chapter 3

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Sato walked downstairs to Kanashe "Kanashe are you ok" Sato asked Kanashe sighed "yah sure why not" Kanashe said Sato walked to Kanashe "what did you mean i forgot you twice" Sato asked "SHUT UP" Kanashe screamed he was clearly shaking Sato was a bit worried. "Im sorry..." Kanashe said. "Kanashe whats wrong"Sato asked Kanashe looked at Sato "nothing im just a little annoyed thats all" Kanashe said as he put on a fake smile Sato sat next to Kanashe and hugged him "why pretend to be ok if something is bothering you im here you can talk to me" Sato said Kanashe laughed a little "you wouldn't understand so ill keep to myself but maybe if you stick around long enough ill tell you so just do me this one favor dont forget me and leave again" Kanashe said "ok i promise" Sato said Kanashe laied his head against the nape of Satos neck. Izanami teleported in and simply watched and Kanashe didn't notice him yet "Sato you kinda reminde me of someone i used to care for deeply personality wise i just hope you wont do what he did to me" Kanashe mumbled it was the first time hes ever mentioned any part of his past to anyone "you never mention your past to anyone" Izanami said Kanashe looked at him and Sato let go Kanashe stood up and smiled "IZANAMI!" Kanashe screamed and ran to him and hugged him "its been a while hasn't it" Izanami said as he hugged back "Yep!" Kanashe said "Kanashe who is that?" Sato asked "oh right Sato this is Izanami hes the god of life despite most belief we are actually good friend" Kanashe said as he let go "So how are you Sato its-" Izanami said but got cut off half way by Kanashe putting his and on his mouth "he still doesn't remember me and id like to keep it that way even though it hurts" Kanashe whispers Sato tilted his head Kanashe let go Izanami sighed "its nice to meet you anyway whats yalls relationship" Izanami said Kanashe walked behind Sato and wrapped his arms around him he put his chin on Satos shoulder and Satos face turned a light red "oh were just friends but hes a target as of now what a randome coincidence right" Kanashe said Sato looked at Kanashe "your crazy Kanashe" Sato said "So Izanami why are you here?" Kanashe said ignoreing Satos comment he sood up straight his arms still loosely wrapped around Sato "Oh right the rest of the council said that you can go all out in two days from now" Izanami said Kanashe smiled psychoticly "thats wonderful i cant wait i wonder where will i go" Kanashe said Sato looked confused "what are you talking about and Kanashe your bloodlust its terrifyingly strong." Sato said Kanashe let go and walked to Izanami "i hold back every time i kill as the rest of the council requested but in return every few years i get to go all out i wont have to hold back and i just love getting to do this" Kanashe said Izaname sighed then grabbed Kanashe by the caller "chill Kanashe you have to wait"Izaname said Sato took a step back "Kanashe if you enjoy killing so much why wont you harm me?" Sato asked Kanashe smiled as he looked at Sato "Because i find you interesting" Kanashe said Izanami let go of Kanashe "when was the last time you were able to go all out?" Sato asked and not even thinking about it Kanashe said "17 years ago" Izanami looked at Kanashe "idiot" Izanami said Kanashe looked at Izannmi Sato flinched "where was it" Sato asked Kanashe looked at Sato "it was pretty much the entire state of Tennessee" Kanashe said Sato froze Izanami grabbed Kanashe "stop talking" Izanami whispers and it finally hit Kanashe just how much he told Sato "shit um sorry but uh i have to go Sato ill uh talk to you later" Kanashe said with a smile he started to walk to the door not wanting to use any magic at the moment Sato grabbed Kanashes arm "You lied earlier didn't you" Sato said Kanashe looked at Sato and smiled "Sato i really have to go im sorry ill see you later ok" Kanashe said he softly kissed Sato on the forhead Sato face turned red Izanami sighed "see yah" Kanashe said then left Izanami walked to Sato "you really should try to calm down he's a bit unstable at the moment and honestly Sato id probably be best if you did forget him again you dont understand how much it hurts him but how much hes protecting you at the same time"Izanami said Sato stared at the ground "No i dont wanna forget him i cant explain it bit i think i have to stay with him" Sato said Izanami flinched "how can you change your fate without even knowing it no wonder Kanashes is so anxious anyway i have to go but i might see you later" Izanami said about 5 hours later Kanashe walked threw the door "Sato any chance your still here?" Kanashe said he looked around and found Sato asleep in his own room he held a picture but Kanashe didn't know which one "whyd he come to my room" Kanashe said he walked to Sato and grabbed the picture and flinched when he saw it "Damn it whyd he have to find the only one of us together when we met first" Kanashe said Sato stirs and woke up he sat up and rubbed his eyes "Kanashe?" Sato mumbled Kanashe looked at the picture "Mhm" Kanashe mumbled "why did you do it" Sato asked Kanashe sat next to Sato "i was the one who put you in danger i tried to stay with you but i guess i just couldn't handle it"Kanashe said "why didn't you just kill me?" Sato asked Kanashe looked at Sato "because i had come back to reality and i hate killing little kids and i couldn't just leave you there to die" Kanashe said then laid on the bed and stared at the roof he had a small smile on "did you care about me?" Sato asked as he grabbed the picture again "yah i really did you were probably the best thing that happened to me for a long time" Kanashe said Sato griped the picture frame a bit harder "then why did you make me forget you" Sato asked Kanashe closed his eyes and said "because you were in danger i was in a bad situation at the moment so i had to make a choice keep you around and take a chance of you dying within the next few weeks or send you away and save you" Sato sighed he looked at Kanashe "you said i forgot you twice" Sato said Kanashe flinched then said "yah uh about 4 years ago i tried to find you and i did but it didn't go as planned" Sato put the picture down and grabbed Kanashes hand "what happened" Sato asked "well someone was trying to kill me i wasn't completely awear of it so when i found you i started out by talking and well everything was great but the the person tried killing me i dodged but then he tried killing you and i snapped i killed the man and well when i kill i enjoy it you didn't like that to much you freaked out and called me insane that kinda hurt but you wouldn't look at me and you wouldn't let me near you that hurt more than anything you could imagine so i had you forget me and i left there was a part of me that wanted you to remember i wanted you with me but i just keep putting you in danger i don't want you to get hurt because of me" Kanashe said Sato stood up and stared at the ground "that not fair Kanashe have you ever tried asking me" Sato Kanashe looked at Sato "no b-" Kanashes started to say but Sato cut him off "exactly i never wanted you to leave i dont care if i get put in danger did you even think about how i felt or what i wanted" Sato screamed Kanashe sat up and looked at Sato his own lips slightly parted but he couldn't form any words "say something damnit!" Sato screamed Kanashe looked at the ground "Sato im sorry but im not leaving this time i promise ok ill return your memory if thats what you want but if i do im going to have to leave for a few days" Kanashe said Sato looked at the ground "just do it" Sato said Kanashe stood up he grabbed Satos wrist and pulled him up and close he put his forhead to Satos "remember me remember everything i forced you to forget" Kanashe said he let go of his wrist and backed up Sato fell to his knees "im sorry Sato but i gotta go" Kanashe said Sato grabbed Kanashes jacket "please dont go" Sato said Kanashe looked at Sato and put on a smile "ill see you later dont worry i made a promise remember? Oh and try not getting yourself in trouble" Kanshe said then disappeared

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