chapter 4

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About 4 weeks later

Kanashe looked at Izanami bags under his eyes he was clearly exhausted "do i have to go back i really don't want to" Kanashe said Izanami sighed "well im tired of having to hide you pluse you wont go outside, eat ,or even sleep just go see him" Izanami said Kanashe growled but stood up "fine whatever" Kanashe said he walked to the door "ill see you later" Izanami said Kanashe opened the door he flinch because the light was kinda bright "i wonder how hes doing...." Kanashe mumbled he looked around he eventually just telaported to Sato he sat down on a chair near Sato "damnit whyd he leave" Sato mumbled as he stared out the window "its only been a 4 weeks" Kanashe said he smiled Sato spun around tears in his eyes he ran to Kanashe and hugged him Kanashe hugged Sato back "hey i promised remember i never break my promises plus Izanami kicked me out and i dont have any access to the heavenly realm at the moment" Kanashe said Sato griped Kanashes jacket a bit tighter "your a asshole and look like shit" Sato said crying a bit harder Kanashe gently rubbed Satos back he put his head aginst Satos shoulder "hey its ok im here now dont worry and thats mean but im fine" kanashe whispers Sato soon let go he looked Kanashe in the eyes a few tears falling here and there Kanashe looked away "why did you leave?" Sato asked "i was scared i didn't know howd you react i cant read you and you keep changing Izanami never created you but your here it terrifies me damnit" Kanashe said Sato flenched "what do you mean?" Sato asked Kanashe took a deep breath and put on a small smile "nevermind but im sorry i just left like that it wasn't fair" Kanashe said he stood up "promise you'll never do that again" Sato said "i promise oh and your 21 right" Kanashe said Sato tilted his head and said "yah why" Kanashe grabbed Satos hand lets go for a drink my treat" kanashe said Sato laughed "yah ok maybe we can get your lonly ass a date" Kanashe said joking then telaported them to a bar Sato punched Kanashe in the arm "ass hole but thanks for taking me" Sato said Kanashe walked to the bar Sato sat next to him they both ordered a drink "Sato do you remember your real parents?" Kanashe asked Sato looked at Kanashe and said "no why" Kanashe grabbed his drink "just curious i cant access any of your memory's befor we met or when i left for some reason" Kanashe said then took a sip of his drink Sato glanced around "i feel like someone is watching me" Sato mumbled Kanashe looked around the locked eyes with someone he smiled then laughed "i found him and he just thinks you're cute" Kanashe said he took another sip of his drink Sato looked at Kanashe then the man "should we talk to him?" Sato asked "thats up to you" Kanshe said he put his drink down and wrapped his arms around Sato "yah know i may have to keep a close eye on you Sato you are really cute i mean who wouldn't wanna have some of-" Kanashe said but stopped talking his ears twitched and he looked behind him his eyes nerrow Sato was a bit red but tilted his head when Kanashe looked behind him "is something wrong" Sato asked Kansahe looked at Sato then sighed "its nothing" Kanashe said as he grabbed his drink and downed the rest of it he drink Sato looked at him a bit worried "hey ill be right back be careful" Kanashe said as he stood up "ok dont be to long" Sato said Kanashe started to walk and said "i wont" he went to the roof and walked to near the edge next to someone "why did you call me Rina?" Kanashe growled Rina looked at Kanashe "well Nala iv missed you" Rina said Kanashe growled he grabbed Rina by the shirt "YOU KNOW MY NAME IS KANASHE NOW I DONT WANT ANYONE KNOWING THAT NAME" Kansahe screamed Rina smiled "but i gave you the name Nala so ill call you that till i get bored of it" Rina said Kansshe punched Rina "i killed you once i will do it a thousand more times you ass hole!" Kanashe said Rina grabbed Kanashe and slowly walked them to the edge "you know i did love you in the end its your fault you had to focus on the bad" Rina said then pushed Kanashe off the edge of kanashe looked at the night sky hiss eyes dull he looked kinda peaceful as he fell he hit the ground and screamed he coughed up a good bit of blood he sat up in pain he heald his wounds he shook his head then ran inside and to Sato he looked at the man who was flirting with Sato and punched him "give it a rest will yah hes mine" Kanahse growled he grabbed Satos hand "we need to leave something bads about to go down" Kanashe said Sato sighed and asked "what did you do?" Kanshe looked at Sato "long story" Kanashe said then telaported them to his own house he looked annoyed "Sato did anyone else talk to you and possible mention someone named Nala?'' Kanashe said Sato was confused "no why whats going on" Sato asked Kanashes ears twitched he walked to the door and locked it and put up a barrier he was clearly pissed Sato sighed then screamed "What the hell is going on" Kanshe looked at him "um well someone from my past is back and i DONT want him anywhere near you cus he will tell you shit and ill either try to kill you or try and leave you" Kanashe said someone then banged on the door "Rina go away i dont want you here" Kanashe said his hands were shaking but he looked like hed kill someone at any moment "Kan-" Sato started to say but Kanshe telaported behind and covered his mouth "shhh quitely go to my room and hide somewhere dont leave or come out till you are sure its me" Kanashe whispers then let go Sato walked to the room and hid in a closet kanashe walked to the door and opened it the barrier still up "come on Nala your being so mean to me" Rina said

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