chapter 9

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"Kanashe look at me" Sato said and Kanashe slowly lifted his head and look at Sato "what are you going to do" Izanami said Sato put the kife to his own forarm and made a cut all the way down kinda kinda like Kanashe did Kanashes eyes widen "Sato why would you do that damnit" Kanashe cried he got up and grabbed Satos forarm and kept trying to heal it dispite knowing it wont heal on a mortal Izanami grabbed Kanashe and pulled him back Kanashe was in tears Sato ignored the pain and gave Chishiki the knife Sara walked to Sato " let me help with that" she said as she telaported the things she needed Sato just stared at his wound as Sara cleaned stitched then wrapped the wound the entire time all Kanashe did was cry his body shaking he knew it was his fault Chishiki was very surprised at what sato did and about the fact Kanashe was crying Izanami was sitting next to Kanashe and gently rubbed his back trying to calm him down Kaori had fineshed reving and finally got to then and was utterly confused Takara grabbed Kaori and left knowing it was not a good idea for them to stay when Sara finished Sato walked to Kanashe who was now just silently crying he held his head and his eyes were closed he was shaking ever so slightly Sato sat down next to Kanashe and hugged him "you cant hurt yourself if you ever do it again ill just do this i didn't cry but it still hurt to know you did that" Sato said Kanashe stopped shaking a few teats kept falling but he calmed down he didn't look up or move Chishiki walked away "Kanashe why did you do it" Sara asked but Kanashe didn't speak at first he griped his hair tighter but he let go and stood up he stared at the ground he then said "like Chishiki said i couldn't calm down when i get like that it makes it hard to calm down so i use pain i cant feel it when any other whepon is used half the time im gonna go home oh and can yall tell the others that i wont do the spell to permanently kill a god again unless its absolutely necessary" Kanashe said Izanami walked to him but Kanashe just backed up he then grabbed Satos hand and teleported them his own house "Kanashe are you ok" Sato asked Kanashe glanced at Sato "yah and um if you dont mind could you stay the night i dont wanna be alone tonight" Kanashe said Sato was silent "its fine you dont have to" Kanashe said "my Adopted parents are coming over tomorrow morning so how about you come over to my house instead" Sato said Kanashe glanced at Sato as he started to walk to his closet "yah that will be fine i can sleep on the couch if you want and just wake up early" Kanashe said then walked to the bathroom before Sato had a chance to speak again while kanashe took a shower Sato walked around the room and eventually grabbed the picture of him and Kanashe he sat on the bed "i was mean to him when he finally came back i wish i could fix that" Sato mumbled after bit Kanashe walked out his hair was wet still and he simply held all his hair clips and the choker Sato looked at Kanashe and laughed "you should have dried your hair and you look kinda cute even without your makeup" Kanashe flenched at the last part he looked away he wasn't smiling or as talkative as he normally was "yah i just didn't want to mess with my hair" Kanashe said Sato looked at his hand the one that heald the clips "why do you always have those near you" Sato asked Kanashe looked at them "well two of them hold majority of my power because i lost a bet and the other two just make it look better" Kanashe said Sato looked at them and laughed "i guess thats creative anyway you ready to go" Sato said Kanashe griped his hair pins then put them in his hair he walked to Sato and just shook his head yes Sato then telaported them both to his house Kanashe glanced around "um ima go lay on the c-" Kamashe said but Sato cut him off "no youll just sleep with me for tonight or in the guest room" Sato said Kanashes body was rather cold for some reason "Um ill just do what you want i dont care either way" Kanashe mumbled out he looked at his hair pins and placed them on the table Sato grabbed Kanashes hand he flenched at the coldness "your really cold are you ok and youll sleep with me" Sato said Kanashe sighed and mumbled "im fine" they walked to Satos room "hey Sato do you have a jacket i can barrows ive kinda ruined all mine" Kanashe said Sato grabbed a jacket that was a bit big for him "yah here its big on me so it should fit you" Sato said "thanks" Kanashe said as he grabbed it and put it on he stared at a small golden rosé pin very confused "how did you get this" Kanashe asked showing Sato the pin Sato looked at the pin then walked to the bed and sat down "ive always had that why" Sato said Kanashe was extremely confused "No you didnt have that when i first found you" Kanashe said Sato looked at Kanashe "yes i did but it was kinda always in my pocket" sato said Kanashe stared at the pin then sighed "is something wrong?" Sato asked Kanashe laied down and stared at the roof "no its just this pin is something every god was automatically created with but ill see if someone just lost theirs or something its nothing" Kanashe said Sato laied next to Kanashe and hugged him "well maybe i will be a god after death" Sato said jokingly Kanashe flenched "why do you say that" Kanashe said "i was joking why" Sato said "can we just go to sleep now im tired and i genuinely dont like waking up early" kanashe said Sato sighed "yah ok" Sato said and they both soon fell asleep"

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