chapter 8

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Kanashe whispers something to Sato then walked to the center of the round table and threw Rinas body there everyone either looked at Sato or at Rinas body Kanashe then walked behind Sato "the spell apparently only sends the spirit to the realm his spirit is clearly gone but his body is there oh and this is Sato and if any of yall tuch him in a way i dont like..." Kanashe said he tilted his head to the right a little and smiled rather psychoticly "I wont hesitat to tare you limb from limb" kanashe said Sato flenched then looked at Kanashe "Isnt that a bit much thought Kanashe i mean as long as they dont do anything sexual or harmfull im fine" Sato said some of the gods were suprised others worried because anytime someone talked back to him kanashe would gave them a reason to never do it again Kanashe looked Sato in the eyes then sighed and patted him on the head "fine if you do what he just said hes not fine with then ill tear you limb from limb" Kanashe said Sara laughed then said "Damn Sato you might as well have Kanashe on a leash" Kanashe growled a little but stopped "ill be right back" Kanashe said as he left the room Kaori stood up and walked to Sato and laughed "i cant believe he fell for such a-" Kaori was saying befor Chishiki cut him off "Kaori if you tuch him Kanashe will kill you a thousand times over its obvious he wouldn't stop if it was you" Sato looked at Chishiki "ugh fine but yall really over react when it comes to Kanashe sure he has the power to distroy multiple nations but without it hes weak" Kaori said Sato looked at Kaori who was still behind him "um have you ever seen him fight without power?" Sato said Kaori growled "no but i dont have to i mean have you just not seen him hes so fucking thin and has such a fragile body" Kaori said Sato sighed and mumbled "whatever" Kanashe walked back in he seemed off he shook his head a bit he then saw Kaori was behind sato he now had a knife in his hand and put it to Satos neck "Kanashe since your little friend wants to say you're scrawny ass can fight with no magic i challenge you to a fight with no magic allowed" Kaori said Kanashe smiled then laughed "go ahead and try" Sato and every god but Sara flenched "seriously back off you have no clue" Sara said Sato got scared which activitied the protection spell and it flung Kaori back "if yall scare Sato or even try tuching him in a way he doesn't like itll just activate a protection spell i put on him but fighting you sounds fun so ok" Kanashe said every god in the room was surprised because Kanashe never agreed to fight Kaori so fast "i normaly hate fighting with no magic because i would kill you in 2 hits i use magic to hold back on you just so you know" Kanashe said smiling and Kaori heal yourself and lets go just dont get pissed after killed and when you revive" Kanashe said Kaori growled "thats big talk for someone so fragile looking like you" Kaori said Chishiki stood up and said "damnit you guys lets go to the area first" Kanashe looked at Sato "Sara Izanami you two make sure he doesn't get hurt" Kanashe said and Izanami and Sara both said ok they all then telaported to the arena Kanashe took his jacket off and threw it to the side "Hey Kaori how about i dont attack at all for the first minute of this'' Kanashe said Kaori growled "fine but you're gonna lose" Kaori said Kanashe smiled then said "Battlefield normal no magic use allowed" to set the battlefield Kaori went to attack his speed was incredibly fast but Kanashe simply dodged this pissed Kaori off and it kept happening for the next minute "Ok Kanashe you can attack now" Sara screamed Sato was amazed at their speed Kanashe then punched Kaori so hard it tore a hole through his body blood splattered everywhere Kanashe looked at Kaoris now dead but reviving body "i was wrong its one hit oops" Kanashe said he walked to his jacket and sighed as he tied it around his waist for the moment "i need to wash all this blood off me its annoying Kaori was revived at this point and he was pissed he telaported a knife in his and and ran to Kanashe and Stabed him it was obvious Kanashe knew about what Kaori was going to do "I won far and square so kindly stop fighting im bord of you ive beaten you so many god damn times its old" Kanashe said and he removed the knife then grabbed Kaori by the throat "you ass hole" Kaori mumbled out Kanashe then ripped off Kaoris head and walked away pissed Sarahl looked at Sato who seemed unfazed "isn't ripping of his head even though he already won over kill" Sato said Izanami