chapter 21

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Sato put Kanashe on the nursing bed he dropped to his knees and screamed again tears streaming down his face Izanami walked into the room he looked at Kanashe his eyes widen he walked to Sato pulled him up and hugged him "shh you need to calm down you dont know how to control your power so calm down befor you destroy this place Sato took many deep breaths then backed up his eyes widen "Shit ill be right back" Sato said worried then telaported back to the bunker he immediately looked at Sosa dead body and ran to him grabbing him them telaported them to the godly relm again "i think he said his name was Sosa hes the one who did this" Sato said throwing Sosa on the ground he walked to the bed and sat next to him Sato stared at kanashes dead body tears streamed down his face Izanami looked at Sosa and grabed him ill be back" Izanami said then left to lock Sosa away then called Sara and Chisiki they both showed up right after the call "how bad is it" Sara asked Izanami as soon as she got there "his body is in the infirmary go see him yourself Sato is in there" Izanami said he sat down and closed his eyes "i cant go in there just yet" Izanami said Sara shook her head Sara and Chisiki walked to the infirmary they looked at Kanashe and both flenched Sara ran to them "what the hell happened" Chisiki said walking to them Sara put her hands on the wound "i im sorry" Sato mumbled in tears "what happened to him Sato!" Sara said as she grabbed the sheets Sato was shaking his eyes wide "sosa he he killed him" sato mumbled "DAMNIT GIVE ME DETAILS!" Sara yelled Sato explained the what happened
Sosa was imprisoned in the godly realm kanashe was out of it for about 54 years Sato spent the years trying to find a way to wake him up sooner but failed every time he had truble using power non of the gods had any idea on how to use the power because kanashe was the only god that could tell who had what power and how to use them
Sato was sitting on a chair next to the bed asleep because he had been there for the past 4 hours and he hasnt got to much sleep lately Kanashes fingers twitched he was stirring he woke up he put his hand over his eyes and sighed he sat up and looked around and looked at Sato and softly smiled he slowly got up his legs wobbled a bit but he laughed a bit then walked to Sato and softly kissed him on the cheek "time to wake up baby" Kanashe whispered in Satos ear sato jolted awake at the sound of Kanashes voice he looked at Kanashe and jumped on him pushing him on the ground Kanashe coughed a bit sato was in tears Kanashe wrapped his arms around Sato "You seem off how long was i out" Kanashe asked Sato only higged him tighter he was crying a lot "ive been trying for years to get you up your finally awake damnit" Sato cried Kanashe was silent for a minute "just how long was i out" kanashe asked now a bit concerned "54 years your were dead for 54 damn years" Sato cried kanashes eyes widened tears formed in his eyes his arms fell to the ground "i im sorry" Kanashe mumbled Izanami walked in to check on Sato and Kanashe he looked at Kanashe "what the hell" Izanami said his eyes wide kanashe looked at Izanami he whiped his tears "well i guess it looks like im back a few hundred years eirly" kanashe said Sato just laid his head on Lanashes chest listening to his heartbeat "Sato how did you do it" izanami asked walking to them "i didnt the last time i tried was a month ago it couldn't have been that and i was asleep when he woke up" Sato said Kanashe stared at the roof his eyes dull his mouth slightly open sato sat upand looked at kanashe "kanashe is something wrong?" Sato asked kanashe looked at him "yah im fine" Kanashe said smiling Sato kissed Kanashe and put his forhead on Kanashes "im sorry i wish i never fell for sosas damn trick its my fault you were killed im sorry" Sato cried kanashe hugged Sato "dont be sorry i fell for his trick to and please dont say its your fault you are not the reason i was killed i was killed because i was stupid and hurt Sosa first im just happy he didnt hurt you i dont think i could go threw that again" Kanashe said rubbing Satos back Izanami stared at them "Sosa is locked up in one of the cells in the basement" Izanamai said Sato finaly got up Kanashe stood up " in that case i need to do something" Kamashe said walking yo the door "Im going with you!" Sato said runing to him Kanashe turned around and smiled "no ill be fine i need to do this myself" kanashe said with a smile he walked to the basement and to Sosas cell he looked Sosa in the eyes Sosa struggled againt the chains "Sosa i understand killing me but why didn't you hurt Sato" kanashe asked Sosa laughed "you have no idea what i did to him so dont say that" Kanashe looked at the ground " Im sorry Sosa" Kanashe said Sosa went silent he stared at Kanashe "what does that mean?" Sosa asked kanashe put his hands in his pockets "i shouldn't have done what i did to you all those years ago so im sorry and... Thank you. You made me realize just hoe much i do want to be alive i wont kill you but you will be here for a while and if you ever decided to die ill help you find the sucsesser" kanashe said Dosa eyes widened he stared at kanashe "where was that additude with Rina you asshole" Sosa screamed Kanashe flenched "me and Rina had a more personal grudge" kanashe said then lefthe waslked to his room in the godly relm and started to go threw his stuff he then grabed a earing then walked to the mirror and put it in his left ear it was long gold and kinda small chain like "damnit why can i just fucking do it again"Kanashe cried as he dropped to his knees "by do it again do you mean repressing your own memorys" sato said

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