the studio" camila said fixing her hair behind her ear before looking at the floor. "I called him"

"It's freezing out there didn't you bring a jacket"

"I wasn't planning on staying out there that long to be honest.. I'm just gonna head to bed I'm tired and we have a long day tomorrow" camila sadly smiled.


"Have you seen dinah?" Camila said looking around noticing she wasn't in her bunk.

"No she's out with siope.. Date night" ally replied.

"Oh okay" camila sighed.

She was getting into her bunk when she started crying. It wasn't loud enough for the girls to notice since they were so far away when she heard someone talk.

"Camila are you okay?" Lauren asked worried.

"Yea I'm fine I was just looking forward to seeing Austin"

" you'll see him soon though right?"

"Yea I just hate sleeping in this bunk by myself I haven't seen him in so long, long distance is hard"

"You can sleep with me tonight if you want I get lonely at night too"

"Yea but you're not in a relationship"

"Well thanks for the confidence boost" Lauren joked

"I didn't mean it like that" camila said realising what she implied

"I know I'm just kidding" Lauren said calmly

Camila smiled while staring at Lauren until she was brought back to herself when Lauren spoke.

"So do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

"W-what.. oh uh yea" camila stammered.

She climbed into the bunk beside Lauren turning to face her, she realised how small the bunks are when their faces we're practically touching.

"Sorry" camila said shuffling out a bit.

"It's fine camila" Lauren said

"Do you mind if we cuddle?" Camila asked shyly playing with her hands.

"Okay" Lauren sighed as camila's arms wrapped around her.

Their faces we're close enough that they could feel each other's breath.

They stayed like this for what felt like forever. Camila had never felt this way around Lauren before. They had always been close but they'd never shared a bed before. Camila didn't know whether it was her lack of intimacy with anyone in so long or her lack of intimacy with Lauren recently but she couldn't help but feel the waves of emotion coming over her when she looked at her.

"Friends. Best friends." Ran through her head. "Nothing more, your only thinking about kissing her because you miss Austin stop it. We've just gotten back to being close again don't mess it up just because you're lonely".

"Lauren are you asleep?" Camila asked

"No wh-"

Lauren was cut off by camila's lips on hers.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Lauren I don't know what I was thinking" camila gasped while getting out the bunk.

"Camz wait.." Lauren breathed but camila was already leaving the tour bus.

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