chapter 16

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Satos eyes lit up he immediately hugged Kanashe "Yes yes a thousand times yes" Sato said clearly happy Kanashe smiled "now i believe you will be mine tonight" Kanashe whispers laighing a bit Kanashe put the ring on Satos finger "i call telling them you proposed" Sato said laughing Kanashe flenched "hey i was the one who proposed and come on you know how weird they get theyll make such a big deal about it" Kanashe said laughing a bit Sato smiled and kissed him "oh im tellling them" Sato said looking at the ring smiling "fine but can it at least wait till tomorrow i just want you all night" Kanashe said pushing him on the couch and getting ontop of him Sato smiled "ok fine but lets take this to the bedroom" Sato said
The next morning
Kanashe was still asleep nither of them were clothed but kanashe still had his gloves on Sato looked at Kanashe "hes so cute when hes asleep" Sato mumbled as he put his chin on Kanashes chest he looked at his ring and smiled " sato" Kanashe mumbled his heart raced he was in a cold sweat and screaming tears roled down his face Sato sat up looking at him "kana-" Sato started to say but Kanashe screamed louder and jolted up his eyes wide "shhh everything is ok" Sato whispers hugging him kanashe immediately looked at him tears in his eyes "it was just a dream" Sato whispers again "a dream?" Kanashe mumbled but his heart rate soon returned to normal and Kanashe hugged Sato "sorry if i scared you it was just a bad dream" Kanashe mumbled tears still rolled down his face though Sato looked Kanashe in the eyes "its fine dont worry but are you ok" Sato asked Kanashe whiped his tears and softly smiled "yah ima go wash up" Kanashe said after about 20 minutes both Kanashe and Sato were ready Kanashe was sitting on the couch leaned back his hair was down like always Sato walked in "Kanashe can i brade your hair?" Sato asked Kanashe looked at him and laughed "fine but you have to wear the dress at the wedding" Kanashe said "no you look like a girl more than i do" Sato said Kanashe laughed we will talk about that later but yah you can do my hair" Kanashe said sitting up Sato smiled as he sat next to kanashe he put it up in a tight pony tail then fishtail braded it once he fineshed he softly rubbed kanashes ears "your ears are so flufy" Sato said laughing Kanashes face went bright red "hey thats not fair" Kanashe mumbled out Sato stopped and hugged him then kissed him he shoved his tung into Kanashes mouth Kanashe smiled and kissed back but dominated the kiss after a few minutes Sato backed away "how about we go now" Sato said laughing a bit knowing he was bout to get a lot more than just kissing "i still think i should tell them" Kanashe complained "to bad" Sato said they both then telaported to the godly relm Kanashe looked around "why are you all here?" Kanashe asked "we just finished a meeting that you two skiped" Chisiki said Kanashe and Sato flenched "that was today?" They both said Chishiki sighed and some of the others laughed Izanami looked at Satos ring and smirked "oh well guess what" Sato said in a excited toun of voice kanashe had his own hands in his back pockets hiding the ring he had on "what?" Sara said Sato healed up his hand showing them the ring "Kanashe proposed to me!" Sato said Izanami walked to Kanashe "didn't you say mirage was for idiots" Izanami said laughing Sara grabed Satos hand "omg your ring is so pretty" Sara squealed Chisiki laughed "you did say that" Chishiki said "well i changed my mind assholes" Kanashe said looking away Takara telaported behind Kanashe and grabbed his hand "your ring is nice too" Takara said Kanashe jumped forward his heart raced a bit he spun around "Takara stop doing that its annoying" Kanashe said Ami laughed "i realy thought you were going to be alone forever" Ami said "congrats!" Yumi said patting Kanashe on the back knocking him forward a bit Sato laughed Izanami walked to Sato "so howd it happen?" Izanami asked Yuki looked at Kanashe then walked to him "you look tired did you and him do it all night" Yuki said laugheing Kanashe looked at him "no well yes but that's not why im so tired i just haven't got enough sleep" Kanashe said he then zipped up his jacket because he was cold when Sara saw kanashes ring she ran to him grabbing his hand "yalls rings are so pretty!" Sara said Sato was telling Izanami and the others about how Kanashe proposed "sooo" Yumi said giggling a bit "hm?" Kanashe said looking at her "you owe me $20" Yumi said Kanashe flenched "i know" Kanashe said laughing he reached into his pocket and pulled out the money and Yumi snatched it kanashe yawned he was clearly still tired Yuki looked at him "Kanashe why do you look so tired" Yuki asked "just a few bad dreames but im fine" Kanashe said with a smile "mhm" Yuki said and walked to Sato few hours passed Kanashe was on the couch he sighed and closed his eyes Sato sat next to Kanashe and laied his head on Kanashes shoulder "are you ok?" Sato asked Kansahe laughed "of coure i am im just a bit tired you know how bad these dreams are getting"Kanashe said Sato was silent for a moment "i cant believe we both missed the meeting"Kanashe said "in my defense you were so rough that this morning i didnt have to much on my mind" Sato said pulling down his shirt a bit revealing the hickys Kanashe smiled grabbed Satos shirt and pulled him really close "you wanted it" Kanashe said kissing him Takara and Yuki walked to Kanashe "hey Kanashes lets talk" Takara said Kanashe stoped kissing Sato and looked at them slightly confused as to they practically never talked to him

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