chapter 11

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"I do...." Kanashe mumbled he looked Sato in the eyes tears ran down his own face at this point "Then why do you keep leaving me behind its not fair every time i seem to get close to you you just fucking leave why damnit just tell me why!" Sato screamed and cried Kanashe flenched he looked away "because im scared damnit i care so much about you but everything dies and i cant figure out when you die and your so unpredictable it scares me i dont want to get that close to anyone because every time i do they hurt me or die" Kanashe said Sato put his face against Kanashes chest his grip on Kanashe lose and he cried even more "i would never..... I would never hurt you and i wont die for a long time" Sato cried Kanashe stared at the roof "im sorry i know nothing i say will be a good exuse but i haven't told anyone something yet ever since i killed Rina like permanently ive been in a lot of pain i apparently absorbed his power but my body cant handle it because it's not what I'm, used to and i can constantly hear his voice screaming and yelling at me i hate it" Kanashe said threw tears Sato stopped crying he hugged Kanashe and slowly moved his head up to the nape of Kanashes at this point he just laied ontop of Kanashe who wrapped his arms around Sato "Kanashe im sorry" Sato mumbled out kanshe gently rubbed Satos back "its ok its not your fault id probably react the same way so if anyone is sorry i am" Kanashe Sato shook his head no "no im sorry about what happened at my place i didnt know they were like that" Sato said kanashe hugged Sato a bit tighter "dont be i already knew how they'd react i only got annoyed because they tuched my hair pins i dont like anyone but Izanami, Sara, or you tuching them as you know they hold my power and frankly in a few years ima challenge Chishiki to another battle to get my power back" Kanashe said Sato lifted his head he was right above Kanashes face "so i can tuch them?" Sato said as he moved his hand to the pins and softly tuched them Kanashe glanced at Satos lips but immediately closed his eyes "uh Sato your like realy close" Kanashe said Sato laughed "whats the matter with that we slept together last night so this is nothing" Sato said Kanashe opened his eyes and looked Sato in the eyes then flipped them around so he was ontop of Sato his face right above Satos "you know your really cute up close" Kanashe said Satos face went bright red "hey its only fun when im the one on top" Sato said Kanashe smiled then kissed Sato he then looked Sato in the eyes Satos face was bright red "hey thats not fair" Sato said Kanashe smiled then laughed and laied next to him "sorry but you make it to easy and if i see someone like that i normally take the opportunity especially if i have an interest in that person" Kanashe said Sato was quite for a moment "Kanashe can i ask you something and you be completely honest" Sato said Kanashe looked at Sato "yah sure what is it" Kanashe said Sato sat up and looked at him "are thers othe like me to you" Sato said Kanashe sat up and looked at him "of course not why would you ask that?" Kanashe said a bit worried Sato was shaking a bit "because you talk like youd just go around doing things like this with anyone sometimes" Sato said Kanashe flenched "Sato im sorry i made it seem like that but just so you know a very long time ago there was a few people who i had a relationship similar to yours but i knew them a lot longer but they only thought of me as a dad or something so yah" Kanashe said "i know Izanami told me that but any time he starts to tell me about you he just stops talking" Sato said Kanashe hugged Sato "i dont like my past its very...... Dark"Kamashe said Sato laied back "ok but Kanashe every once and a while can you tell me a few stories" Sato said Kanashe looked at Sato "ill be right back dont go anywhere the other gods will be pissed but i have to go get something" Kanashe said then left Sto glanced at the door then closed his eyes after a bit Kanashe returned he telaported them both to Satos house "hey wanna hear a story" Kanashe said Sato immediately sat up and looked at him "of course" Kanashe sat next to him "hey im not saying its my story" Kanashe said Sato sighed and Kanashe smiled "once upon a time there was this boy and he was alone for a very long time..... but one day he met someone and the little boy not knowing what he was getting himself into he fell in love..... and every day the little boy tried to convince himself the other was in love as well they were dating...... and even though the little boy knew he was being used and the boy he fell in love with would tell him stories of other people and after a few years the other boy tourchered and beat the little boy...... and scramed he never loved him.... the little boy cried cuse he knew it all along and something about him changed in that moment...... the years of him being kind he snaped he yelled at the man and got free from the ropes and killed the boy.... he once was in love with but he fell to his knees tears ran down his face he tried to contain himself and after a year he killed himself at the age of 23 because he was tired of being alone....but what felt like a second he was back but something was different it felt like everything was different and it he knew he was something grater now but he changed his name because just thinking about it brought him pain" Kanashe said but got cut off "Kanashe whats the point of the story and who is the boy" Sato said Kanashe laughed "he became the god of deth the little boys name was Nala. So Sato that was my story"Kanashe said laughing a little

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