chapter 10

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The next morning Sato woke up before his alarm so he turned it off because he planed to let Kanashe sleep in he got up and got ready then went to the livingroom his parents soon showed up and knocked on the door Sato opened it and smiled "hey its been a while" Sato said as he let them in "so how have yall been" Sato said "weve been good" koro said as he walked to the table with Sato and Shian "thats good" Sato said "How have you been" shian said "ive been good" Sato, said smiling Koro looked at Kanashes pins that were on the table "why do you have these?" Koro said as he picked up the pins "oh uh can you put thoes back their not mine they belong to a friend of mine" Sato said Kanashe sat up as soon as his pins were tuched he got up and walked to the kitchen "Sato my hair pins where are they" Kanashe said he looked a lot like a girl at the moment his hair still damp but almost dry and it was a mess koro looked at Kanashe "Sato is the your girlfriend?" shian said as she looked at Kanashe and noticed he was wearing Satos jacket "No thats actually a guy and his name is Kanashe" Sato said Kanashe walked to Koro and held out his hand "can you please give those back" Kanashe said Koro put the hair pins in his hand "then why do you look like a girl" Koro said Kanashe walked to Sato and pit the pins back in "Because i can plus my hair has always been this color" Kanashe said he seemed agitated almost Shian looked at Kanashe then flenched "Wait arnt you that killer thats been all over the news" Shian said Kanashes glanced at Sato then stared her in the eyes "nope ive never killed a person in my life" Kanashe said Koro and Shian didn't believe him "Sato come here" Shian said "no hes my friend" Sato said koro looked Kanashe up and down when he relised he was wearing Satos jacket "wait Sato did you give that murder your jacket" Shian said Kanashe sighed "yah wahts the problem" Sato said "be-" Shion started to say "because they are both homophobic bitchs and they both think im a murder so they want to call the police and get me away from you'' Kanashe said as he removed the jacket Kanashe looked tired and hungry at the moment "so go call your stupid police and take your jacket i dont care anymore so good bye" Kanashe said as he shoved Satos jacket into Satos chest then went to the godly relm Sato stared at the door "are yall really against the LGBTQ community" Sato asked Koro and Shian looked a Sato "well yah you should only be with a girl thats how it is" Shian said Sato clenched his fist as he droped the jacket "Then get out" Sato said as he looked at the ground "what why" Koro said "because im gay and i really enjoyed having Kanashe around you have no idea how much yall hurt his feelings so get out!" Sato screamed Shian and koro flenched "your lying your not gay" Koro said Sato grabed his jacket walked to his room put the jacket down the grabbed the flag of his wall and walked to his parents and held it up "i am gay its not a phase and im not lying" Sato said his adopted parents just stood there shocked "NOW GET OUT!" Sato screamed Koro and Shian were silent they growled then left Sato sighed he walked to his room and put the flag back then walked around trying to find Kanashe he got annoyed "KANASHE" Sato screamed Kanashe sat up "ugh" Kanashe mumbled and he laied down and shoved the pillow over his face Sato waited about a minute he was annoyed "IZANAMI SARA SOMEONE" Sato screamed both Sara and Izanami appeared "whats going on" Sara said "where is kanashe i need to talk to him" Sato said seriously Izanami and Sara looked at eachother then at Sato "well hes in the godly relm acting like a child" Izanami said Sato looked at the ground "Take me to him" Sato said "im sorry but no the only reason everyone allowed you in the godly relm at first was because Izanami and Kanahse told us that you mi-" Sara said but got cut off by Izanami covering her mouth "Kanashe dosnt want him to know yet" Izanami whispers Sara sighed and Izanami backed up "Just take me to him damnit i need to apologize and he didn't look so good i cant just sit here and do nothing its my fault" Sato cried Izanami sighed "Sara why not i mean as long as he stays near me you or Kanashe hell be fine" Izanami said Sara sighed "Fine but you take him ima go see my girlfriend" Sara said then left Izanami teleported himself and Sato to Kanashe who was laying umder the blanket and the pillow over his head "SHUT UP DAMNIT" Kanashe screamed pushing the pillow against his head even more Izanami and Sato flenched "Kanashe whats wrong" Izanami asked Kanashe sat up and looked at them at first he had no emotion in his expression he then looked pissed he got up and walked to them and punched Izanami but it was a lot weaker than anytime hes punched anyone "what the hell Izanami cant you just stay the fuck out my business for once did you at least consider the fact that i just wanted to be alone!" Kanashe screamed Sato took a step back Izanami put his hand over the place Kanashe punched "your weaker why" Izanami said Kanashe flenched "shut up and Sato just leave ill be back tomorrow" Kanashe growled out he was a more agitated than normal his eyes showed how pissed he was Izanami looked at Kanashe. Kanashe walked to the bed and sat down and gnawed on the tip of his nail Sato clenched hia fist then walked to Kanashe Izanami tried to stop him but failed Sato then punched Kanashe as hard as he could and pushed him back this only pisses Kanashe off more he went to punch back but Sato was already ontop of him forcefully holding Kanashes arms above his head "Sato stop just because he has an interest in you dosent mean he wont kill you" Izanami said Kanashe was growling he the took a deep breath in but Sato punched him in the gut witch made him cough tears ran down Satos face and driped on Kanashes face "Izanami leave" Sato said his voice shake Izanami left knowing it was a bad situation kanashes looked at Sato his eyes soften he felt bad "i-" Kanashe started to say but Sato punched him across the face again "You promised me damnit and its not your fault on what my step parents said its not your fault my parents were killed in the first place damnit non of its your god damn fault" Sato screamed and cried Kanashe looked away ashamed "im sorry but i needed to calm down cant i just take a break for once"Kanashe said Sato growled he griped Kanashes shoulders "do you even fucking care about me!" Sato screamed Kanashes eyes widen as more tears driped on his face

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