chapter 7

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Chishiki stood up "Kanashe whats going on you never switch like that and your genuinely more calm then normal" Chishiki said Kanashe looked at Chishiki his own eyes dull "well i had finally found someone worth while but i have a feeling they hate me now and im just weak in general right now anyway if yall have dont have any other questions ill ta-" Kanashe said but got interrupted by Kaori "how long have you been researching this" Kanashe looked at Kaori "as a matter of fact ive known how to kill a god like us for about a thousand years but before i didn't have a good reason i didn't care about Rina but now i have someone i need to protect and frankly if Rina kills Sato id make me strong enough to kill at least 2 gods you see the whole majority vote thing just lets me borrow some power from each god but as soon as i use it to kill a god its gone and that is all i can use it for oh and i need to get one more thing straight with yall it doesn't kill a god even though thats what im saying it sends the to a empty relm of witch nobody can escape because it makes them human but there is no death or reproduction in the realm one more thing the god sent there will be put in his or her own cell they will never see tuch or talk to another person again so in a way its a fate worse than death my original plan with the spell was to try and find a way to let a god such as ourselvess finaly have peace but as far as i know thats not an option" Kanashe said kind of lying but not at the same time Kaori sat down Izanami walked to Kanashe and whispered something Kanashe glanced at Kaori then dead ahead he shook his head yes then Izanami went and sat down "you all heard about sato right" Kanashe said as he sato down he forgot he wanted to tell them something most said yes but a few didn't know "a few years ago i met this kid and i grew attached i was in and out of his life but he has no book and no god or mortal created him he also had no death date" Kanashe explained the gods that didn't know were now confused "i recently remembered we didn't have a book while we were mortals and when we became gods they appeared and already had the record of our mortol lives but considering the information we have on Sato I really have reason to believe he may just become a god after he dies" Kanashe said it was clear he was dead serious Kanashe seemed different he wasn't angry and he wasn't emotionless he had this seriousness to him which threw some of the gods off because Kanashe never took anything to seriously Izanami sighed "honestly i think so to ive been around him a few times and if he does become a god he wont be a weak one hes rather strong as is but he just doesn't know it yet" Izanami said "maybe you could bring him the next meeting" Sarah said the rest of the god thought it was a good idea Kanashe growled but stopped immediately "fine but he stayes near me and in my sight at all times now im leving cuse my vote will not change no matter what and im not feeling to well oh and try to make yalls decision soon im not sure how longs ill be able to stop myself from killing him a thousand times over befor then" Kanashe said the last bit with a smile he then telaported home he walked to his bed and sat down "Sato i know your still here come here i wanna talk" Kanashe yelled Sato walked in the room "yes my true name is Nala but as far as im conserned its Kanashe thats why i didnt tell you my name i didn't want you to seen the pictures or video because i was rather scary back then" Kanashe said he keept a smile on and a some what happy toun he tried to hide any doubt Sato looked Kanashe in the eyes "Kanashes are you scared that i fear you now?" Sato said laughing a little Kanashe flinched "hey dont laugh about it" Kanashe said Sato huged Kanashe "dont worry i believe in you oh and by the way you should really clean yourself up you have dried blood all over you" Sato said "i forgot about that i wonder why the council didn't question it oh right the next time i have a Council meeting they want you to be there will you go?" Kanashe said "sure why not oh and Kanashe what is your sexuality you never told me but you know mine" Sato said "um well in a way im Pansexual if i fall in love i dont care what they are" Kanashe said Sara showed up "Kanashe about your offer its been agreed your allowed to kill him oh and the next mee-..." Sara said but stopped talking when she saw Sato she walked to him "so this is Sato you made him seem like so much more" Sara said Kanashe growled then sighed he walked to Sara and hugged he from behind "Come on stop im sure ive stated hes mine" Kanashe said Sato looked away he seemed slightly annoyed "i know i just wanted a closer look at him and it looks like your friend isn't to happy" Sara said Kanashe looked at Sato and smiled "1 shes lesbian 2 shes like a little sister to me 3 shes dating and finally 4 ive already taken an interest to you so dont worry" Kanashe said as he let go of Sara and walked around Sara and huged Sato "Kanashe your very confusing" Sato said Kanashe hugged him a bit tighter his face was shoved against Satos neck so kanashe was practically bending over he then mumbled "i will protect you at all costs i promise you" a small protection mark was made on sato without Sato knowing Sato didn't understand a word but Sara herd him clearly "what did you say" Sato asked Kanashe lert go and stood up straight and said "nothing i have to go for a bit i get to kill Rina oh and Sara whens the next meeting?" Sara looked at Kanashe "well whenever you finesh killing him" She said then left Sato stood ther a bit confused Kanahse walked to Sato and grabbed his hand your coming with me i need to kill Rina first" Kanashe said and telaported them to a park then called Rina and told him to meet him Rian almost immediately appeared Kanashe smiled "thanks for telling him he actually got closer to me along with the rest of the council and nobody is calling me Nala" Kanashe said he walked closer to Rina then grabbed him by the hair and put his thumb on Rinas forhead which activitied the spell and sent Rinas spirit to that relm of cells his body didn't go though Kanashe grabbed Sato again and telaported them to the godly relm

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