chapter 12

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Sato looked at Kanashe and smiled then jumped on him hugging him "i know someone who can take a image from my memory and make it a picture so this is me when i was 7" Kanashe said showing him the picture "you were kinda cute as a kid" Sato said Kanashe looked at the roof he coughed a bit he closed his eyes Sato looked at him and asked "are you ok?" Kanashe smiled as he stood up "yah im fine" Kanashe said "ima get going now"Kanashe said walking to the door "ill walk you out" Sato said fallowing Kanashe. Kanashe stoped turned around he wrapped his arms around Sato kissed him and smiled "im not going to leave you again i promise" Kanashe said he walked to the door and opened it but turned around "oh and i almost forgot i love you Sato" Kanashe said then left Sato put his hand to his lips and thought he what Kanashe just said and the kiss
About 2 months later the kiss and i love you was never talked about
Over the months Kanashe was a bit off he seemed sick almost. "Kanashe we dont have to go out you should probably go get some rest" Sato said Kanashe smiled "im fine dont worry" Kanashe said but coughed a good bit right after his vision blurs his smile disappeard the light in his eyes as well he fell forward as he just passed out Sato quickly cought Kanashe "hey Kanashe" Sato mumbled but then took Kanashe to the room and laied him down then called Izanami Kanashe was coughing and at times some blood was coughed up Izanami soon showed up "theres no possible way hes sick" Izanami said he looked at Kanashe and flenched "um Sato can you leave for a while please" Izanami said Sato sighed then left Izanami shook him awake Kanashe looked at Izanami as he woke up "what the hell is going on" Kanashe mumbled then sat up he glanced at Izanami and immediately umderstood the situation Izanami sighed "i dont know i mean youve never been sick befor thats always been the one thing that doesn't happen to you" Izanami said Kanashe cougjed a bit "its hard to breath" Kanashe complained changing the subject "i know. But focus what all hurts" Izanami asked but Kanashe started to coughed a lot he then coughed up a few flower petals in his hand Iznamai looked at the petals "Kanashe are you in love?" Iznamai asked. Kanashe clenched his hands gripping the petals "No" Kanashe said lying Izanami growled "i already know its Hanahaki just tell me who it is" Izanami said Kanashe stood up dropped the petals and sighed "let it go im fine" Kanashe said then telaported to Sato "hey Sato i need to ask you something" Kanashe said Sato looked at him and immediately hugged him saying "Your ok!" Kanashe looked at Sato and huged him back his chin on Satos head he sniffed his hair "What happened?" Sato saked "can we just stay like this for a bit promise ill tell you it in a bit" Kanashe said in a rather shaky voice Sato was confused but stayed like that after about 3 minutes Kanashe let go and backed up he forced a smile "so first i wanna ask about something Izanami said to me" Kanashe said "hm?" Sato said "he siad you might love me do you?" Kanashe said Sato flenched "what i dont know i havent thoughed about anything like that" Sato said Kanshe looked away he started to coughed a lot and eventually coughed up an entire flower this time but he immediately grabbed it blood trickled down the side of this mouth Sato looked at him worried "Kanashe whats wrong whats happening" Sato said Kanashe slowly put the flower in his back pocket "Its nothing i just dont feel all that good" Kanashe said Sato sighed telaported behind kanashe and grabbed the flower he looked at the bloody red rose "Kanashe do you have Hanahaki?" Sato asked Kanashe spun around and jumped back his mind all over the place "y.....yah" Kanashe mumbled "is it" Sato asked Kanashe was silent his smile gone he wouldn't even look at Sato he backed up he wanted to run so badly but be didn't want to break his promise "Kanashe do you love me like that" Sato asked Kanashe was shaking "i....i... I do ok..." Kanashe mumbled out Sato softly smiled "for the one that has no fear of kissing me or tuching me in a few sexual areas your really shy" Sato said walking to Kanashe and wrapped his arms around Kanashe and pit his chin on Kanashes chest looking up at Kanashe who tried to back up but couldn't his face a bit red he didnt know what to say "Kanashe will you go on a date with me" Sato asked Kanashe flenched "wh...what?" Kamashe said Sato smiled and repeated the question Kanashe smiled and shook his head yes Sato got on his tip toes and kissed Kanashe and Kanashes eyes widened but he closed his eyes and kissed back
Weeks passed kanashes sickness was gone at this point and Kanashe and sato were dating for a good bit at this time
Kanshe has been annoyed for a few days Sato walked to Kanashe kissed and hugged him "whats wrong?" Sato asked "Someone has been watching and following you and me recently its annoying im week and i cant figure out why though" Kanashe said "ignore them lets go out again" Sato said and they did but halfway there both Kanashe and Sato were knocked out they woke up in a basement Sato woke up before kanashe and the man grabbed Sato by the hair and threw him in the middle of the room "Sato do you remember me?" A man said Kanashe was still out cold Sato looked at Kanashe then the man "if i remember right its Suki right" Sato mumbled Suki smiled he got ontop of Sato and put a knife to Satos chest "goodjob but i still want my payback that friend of yours cant die but can be torched" Suki said

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