chapter 23

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"you know you cant do that" Izanami said kanashe laughed "i know sometimes it gets so hard to remember when what happened because all my memories are gambled its like i can remember everything but its all just screamung at me all at the same time" Kanasje said as some tears ran down his face Izanami hugged kanashe and kanashe almost immediately looked at his his eyes wide "im sorry it was my idea about stopping you from blocking your memories i didnt know it was this bad" izanami said as he let go kanashe whiped jis tears "remember that one time i went weeks maybe months without eating?" Kanashe said Izanami shook his head yes "that was the first time i tried to keep all my memories i couldn't remember if i ate or not and my apatite us already small and i normally eat when i want or when i get hungry but i genuinely cant fewl hunger right now and i feel like im going to throw up when i do eat" Kanashe saif Izanami held out his hand and the erring appeared "i removed the spell this cant go any farther just do enough rn but later ill help with the which are useless and wich are needed ok" Izanami said kanashe looked at the earing "i shouldent there is a reason we have to remember everything" Kanashe said as he put a smile on he then walked to Sato again Izanami sighed and he clenched the earing then put it in his pocket then walked to sara and talked to her about what Kanashe and himself just talked about Kanashe hugged and kissed Sato "i love you so much Sato and im glade that i found you" kanashe said smiling his ears twitched and he stood up starght and looked around he sniffed the air then lwaned in "sato make everything go pitch black and allow me to see" kanashe whispers Sato looked at him confused but did so everyone mumbled what or something and looked around Kanashe levatated slightly and went somewhere and telaported a knife in his hand "How the hell did you get free Sosa" Kanashe whispers as he reached into Sosas jacket and grabed a gun "you really thought youd kill some of us again" Kanashe whispers Sosa was silent for a moment he fiddled with a serenge "you said that once" Sosa started but kanashe interrupted him "nobody on the council let you free so that means you broke free" kanashe said sosa laughed "you need to pick a personaly anyway just let me go" Sosa said as he stabed the surenge in Kanashes leg Kanashe bit his lip but the wound heald as soon as the surenge was removed "what the gell was that and im nit letting you go witj allxthe weapons you have on mamd definitely not here because there are a lot od gods here" kanashe said Sato walked to Izanami amd sara and explained as much as he could which wasnt much "you will have to wait and see" Sosa said kamashe lowly growled "Sato I will be back soon you can return the lights"Kanashe yeslled then telaported to the bunker and tied Sosa up "no magic so no escaping" kanashe said laughing Sosa growled kamashe walked closer "you really thought youd be able to rewen my fucking wedding hell no ill be back later" Kamashe said Sosa smiled but Kanashe had already telaported back to the wedding he walked to Sato still a bit annoyed Sato just looked at him "what happened what wad all that about" Sato asked kanashe just hugged Sato then kissed him "it was nothing to bad dont worry about it lets just have fun" Kanashe said Satos eyes nerrowed he grabbed Kamashes tie and pulled him close their faces inces apart Kamashe smirked "getting fisty huh" Kanashe said laughing Sato growled "kanashe we promised no more secrets and you have a very annoying sent on you" Sato said kanashe laughed he grabbed Satos wrist and forced him to let go "well i can do anything about the sent and its not a secret im simply delaying that conversation for after the wedding of wich is almost over" kanashe said Izanami put his hand on kanashes shoulder this immediately brought Kanashes attention to him "capm down peiple are starting" Izanami whispers Kanashe let go and stared at the ground and people's thoughts just fluded into his minda most of them were not necessarily nise some said damn i can't believe hed do tjat to his husband or is he abusing him or that monster kanasheshands by his side and he clenched his fists he walked to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror a few tears fell he then punched the mirror braking his his knuckles bleeding but heald fast he stared at himself threw the cracked and broken mirror again tears ran down his face "what the hell is wrong with me i dont want to be a momster not anymore im so tired of it" Kanashe mumbled to himself he slowly dropped to his knees as he cried even more Sato sighed Izanami put his hand on Satos head and everyones thoughts were flooding into Satos head but Izanami moved his hand after a few seconds Satos eyes widened "you dont seem to know but he is always blamed for it it dosnt matter about the situation its litterly always kanashes fault in most peoples eyes so if you het mad at him try to get out of public" Izanami said Sato looked at Izanami "i..i didnt know" Sato mumbled out Izanami smiled softly "hes in the bathroom go talk to him" Izanami said Sato walked to the bathroom and opened the door "Kanashe" Sato mumbled out as he waljed in kanashe was sitting on the ground aginst the wall he still had some blood on him dispite it already being healed Sato looked at the broken mirror then kanashe "im sorry Kanashe i didnt know theyd react like that" Sato said Kanashe was silent he held his knees against his chest and stared at the ground "kanashe please talk to me" Sato said as he walked to him and sat infront him "i know you didn't know its not your fault i understand why you hot mad" Kanashe said his eyes dull

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