chapter 15

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"Kanashe" Sato said walking to Kanashe "yah?" Kanashe mumbled glancing at Sato who then walked to him hugged him then kissed him "i love you so much Kanashe so im going with you no matter what" Sato said it was the first time Sato has ever said that Kanashe looked Sato in the eyes with a sweet smile "i love you to im glad oh and if you want i can get you a house if you dont want to live with me and dont have enough" Kanashe said Sato laughed "that was why ive been scared but ive finaly decided it wont be that bad i think id be a nice to live with you now" Sato said Kanashe laughed he put his chin on Satos head tears ran down his face "i realy thought you were going to stay" Kanashe cried Sato hugged Kanashe a bit tighter he was a bit surprised at Kanashe showing such weakness after a few minutes Kanashe sat on the bed and Sato sat next to him "so you ready to start searching for a house" Sato said Kanashe laughed he curlled up and put his head on Satos lap "i dont really want to move and i have some idea of where i wanna go to but i fell like you should chose" Kanashe said "how about this you can chose where and we can agree on what house" Sato said smiling "ive always wanted to live in cape town south Africa i mean ive beem there but not long" Kanashe said "that sounds grate ive always wanted to go there" Sato said laughing a bit Kanashe smiled he closed his eyes and curled up a bit closer "Kanashe are you ok" Sato asked "yah i just really wish we could stay but its to dangerous" Kanashe said Sato smiled "i know" Sato said Kanashe sat up then laied the correct way he stared at the roof Sato got on top of Kanashe and kissed Kanashe and he went to remove Kanashes shirt but kanashe grabbed Satos hand "just because i you finally said i love you it dosent mean we should do it" Kanashe said Sato sat up starghed he was still on Kanashe "why wont you have sex with me" Sato asked Kanashe laughed he closed his eyes "Izanami read your book Sato and he told me a few things like 1 you are a virgin and 2 you have no idea that your capable of getting pregnant" Kanashe said he slowly draged his hand down Satos back and to his lower back Sato flenched "i what but how im a guy" Sato said so confused Kanashe laughed "yah but male dragons and omega wolves whitch you are part of both have the ability to get pregnant and frankly i can get rough so if anything we should wait till i know for a fact that you want it and not just because your horny" Kanashe said Sato sighed "that makes no sense i really do want to do this and not just cus im horny what do i have to do to prove that" Sato said Kanashe was silent for a moment he then used his elbows to sit up as much as possible with Sato being on him "ok how about this whenever you can answer these two questions we can have sex. Why did i realy leave you behind and make you forget me the first time we met? And why do you love me" Kanashe said Sato laughed a bit "you said it was because i was in danger and i just do" Sato said "no and no" Kanashe said Sato flenched "what?" Sato said confused Kanashe smiled "you were in danger but i could protect you no problem i left for a whole other reason" Kanashe said Sato wind he got off Kanashe and laied next to him "and for why do you love me it needs to be a real reason" Kanashe said "hmph meany" Sato said Kanashe laughed "just so you know the other gods dont know either but you could still get some info" Kanashe said Sato looked at Kanashe and smiled "ill be back in a bit" Sato said then disappeared "he does relize we have to find a place to move to and soon right" Kanashe said laughing he walked around the house packing anything of value in a bag Sato soon returned "i packed my bags" Sato said "oh i thought you were going to talk to the gods" Kanashe said "no and are you going to bring any of the furniture?" Sato asked looking around Kanashe laughed a bit "no i actually own this house im not going to sell it because i can always come back or let other gods stay in it i do this with every house i own each hous gets repairs and some upgrades every year" Kanashe said "how many houses do you own? And how god damn ritch are you" Sato said Kanashe laughed "i have about 15 houses and i own a underground mafia and it pays alot" Kanashe said smiling Sato flenched "damn wait" Sato said but traild off "yes someone put a request to kill you in my mafia" Kanashe said Sato sighed "anyway you ready to start looking for a place in cape town?" Kanashe said as he sat down on the couch opening a labtop "yah" Sato said they spent a few hours looking
A few weeks passed kanashes hair was half way down his back but they looked at houses and eventually bought one they also got everything they need by this time they were settled in Sato kept trying to answer the question and Kanashe laughed everytime he got it wrong
Sato was on the couch waiting for Kanashe to get home he soon got home he streched a bit looked at Sato smiled and walked to him "hey baby" Kanashe said sitting next to him "1. You left because you were scared that if you raised me you would catch feelings for me and feard that id only love you like a father you also started to question if it was a good idea to even try again 2 i love you because your kind to me you protect me and you always do your best and i love how you know just how to calm me down" Sato said smiling at him Kanashe flenched he was clearly a bit surprised but he smiled and kissed Sato "you are.... correct" Kanashe said draging the are a bit Sato smiled and hugged him tightly "your going to be all mine tonight"Sato said Kanashe smiled"oh yah wait right here" Kanashe said getting up he walked to the room grabbed his jacket and put it on then walked to Sato his hands in his pockets he smiled at Sato "what?" Sato asked laughing a bit Kanashe got on one knee pulled out a small box and opened it revealing a ring "Sato will you marry me" Kanashe asked

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