chapter 24

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"why was Sosa's sent on you kanashe" Sato asked "because he was the reason i had you make everything black i had to get him out i knew he had a gun i saved like half the people hear from a deth but who cares im still a monster right" Kanashe mumbled Sato hugged Kanashe "your not a monster they are just idiots" Sato said Kanashe laid his head aginst the walls "is the party almost over im getting tired" Kanashe said Sato sighed "yah about 20 minutes but we can end it now if you want" Sato said "be honest you just want ti beat the shit out od Sosa befor the other gods find out because i presume the last time you were prohibited from even seeing him" Kanashe said Sato looked away Kanashe smiled he wrapped his arms around Sato and hugged him "hes not worth it i think the council made the right move not letting you see him" Kanashe said Sato punched Kanashe in the gut andbkanashe coughed "your an ass hole whhy the hell would you say that" Sato growled kanashe looked away and at the ground "because if any other gods found out youd be a monster just like me i dont want that to happen to you" Kanashe sat Sato punched Kanashe against the fase so hard it left a bruise Kanashes eyes widen but immediately closed "wha-" Kanashe started to say but Sato cut him off "you really think i give a shit about what people think Sosa fuching killed you right infront of mee you were dead for 54 years because of him and it was supposed to be longer how the hell is that fair" Sato yelled Kanashe put his hand over the bruse a bit confused cus it didnt heal "Sato you really want to do this huh" Kanashe mumbled Sato stared at him he wasn't all that hlsure if it really was Kanashe or Sosa "fine in 15 minutes the party will end and ill take you to Sosa and for the doubt you have that its really me simle put up a magic cancelling barrier" Kanashe said with a smile he ignoref the bruse and he stood up and helped Sato up "i dont kbow how" Sato said Kanashe laughed and explained it and Sato maneged to do it all that happened was kanashe reverted to his true form "See i tild you it was me" Kanashe said Sato took dosn the barrier and kanashe reverted back to the mortal formhe turned on the water in the sink next to him and put his hand under the water washed the blood away "Kanashe im sorry" Sato said Kanashe laughed as he turned the water off and shook his hand to dry it "dont be id act the exact same way but thats expected from me not you" Kanashe said as he waslked to the door Sato right behind him "you first"Kanashe said as he held the door open Sato walked threw damn bear everyones attention was brought to them Kamashe followed right behind his his bangs covered his eyes as he mostly stared at the ground most people stared at the bruise on kanashes face Izanami walked to them "what the hell happened in there abd kanashe how the hell do you have a bruise" Izanami said Kanashe looked at him "it was about what happened when everything went black and this" kanashe said he put his hand to his face near the bruise "he punched me pretty hard im not entirely sure why it hasn't healed" Kanashe said Izanami sighed Kanashes vision blurs a bit he shook his head Sara walked to them kanashe put his heand to his head he just remembered about the fact that sosa injected something "um i feel a bit lightheaded" Kamashe said "you should probably eat then" Sara said kanashe looked at her "yah your right"Kanashe said smiling they thrn got something to eat Kanashe ate some of the food kanashe seemed more pail then normal Sato was sitting next to Kanashs "did you not tell me something?" Sato asked Kamashe nibble on the food he glanced at sato through the corner of his eyes then mouthed shhhh Sato looked at the ground a bit annoyed Kanashe put the plate of food he only ate about half of it "I'm not hungry anymore" Kanashe said as he put the plate on the table he then heard his alarm go of he turned it off and stood up "ok everyone the partys over if y'all could kindly leave me and Sato are both really tired and I hope y'all have a wonderful day" Kanashe said rather loud so everyone could hear not long after it was just Sato and himself "kanashe can we go now" Sato asked Kanashe sighed and stood up "in a bit ima go see something it's at the bunker just give me a minute" kanashe said as he telaported to the bunker Kanashe looked at the chair confused as to Sosa wasn't there next thing he knew he was pinned onto the ground by Sosa a knife to kiss neck "I'm surprised your aren't out of it that poison, was made just for you" Sosa said he put the life above kanashe heart "no stop it please" Kanashe screamed he tried to fight beck but his entire body went numb kanashes eyes widened Sosa smirked he then proceeded to carve out Kanashes heart Kanashe screamed in so much pain and right before Kanashe died Sosa whispered "it wasn't that hard finding out how to kill a god it wasn't that hard especially after the reaction you give anytime a knife is put against a gods heart" Sosa said kanashe head fell back Sosa to see Kanashes heart in the air Sato showed up his eyes widened "what the hell did you do! " Sato yelled tears streaming down his face Sosa laughed "you kill me you kill any chance of ever getting Kanashe back" Sosa said Sato immediately froze Sosa started to squeeze the heart "no please stop! " Sato yelled Sosa stopped and walked to a container and put the heart in it "fine whatever but your not getting it back and you may never get it back I can run away forever if I want to he deserves to stay dead" Sosa laughed Sato, was shaking Sosa walked to the door with the container "let's make a deal!" Sato yelled Sosa looked at Sato

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