chapter 20

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Kanashe grabbed it and put it on and his it under his shirt "Thanks and Yuki" Kanashe said but stoped talking "what?" Yuki asked Kanashe looked at the door "be careful im starting to think the trader is back again" Kanashe said then left Yuki sighed Kanashe looked at Sato "hey baby" Kanashe said smiling Sato looked at Kanashe and smiled "hey so what was that about?" Sato said Kanashe laughed a bit "oh nothing i just brought up something about the dream that was a bit personal but everything is fine now" kanashe said as he lossly rebraded his hair Sato walked to him and put two fingers on Kanashes neck Kanashe looked Sato in the eyes Sato smiled and pussed on the presser point knocking Kanashe out "hahahah i cant believe you really fell for it" Sosa said returning to his normal form Kanashe mumbled something as he fell and passed out Sosa laughed then grabed kanashe by the hair and telaported them to a bunker Sato was tied to a chair on one side of the room and there was another chair about 10 feet across from it Sosa dragged kanashe by the hair them put him on the chair Sato looked at them and tried screaming but it was muffled by the tape Sosa looked at him "stop screaming he wont wake up for a few minutes and no matter what nobody here will be using magic its against the rules of this place kinda that includes this fucker and whatever you are" Sosa said he was the only god not awear of Sato being the celestial god Sato fell silent he stared at kanashe and watched as the man walked into another room he soon came back with a gun loaded with a gods weakness and a kife made of the same material he put the knife and gun on the table "you really are his weakness he let his guard down when he saw me in your form he didnt even relize it was me" Sosa said laugheing Sato tears up he struggled aginst the ropes he forgot about the kife Kanashe makes him have in his pocket at all times "there is no use in struggling it wont brake" Sosa said clearly getting bored he walked to Kanashe and tapped his nose but got no response he sighed then walked to Sato and ripped the tape off "ow" Sato mumbled Sosa rolled his eyes "so tell me Sato whats it like living with a monster dose he torment you hurt you force you to do things did he force you into marriage" Sosa aksed Sato lowly growled but looked at Kanashe and sighed he then looked sosa in the eyes "hes not a monster no no no and no hes never done any of that hes actually allways so conserned about me" Sato said Sosa rolled his eyes "as if thats not the Kanashe i know he is always such a dick he tourchered me and Rina for years just because we pissed him off now me and Rina had a plan to get rid of him but he fucking killed Rina so that just complicated matters so i had to find someone who hatted him like we did but for some fuckimg reason even koru said no funny huh" Sosa said as he walked to the table and sat down he looked at Kanashe "i dont understand how you could ever love such a monster" Sosa said as he held his side Sato growled "HES NOT A MONSTER SO STOP SAYING HE IS!" Sato yelled Sosa rolled his eyes he walked to the other room and came back with another gun "this one doesn't have the bullets that can really hurt you but oh well" Sosa said and aimed it at Kanashes leg and shot Kanashe jumped awake he looked at his leg first he looked at Sosa then Sato withn seconds Kanashe understood the situation and he growled "you son of a bith let me and sato go!" Kanashe yelled as he struggled aginst the ropes Sosa laughed you wont get free no magic is allowed in this place" Sosa said Kanashe stoped struggling he glanced around "where are we" Kanashe asked "its the celestial bunker" Sosa said kanashe and Sato immediately looked at eachother "thats enough talking its time to get started" Sosa said walking to the table he put the gun down and grabed the knife then walked to Kanashe "what the hell are you going to do" Kanashe said Sosa ripped kanashes shirt tearing it revealing most of Kanashes right side "im getting a lot of payback today" Sosa said putting the knife somewhat above the rib cage he then cut into Kanashe and dragged the knife down to kanashes lower side kanashe screamed as loud as he could in pain his eyes wide and he threw his head back Satos eyes widen "STOP IT DONT HURT HIM!" Sato yelled tears ran down his face "oh shut up your of no importance to this" Sosa said kanashe coughed a bit blood poured from his wounds "leave him alone i dont care what you do to me just let him go" Kanashe mumbled Sosa laughed he ripped the knife back into Kanashes side tearing more skin off kanashes eyes were wide the one time he felt this pain was when he killed himself Kanashe was screaming in pain Sosa was laughing he walked to the table put the knife down and grabed the gun kanashes head was back his breathing soft he was losing a lot of blood "no dont please im begging you!" Sato screamed Sosa growled in annoyance "yall are perfect for eachother Satos a annoying bitch and kanashe is just a monster" Sosa said as he walked behind Kanashe he grabbed Kanashes hair and forced him to face Sato he also put the gun against Kanashes head "since im feeling rather nice any last words" Sosa said kanashe smiled "Sato we will get married oneday i promise you and you will never be lonly you have sera and izanami" Kanashe said Sochi cocked the gun tears streamed down his face "i love you Sato and this place excepts your pow-" Kanashe said but was cut off by Sosa who shot kanashe almost immediately killing him Satos eyes widened and he screamed the bunker was shaking Sosa looked at Sato confused Sato broke free and stood up "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Sato screamed he held out his hand and mumbled something and killed Sosa he then ran to kanashe tears streaming down his face he untied Kanashe and pulled him close hugging him crying and screaming after a few minutes he passed he picked kanashe up bridle style and telaported to the godly relm

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