chapter 14

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Kanashe leaned back his hair in his face he closed his eyes Rinas voice echoed in his head screaming so many different things "you won" Sato said smiling Izanami close behind "what was that attack" Izanami asked Kanashe didn't move or open his eyes "yah i guess i did and it was one of Rinas attacks called rebound it brings up every painful and many different memories all at the same time it causes immense pain it will put the person in a state of complete paralyzation it could kill a mortal but gods no'' Kanashe said his head pounding Sato walked to Kanashe and sat next to him "what how" Izanami asked "you didnt tell them?" Sato said "no cuse i needed the advantage in my fight and yah ive had his power and stupid voice in my head i plan on finding his replacement soon" Kanashe said
A few weeks passed Kanashe found a replacement for the god of memory but the voice remained
Kanashewas walking in the park carelessly cops were still on the lookout for him as he was walking a cop spoted him and called for backup Kanashe was annoyed tired and a bit weak because he transferred his magic to his pims again because he could quite handle his power yet "get on the ground now!" A cop screamed Kanashe looked at the cop he tried to telaport away but they had a majic barrier "shit" Kanashe mumbled he glanced around he knew he was surrounded he sent a message to Sato stating he was in truble "take your hands out of your pockets and get on your knees" a cop screamed Kanshe sighed and slowly took his hands out his pocket and got on his knees Sato showed up a few feet from the barrier "i guess its time to try and use my godly power" Sato mumbled out then everything went pitch black only himself and kanashe could see the cops were looking around frantically. Kanashe got up and ran to the edge of the barrier banging on it "Damnit let me out this isnt fair" Kanashe screamed Sato looked around he sent a message to Izanami to get some help and briefly explained what was happening he walked to the barrier and put his hand on it "Kanashe calm down" Sato said "no damnit this is why i was pushing you on getting us to move i never stay in one place longer than 6 to 7 months ive been here to long" Kanashe screamed he walked to the other side of the barrier he punched it so many times his hands were bleeding and broken some of the police walked to the sound of Kanashe angraly hitting the wall he looked at them "damnit take the barrier down and let me leave" Kanashe screamed. "whoever you are return the light and leave this alone"the chief said Izanami and Sara showed up "Kanashe you idiot"Sara said kanashe only growled Izanami walked to the chief and whispered something to the cheif and he took the barrier down Kanashe stood still something felt off "guys we should run now!" Kanashe screamed and they all telaported to the godly relm but not before Kanashes uper right arm and lower side and Izanamis upper thigh were slased with a knife made of the gods weakness kanashe and Izanami immediately fell to the ground "what the hell dont we have all the knifves how do people keep getting them!" Kanashe said Izanami griped his thigh and Kanashe held his side with one hand and arm with the other "i think someone in the council is giving them to the humans" Sara said Sato walked to them telaporting bandages neddiel and thread infront of them "ill sitch yall up Sara tie something around Izanamis leg and cut the fabric around the wound Kanashes wound on his side is a bit worse ill get that then Izanamis leg then Kanashes arm" Sato said Kanashe took his shirt and undershirt off his breathing was fast the pain was intense Sato threaded the needle and stitched the wound and bandaged it as he did that Sara tied a cloth above the wound and cut off the fabric over the wound Sato grabed another clothe and whiped up a good bit of blood after a few minutes both Izanami and Kanashe were both bandaged Kamashe laied back "if anyone is goving the humans the knives wouldn't it be the god of calamity Kaori" Sato said Sara looked at him "your right he has can easily get them" Sara said she went to find him to find out Izanami looked at Kanashe "you should move and soon i dont think we will he able to help again" Izanami said "yah i know" Kanashe said "Sato either you come with me or im leaving you behind and ill let someone else help you with your power and where ever i move ill be there for a long time because im not going to kill in the area im at and if i do itll strictly be collecting or ending a bairly serviving soul" Kanashe said then telaported to his house he grabbed a few bags he started to pack he glanced around he was silent he wanted to cry he felt bad and did not want to leave but had to Sato stood there he clenched his fists Izanami sighed "you should go with him" Izanami said Sato walked to a chair and sat down "but im scared if i go i cant afford a house or hotel and im not scared of Kanashe just nervous and a bit scared to live with him sure weve spent the night togeter a few times but living together is so much different" Sato said Izanami laughed you have access to everybook about his past you know if you feel unsure about something" Izanami said Sato shook his head "no if i learn about his past i want it to be from him" Sato said Izanami sat down next to Sato and they talked for a while Sato looked at izanami "thanks for the talk i know what ill do" Sato said and telaported to Kanashe

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