chapter 2

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The next morning Kanashe woke up to Sato knocking on the door "who in the hell is here this early" Kanashe mumbled out tiredly he was half asleep as the walked out his room and down the stairs and to his front door "what do you-" Kanashe said as he opened the door and when he did he flinched "what are you doing here?" Kanashe asked he was clearly still half asleep "well you did give me your number and address i simply came to ask a few questions that are bothering me" Sato said Kanashe sighed and moved out the way "go sit on the couch ill be right back" Kanashe said Sato walked in and Kanashe closed the door then went to his room Sato looked around as he walked to the couch "Is he rich i mean..." Sato said Kanashe got into his normal outfit and fixed his hair he looked into his mirror and sighed then splashed some watter in his face to wake himself up he fixed his gloves and put his choker back on "what the hell he wasn't supposed to be here till tomorrow" Kanashe mumbled then walked back down stairs and to Sato "so what is it you want to ask exactly" Kanashe said as he sat next to Sato he fiddled with his 666 clip "you never answered my question how did you know my name and that bit of my past" Sato said Kanashe laid his head back and stared at the roof his hand fell to his side"i did answer i know everyone's name and past" Kanashe said Sato sighed "thats not an answer Kanashe how do you know it" Sato said Kanashe smiled "thats 'cuse im a god of Death" Kanashe said Sato looked at Kanashe "your joking right?" Sato said he didn't really believe Kanashe "nope im the one and only god of death" Kanashe said he looked at Sato through the corner of his eye Sato looked confused Kanashe laughed "how old are you Kanashe?" Sato asked knowing gods either live since they were created or simply rebirth when they die Kanashe smiled "im as old as time Sato" Kanashe said he looked at the roof again "ok are you any other species?" Sato asked "yah im also part Blaze and demon of manipulation" Kanashe said "Sato why do you want to know all this about me" Kanashe asked Sato flinched "oh um no reason i just wanted know" Sato said Kanashe smiled then pinned Sato to the couch his mouth near Sato ear "Sato your to vulnerable" Kanashe said and softly licked Satos ear then bit it Satos face went a bright red "Kanashe get off me" Sato mumbled out Kanashe looked Sato in the eyes "Sato your so weak to touch" Kanashe said Sato froze unsure of what he meant but he knew he heard that before Kanashe got up "im going back to my room i dont really care what you do just dont go into the litterly only locked room in the house" Kanashe said then walked back upstairs and to his room Sato simply sat there he then remembered where he heard the sentence befor he jumped up "theres no way" Sato mumbled he walked to Kanashes room he stood at the door he wasn't sure of what to say or if he should even go in so he stood there for about a minute or two "just come in Sato" Kanashe said it annoyed him that Sato just stood there "oh uh ok" Sato said then walked in he looked at Kanashe "um i wanna ask you something but please be absolutely honest" Sato said Kanashe was lightly biting his thumb nail his eyes held no light he seemed agitated "yah sure what is it" Kanashe said his ears twitched and Sato took a step tword Kanashe "your the one who saved my life arnt you" Sato said Kanashes heart skiped a beat he closed his eyes and calmed down "no im not Sato and wow you are quite good at changing that fate of yours this is the 3rd time today you did something that was so off track that not even I could predict it" Kanashe said "Kanashe your heart skiped a beat when i asked so either you just lied or you know something" Sato said Kanashe stoped nibbling on his nail and smiled "Sato why do you care so much about who it was i mean they must have had a reason to leave" Kanashe said his demon tail swayed "because i need to tell them something and if its you please just tell me" Sato said Kanashe stood up and walked to Sato he wrapped his arms around Sato "Kanashe?" Sato mumbled out "Sato i cant answer that if they left they left just forget them already" Kanashe said Sato growled and elbowed Kanashe in the gut "dont be an ass" Sato said Kanashe held his gut and coughed then sighed he stared at the ground "i didn't mean to. But im serious if they left they left its not your fault believe me. look sorry they left but you do need to try to forget them itll only hurt you and them more" Kanashe said he stared at the ground his hair hid his eyes and he sounded hurt but it seemed personal. Sato looked at Kanashe a bit confused "ka-" Sato started to say something but got cut off "wanna know something if i were the person you're trying to find and i fucked with your memory id be pissed if you were still trying to remember what could be so important that you have to do that" Kanashe said. Sato wasn't sure what Kanashe was so upset about "You just dont understand" Sato screamed "dont say that. Ive litterly been alive since this world was created do you really think ive never been in love never been heart broken never lost someone i wanted to talk to one more time but couldn't so lets get something straight your the one who doesn't understand!" Kanashe said he clenched his teeth. Sato flinched "I...." Sato mumbled as he took a step back "You know what just forget it how about you try forgetting me to i mean why not you already did it twice" Kanashe said then walked to the livingroom and sat down on the couch and held his head Sato stood there and looked at the door "what..." Sato mumbled

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