chapter 18

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"Well we really wanted to avoid this" Takara said Kanashe put his head on the table and Sato looked at Chishiki and watched as Chisiki Takara Yuki and some of the other god argue about all that was going on after a few minutes Kanashe stood up he was beyond pissed "ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!" Kanashe screamed and everyone looked at Kanashe and they were all silent kanashes eye twitched he was clearly pissed "you are all assholes yall never leave me alone in situations like this im perfectly fine yall want to know the reason im just under a lot of stress ok then shut up and leave me alone" Kanashe said "then why are you so streessed because you damn near destroyed the earth twice" Yumi said Kanashe sat down "it dosnt matter i really dont wanna talk about this" Kanashe said Sato stood up and Kanashe looked at him Sato slowly but steadily walked to Chishiki and whispers something then walked to his chair again and sat down Kanashe glared at Sato "Kanashe why wont you just talk about it" Sato asked Kanashe looked at the table "because im not in the mood" Kanashe said as he put his head on the table Chishiki sighed "i didnt want to do this but kanashe if you dont start talking you might kill a lot of people and one of those people will most likely be Sato do you really want to be the reason for Satos second death" Kanashe jolted up his eyes slightly wide "NO DAMNIT I WONT LET THAT HAPPEN!" Kanashe screamed his eyes shut tightly "Kanashe talk to us we care so please talk to us" Chisiki said tears started to role down Kanashes face "no yall dont yall just think im some stupid thing damnit well i didnt ask to get made. I didnt ask to be the god of death or imortal or to be mocked and tourn apart over and over again and turned into some...." Kanashe screamed he was silent for a few seconds as more tears fell everyone stared at Kanashe "some little monster!" Kanashe screamed again "Kanashe nobody is calling you a monster" Chisiki said Kanashe looked at Chisiki then pointed to Eichi "HE CALLED ME VERMON" Kanashe yelled then pointed at Yumi "SHE CALLED ME RODENT!" Kanashe screamed he was out of breath he took a few deep breaths "Takara you constantly say im a disaster waiting to happen! Ami you called me a heartless and emotionless bitch i just show emotions differently! Chisiki you are always reminding me of what i hate about myself! Izanami you just dont listent to me and do whatever you want Sara you just stoped talking to me a few years ago! Yuki your constantly screwing with me and you talk shit about me to the others and then theres you Sato damnit i love you i do and i know you love me but you still act like im going to leave what do i have to do to prove i wont" Kanashe was screaming tears streaming down his face anytime he said someones name he looked at them nobody said anything Sato izanami and sera were all crying a little the rest just didnt look at his everyone was slightly ashamed Kanashe was shaking he griped the table he didnt know what to say anymore "im sorry" Sato mumbled out "kanashe i-" Takara said but stoped talking Yuki looked at Kanashe again he didnt know what to say "you knew all of that all this time..." Ami said a bit above a whisper his voice a bit choked "i never ment to" Sara mumbled Izanami looked at Kanashe "Kanashe your like a brother to me i dont listent to you because sometimes your just way to reckless" Izanami said whipping his tears Yumi stared at the table she was silent Kanashe dropped to his knees he still griped the table he couldet stop crying or shaking "im so messed up arnt i maybe my time on this earth should just end" Kanashe said Sato walked to Kanashe and sat right next to him and hugged him "no i promise you we need you and Kanashe i love you so please dont" Sato said everyon fell silent saras izanamis and a few others eyes went wide when kanashe said what he did they all knew kanashe really well and they knew that kanashe was the only one that would not consider dying unless it was a very bad situation "i know i do" Kanashe mumbled his hand silped and fell to his side and he passed out falling completely into Satos arms everyone got up and walked to them "is he okay" Izanami asked "yah he probably just passed out from stress" Sato said "im a bit surprised he said as much as he did and hes never gotten like that so Sato you must realy be his weakness" Chisiki said after a few hours Kanashe stired and woke up he sat up and glanced around "this is my room in the realm but howd.......oh yah" Kanashe mumbled he got up he wobbled but cought his balance he rubbed his eyes he walked around the building trying to find someone but nobody was there "Hello?" Kanashe said he telaported to his house "Sato!?" Kanashe yelled he then heard a kid crying and he turned around everything went black but there was a child infront of him it was him when he was yunger..... Kanashe backed up he stared at himself his own eyes dull his hair in his face a bit "why am i so alone" The kid mumbled as he sliced his arms and watched as blood poured out kanashe turned around and started to run he didnt want to watch any more but it did nothing he stoped and looked around frantically his breathing speed up "Sooner or later you are going to disapoint them all over again!" A voiced screamed it sounded like his own and as the voice echoed all the people he cared about appeared in a circle around him kanashe dropped to his knees and gripping his hair screaming "I know I know I will!"next thing he knew Sato was infront him dead Kanashe looked at Satos dead body and screamed he put his hands over the wound "No no no not again Sato wake up please i cant lose you please" Kanashe screamed he looked at his hands Satos blood all over him he then looked over and saw himself exactly how he looked after he was beaten Kanashe was shaking everything felt so real he heard many words screaming in his head monster bitch vermon discrace rodent killer just die nobody wats you kanashe held his head screaming he looked around and watched as everything bad that ever happened to him just happen again and he could feel all of it tears ran down his face. He watched as his world fell, apart he looked around to see himself in his absolute god form killing with no remorse Kanashes eyes widen and he screamed again that's not what he wanted to be then everything around him seemed to be broken glass he stared at himself tears running down his face

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