laughed "not for Kanashe hed normally do a hell of a lot worse if he got that bored" Izanami said Chishiki left and met Kanashe in the hallway Kanashe was still bored and had a murderus intent to him "Calm down Kanashe" Chishiki said "i wanted to do so much more but damnit its to hard to keep this stupid happy happy facade sure i like Sato but having to hold back like that pisses me off maybe im just not cut out to have any happiness" Kanashe said his body started to shake Sato looked at the other gods "Chishiki is gone and where is Kanashe" Sara looked at the door then at Sato "Chishiki is probably calming Kanashe down Kanashe is under a lot of stress already and frankly hes been trying to hold back a lot lately so this fight just gave him more to hold back on" Sara said "You have no idea how much Kanashe is trying to change at the moment he really thinks if he doesn't pretend to be happy hell never be happy and then there's you when hes around you he had to stop himself from doing half the stuff he normally does because the last time he didn't you told him to leave now hes not faking everything just holding back honestly id say Kamashe is more himself now because hes not always faking that happiness of his" Izanami said Sato looked at the door as he heard Chishiki scream Chishiki sighed "thats not true Kanashe you just need to learn how to control your emotions "i know how to do that but ive did it for way to long im not completely sane anymore i think i need to...." Kanashe said but he flenched and stoped talking before he could finish "what?" Chishiki asked "nothing dont worry about it" Kanashe said he grabbed a knife out his pocket and stabed it into his shoulder and draged it down to his elbow Chishiki flinched then screamed "Kanashe what the hell are you doing" Kanashe closed his eyes and took a deep breath then put the kinfe up his wound heald a lot slower than normal "calming down" Kanashe said after a bit his wound healed Chishiki slapped Kanashe "You fucking idiot you shouldn't do that you know how dangerous it is to have a knife like that and to use it like that" Chishiki said Kanashe rolled his eyes then walked to Sato he smiled at all of them "what was that about Kanashe?" Takara said "i made Chishiki upset i had to calm down i was annoyed with some information i was given and the fight just proved that the information was right" Kanashe said Chishiki walked up and said "Kanashe give me the knife" Kanashe flenched he turned around "where is Kaori?" Kanashe said Chishiki glanced at Sara then at Izanami and they both immediately grabbed one of Kanashes arms Chishiki walked a bit closer to Kanashe who was now trying to pull away "Damnit stop Chishiki" Kanashe screamed as he kicked him to the ground Sato looked at Kanashe them at Chishiki he walked to Chishiki and helped him up "Sato really there holding me and he trying to pat me down and you help him up" Kanashe said "Damnit Kanashe that knife isn't a toy you shouldn't have it those kives make it take years for us to revive and thats very dangerous!" Chishiki said annoyed at this point "WELL I DONT HAVE ONE!" Kanashe yelled Sato looked at Kanashe and the tare mark on Kanashes jacket "promise" Sato said Kanashe wasn't paying much attention to Sato because he was mad at the other three "yah whatever" Kanashe growled out as he tried to get free again "then let me pat you down" Sato said Kanashe stopped moving he looked at Sato "no" Kanashe said Sato walked to him he was about a foot away "why" Sato asked "I dont want you touching me" Kanashe said as he looked away if was the best excuse he could come up with Sato put his hand on Kanashes cheek then put his own forhead against Kanashes "you seam fine with this" Sato said Kanashe grew bright red Sato backed up a bit "either let me do it or i leave" Sato said Kanashes eyes widen he couldnt form any words at the moment his body was shaking Sato turned around and started to walk "NO WAIT YOU CAN DO IT PLEASE DONT LEAVE!" Kanashe screamed Izanami and Sara were both suppried they let go because they knew Kanashe wasn't going to run at this point Kanashe was still shaking his eyes were closed Sato walked to Kanashe and patted him down and stoped when he found the knife Sato griped the knife "Kanashe you promised me" Sato mumbled out "im sorry" Kanashe said as he fell to his knees "Chishiki when you were with him what did he all do?" Sato asked Chishiki looked at Kanashes arm. "He cut from, his shoulder to his elbow opened and said it was to calm down why" Chishiki said

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