chapter 17

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"Ok what is it?" Kanashe said Yuki looked at Sato "no we need to talk alone" Yuki said Kanashe and Sato looked at eachother them back at them "why cant we talk here?" Kanashe said "dont worry Kanashe ill just go home" Sato said then kissed Kanashes cheek then left "ok so now what" kanashe said annoyed "follow us" Takara said "ok fine" Kanashe said and followed them to the only room that had no windows no other exits other than the one door and no camras Kanashe walked to the table and sat down Yuki locked the door and put up a barrier Kanashe had no idea it was there he tapped his foot on the ground "how long have the dreams been going on?and whats happening in them" Yuki asked Kanashe glanced around "its just us dont worry" Takara said kanashe put his hands on the table and glared at them "i dont want to talk about that" Kanashe growled "ok then how do you feel" Takara asked Kanashe tuched his pins and growled "i cant believe i didnt notice "how did yall even manage to brake them and replace them without me noticing" Kanashe growled and he stood up both Takara and Yuki backed up "Kanashe you dont understand if-" Yuki started to say but Takara grabbed his arm to stop him Yuki looked at him "WHAT WHAT DAMNIT" Kanashe yelled he reverted to his true form "we already knew about the bad dreams because Sato told us a week ago thats when we broke the pins to see if it would help we tried a few different things but Yuki cant enter your dreams we want to know whats cousing this because the other day you damn near destroyed the earth" Takara said Kanashe flenched "wait was that why izanami and Sera where at my house when i woke up and tried distracting me?" Kanashe said "yes damnit" Yuki said "look we just need to know what caused the dreames to start" Takara said Kanashe growled he tried to telaport out "let me out" Kanashe said pissed "answer one question" Yuki said "what!" Kanashe screamed "when did they start?" Takara asked Kanashe growled "like 2 months ago but its nothing just ignore it" Kanashe said the barrier fell "stop being such a bother" Kanashe said reverting to the form he was always in he then telaported to his house he walked to the kitchen and saw Sato cooking Kanashe sighed "you rarly cook what is it now or is this a way to apologize for telling them about the dreams" Kanashe said leaning on the island counter "an apoloy" Sato said laughing a bit Kanashe sighed he crouched over his arms lay flat his face aginst the counter "im fine a few bad dreams never hurt anyone" Kanashe said "you almost destroyed the earth" Sato said "Takara and Yuki broke my pins" Kanashe said "dosent matter" Sato said as he made the plates Kanashe sniffed the air he bolted up and ran to Sato "your forgiven" Kanashe said smiling as he looked at what Sato made he huged and kissed Sato "ima start making you cook this more often" Kanashe said gripping his plate Sato laughed then they both walked to the table a few hours passed kanashe was laying in the bed staring at the roof "can you tell me about the dream you had this morning?" Sato said as he walked in the room and sat next to him Kanashe looked over at him "i dont want to talk about it all it is is a stupid dream" Kanashe said "you were screaming and crying" Sato said worried Kanashe closed his eyes "youv hade that one dream that felt so real you woke up crying right" Kanashe said "yah.. But this has been happening for way to long" Sato said "im tired can we just go to bed its been a long day" Kanashe said Sato sighed he kissed Kanashe and noticed his hair was still wet but said nothing the next morning Sato was already up he was in the livingroom kanashes heart beat speeding up he was twisting and turning he was in a cold sweat "no stop it" Kanashe mumbled his breathing was speeding up more and he startes to screamed tears roled down his face "NO STOP!" Kanashe screamed agin Sato ran into the room the earth shook Kanashe jolted up screaming his entire body was shaking he couldent stop crying or shaking Sato got next to him and hugged him but Kanashe still didn't calm down his heart rate was way to fast "shhh its ok im here dont worry" Sato said Kanashe soon stoped crying and calmed down Sato looked at Kanashe woried as he let go "are you ok now" Sato asked "yah just a bit off cuse i know exactly what is and isn't a dream but when im asleep its impossible for me to tell and lets put it at the dreams are getting bad" Kanashe said as he stood up and stretched Sato sighed Kanashe grabed his boots and put them on he pland on doing something when they both then got notified if a meeting Kanashe growled in annoyance then telaported there without fixing his hair or anything else Sato went too Izanami looked at Kanashe and walked to him handing him a brush "your hair is a mess" Izanami said Kanashe grabbed it and brilushed his hair then loosely braded his hair and tied the rubber band everyone then walked to their chair and sat down kuro skiped "what is this about" Kanashe asked clearly annoyed "its about you Kanashe" yuki said Kanashe rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair "nothings wrong with me im fine" Kanashe said "not like yall care" Kanashe mumbled Eichi looked at him "i can hear your yah know" Eichi grkwled out "blablabla" Kanashe screamed Eichi flenched "kanashe stop yelling" Ami said Sato looked at Kanashe "Kanashe you have to tell us about the dreams befor we force you to" Yuki said kanashes eye twitched "you all need to leave me alone all ready its realy pissing me off i had enough yesterday with Takara and Yuki" Kanashe growled Yuki and Takara both flenched Chisiki glared at them "you two did what" Chisiki said

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