chapter 19

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Kanashe was screaming and crying when he jolted awake finaly the council was all there Sato next to him they all looked at Kanashe woried Sato whispered sweet nothings in his ear Kanashe soon calmed down he looked exhausted "did i.....disapoint you all" Kanashe mumbled out staring at his gloves Sato looked at the gloves he just relized hes never seen Kanashe without the gloves "of curse not Kanashe" Izanami said kanashe softly rubbed his forarms witch were covered by the gloves "i think im ready to talk about the dreams" Kanashe said Sato sat cris cross applesauce and faced Kanashe "it started out as if i just woke up but nobody was there i started to get frustrated next thing i knew everything was black but i heard someone crying and i turned around i saw a kinda yunger me i was 19 and i was alone crying and mumbled its not fair why did i have to be so alone then the yunger me......" Kanashe fell silent he pulled his left glove off revealing deep scars he pulled his other glove off as well everyone flenched because nobody has ever seen him without the gloves "i was cutting these i turned around and ran but made it nowhere a loud voice said sooner or later i will just disapoint them all over again and in a circle i saw all of you then i saw sato dead" kanashe said looking at him "i tried stopping the blood but it wouldent stop i was screaming then i saw myself the way i look after getting beat i started screaming because i saw everything bad that ever happened to me i also felt it then I saw myself in the absolute god form killing I screamed because that not who I wanna be then everything turned to glass it was broken and had cracks in it I then woke up" Kanashe said Sato stared at Kanashes arms Yuki walked to Kanashe and sat infront of him "i havent got to try this while your awake i want to see if i can find the problem" yuki said as he put his hands over Kanashes ears Kanashes closed his eyes "shhhhh just relax" Yuki said kanashe relaxed as much as he could while sitting up he gave no resistance "now sleep relinquish your mind to me" Yuki said then Kanashe fell back he was out cold yuki sat cris cross applesauce his eyes closed a few minutes passed kanashe slowly woke up and Yuki opened his eyes kanashe put his hand to his head and closed his eyes again "you really hate yourself huh" Yuki said Kanashe laughed "more or less" Kanashe said Sato wrapped his arms around Kanashes hugging him then kissed him on the cheek Kanashe smiled a bit kanashe unbraded his hair he shook his head a bit Takara Yumi Ami and Eichi left kanash looked at Sara and Izanami "Kanashe are you ok" Sara asked "yah im fine you go see your girlfriend and Izanami get yourself a date yall say i was lonely now your the lonely ass you too Yuki" kanashe said laughing as he hugged Sato Izanami laughed "oh shut up i actually have a date" he said Kanashe smiled and Izanami left "thanks" Sara said as he left Yuki was silent "Kanashe do you remember the dream?" Yuki asked Kanashe looked at him "no not really there are bits and peaces bit not alot why" Kanashe said Yuki got up "no reason" Yuki said as he got up he didnt tuch the ground he was floating a few inches above the ground he seemed worried almost kanashe looked at Yuki "what happened in the dream" Kanashe asked Yuki flenched "just forget it it wasn't anything to bad" Yuki said kanashe stared at Yuki his eyes narrowed Sato held Kanashes hand and kanashe looked at him and calmed down "Kanashe we should go home now" Sato said Kanashe griped Satos hand "i want to know what you did i trusted you enough to relinquish my mind to you and i cant remember what happened now tell me what happened" Kanashe said smiling his hair seemed to be a hotter pink at this point his smile was sweet but psychotic Yuki backed up he looked at Sato and stayed silent he knew kanashe would be pissed if Sato had any idea about it "Sato will you meet me at the house he wont talk till you leave" Kanashe said His hair went back to the normal color Sato sighed "ok" kanashe said as he hugged Kanashe "stay calm you reckless idiot" Sato whispered then telaported home kanashe stared at the place Sato once sat a bit confused he shook his head and looked at Yuki "now tell me" Kanashe said "when i first entered your mind there was nothing i asked what was bothering you and it just showed me you dying in everyposoble way the last one was permanent so this means your truly considering killing yourself for good huh" Yuki said Kanashe flenched and look at his arms he put the gloves back on finally he clenched his fists "yah but i most likely wont i realy love what i have with Sato" kanashe said "dont do it kanashe its not a good idea" Yuki said Kanashe laied back and stared at the roof "the second this i asked was what was causing the dream" Yuki fell silent for a moment Kanashs looked at him threw the bottom of his eyes "it showed every moment Sato was harmed sense day you showed up the day you left the day he almost died when you first went back the day he actually died then it gets jumbled and it showed different sinarios of satos being harmd your scared that you will be the end of him thats also why your considering killing yourself for good huh" Yuki said Kanashe was silent "kanashe talk to me" Yuki said "yes damnit it is all true. i was the reason he got killed damnit i alread have enough shit im so easily agitated due to lack of sleep what if this dosent work what if i kill Sato i cant do this!" Kanashe said screaming halfway through Yuki sighed he looked at Kanashe and held out his hand a long dogtag neckless was made "this can help control your anger it wont store it what it does it take it and revert it to good energy but it can only do so much" Yuki said Kanashe sat up

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