chapter 1

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"Agk" Kanashe said as he was stabed he spit up some blood his eyes nerrowed "god cant you be a good little target and sit still and let me kill you already" Kanashe said he didn't show his pain considering the 3 deep and painful wounds "im not going to die you fucker" the man screamed as he went to slash at him again Kanashes ears twitched he glanced behind the man then sighed he clearly got bord. "Im bord so lets finish things already" Kanashe said he dodged and slashed at the mans neck blood splattered everywhere Kanashe smiled and laughed but soon stoped he griped his side "damn these wounds hurt i really thought that i had every knife left the metal no longer exists wonder how he got it" Kanashe mumbled as he grabbed the knife he them burned a symbol it was an x with a dot in each space it was Kanashes signature he then spit up some more blood "damn it i cant telaport right now" Kanashe mumbled he then walked to the allyway nobody saw him as it was about 11pm so very few people were awake and out by the park he stopped walking as he made it in a few feet he then grabbed his shoulder in pain his hair was in his face he coughed up some blood he leaned against the wall and looked up at the sky he was practically expressionless his hand fell to his side he was distracted Sato was walking when he could smell blood he followed the sent and found Kanashe he knew who Kanashe was and what he does but he was calm and wasn't afraid he walked to Kanashe "hey you're really hurt would you like some help" Sato said Kanashe looked over at Sato at first he seemed annoyed and aggressive but soon relized it was Sato and his eyes soften a bit he still looked aggressive though, but he didn't say anything "so can i help or no?" Sato said he had a calming toun of voice Kanashe slowly slid down the wall and on the ground as he lost a lot of blood and needed a little break "yah sure" Kanashe said he closed his eyes he didn't want to do anything at the moment "um would you like to go yo my place or something?" Sato said "i cant necessarily stand or walk right now" Kanashe said he seemed annoyed for some reason "well i can telaport us" Sato said with a smile Kanashe opened his eyes and looked at Sato "look i don't mind if you help 'cuse i dont feel like doing it muself but i really dont trust you Sato what if you call the police" Kanashe said Sato flinched at his name "how did you know my name" Sato asked "i know everyones name and i also know that you want to figure out who saved you as a kid but you cant remember 'cuse they altered your memory" Kanashe said Sato was frozen "you know what i changed my mine im leaving" Kanashe said he forced himself to his feet he started to walk away Sato flinched then walked to Kanashe and grabbed his wrist "no just let me help i promise i wont call the police i dont really care but you're wounds are bad" Sato said Kanashe didn't move his lips parted like he was gonna say something but he didn't "Kanashe?" Sato said "your annoyingly persistent" Kanashe said then smiled "so i guess i cant say no, but if you try calling the cops ill kill you" Kanashe said his eyes held a crazed look "dont worry i wont" Sato said he closed his eyes and tilted his head and smiled Kanashe looked at Sato and his smile Kanashe laughed "so where we gonna go" Kanashe asked Sato look Kanashe in his eyes "my place" Sato said Kanashe looked into Satos eyes and thought to himself 'hes wide open he does know i could kill him at any moment right...' Kanashe was the first to look away Sato telaported them to his own room "take your jacket shirt and undershirt off" Sato said Kanashe laughed a bit "you said that so casually" Kanashe said as the removed his jacket shirt and undershirt he was rather skinny but he had abs "my gender was never identified and i do have a rather feminine look" Kanashe said Sato laughed "i wasnt to sure of your gender i just had a gut feeling though" Sato said a light blush grew to Kanashes face "perv" Kanashe mumbled he ignored the blood that poured from his 3 wounds Sato walkes to a desk and grabbed bandages and stuff to clean the wound "no im not and even of you were a female i wouldn't care" Sato said then walked to Kanashe "im gay anyway" Sato said Kanashe laughed "oh wow straight to the point huh" Kanashe said he then looked at his wounds his eyes showed he was in pain "oh well and you ready its gonna sting" Sato said Kanashe closed his eyes "dont worry i wont feel a thing" Kanashe said with a smile Sato sighed then started to tend to Kanashes wound soon after he was finished Kanashe grabbed his undershirt and shirt and put them on "you wanna take a shower?" Sato asked since Kanashe still had blood on him "nah ill take one when i get home i should be able to use my abilities again in a few minutes" Kanashe said as he stood up he walked around the room and looked at things "how did you know my name and that peace of my past earlier?" Sato asked Kanashe looked over at Sato he smiled and telaported behind Sato and wrapped his arms around his waist "look at that i can telaport again maybe i should go home i mean the police could come at any moment right and for a few different things" Kanashe said avoiding the question Sato looked ahead "id like it if youd stay and you wouldn't kill me im not a target am I" Sato said Kanashes eyes widen he hugged Sato a bit tighter but soon loosened his grip "actually Sato..." Kanashe said he let go and stood up straight "you are a target" Kanashe said Satos eyes widen his lips slightly parted like he wanted to say something but couldn't Kanashe then walked to the bed and grabbed his jacket he reached into his back pocket and grabbed his phone to check the time he then looked at Sato "arnt you gonna run scream cry or call the police?" Kanashe said as he put his phone back in his jacket pocket and put his jacket on he looked out the window Sato looked at the ground he was slightly shaking "no" Sato mumbled out Kanashe looked at Sato and everything fell silent Kanashe walked to Sato the sound of Kanashes boots hitting the ground was heard Sato was clearly shaking Kanashe wrapped his arms around Sato and Sato closed his eyes tightly he unconsciously held his breathe "Sato id never kill you" Kanashe said Sato froze he stopped shaking and opened his eyes and let out a small breath "why though i dont understand" Sato said Kanashe put a small peace of paper with his own number and address on it in Satos back pocket he then let got and Sato look him in the eyes Kanashe smiled "because i have no need to" Kanashe said Sato fell to his knees Kanashe patted Sato head "dont worry i wont let anyone kill you" Kanashe said then telaported home he walked to his closet and grabbed another outfit he then walked to the bathroom and put the clothes on the counter he looked at himself in the mirror "i must seriously be an idiot" Kanashe mumbled to himself he then got undressed and took a shower and went to sleep soon after Sato was unable to sleep the entire night he started at the peace of paper wondering if he even should or if he should call the police he sighed "no i shouldn't i promised" Sato lowly mumbled "but i do need to figure a few things out tomorrow..." Sato mumbled

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