chapter 13

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Suki stabed the knife through Satos heart killing him he coughed up blood and looked over at Kanashe tears ran down his face and his eyes went dull his body cold Suki got up and laughed he walked to the table that had different tourcher wepond he grabbed the key to the cuffs on the wall Kanashe jumped awake his body shaking he looked at Sato tears in his eyes the then ran to him and picked him up bridle style "i will kill you" Kanashe screamed as he walked to the wall and placed Sato against the wall Sato was dead and Kanashe was pissed he knew id be a bad idea to fight cuse his body was weak and he could barely think straight tears ran down Kanashes face he grabbed his hair pins and broke them all his power returned at once he reverted to his absolute true god form he walked to the man and punched him they kept fighting for a while but even with all Kanashes power he just couldent control it Kanashe was on the ground beaten to a pulp the other gods were occupied Kanashe screamed as Suki broke Kanashes arm tears ran down his face "im so sorry Sato" Kanashe mumbled out Suki kicked Kanashe so hard in the back it shattered his spine Sato jumped up and breathing really fast as he did become a god he was now the celestial god he didnt know what to do he was scared Kanashe had tears streaming down the face Suki laughed and he grabbed kanashes arms tighter stepped in his back again and agin breaking it to the point that it was very messed up Kanashe coughed up a lot of blood and screamed in so much pain "please stop" Kanashe cried Suki laughed the stepped on him one more time but Kanashe passed out this time Sato looked at the situation he screamed for the other gods Suki, started to walk to Sato and Sato griped the place Suki stabed Izanami showed up before Suki got to Sato again Iznamai immediately killed the man knowing it was the only way then helped Sato get kanashe to the hospital in the godly realm and after it was only a few days and Kanashe was healing slower but he woke up "Sato!" Kanashe screamed as he tried to sit up but only made it halfway befor falling back again he looked at Sato tears ran down his face "but you died" Kanashe mumbled "well it turns out i did become a god i tried talking to the other gods to figure something out but they all said that you should explain anyway how are you" Sato asked Kanashe sighed he closed his eyes "my back hurts like hell and i barly have feelings in my body and my head is spinning" Kanashe said Chishiki walked in "how do you feel" Chishiki said "im fine" Kanashe said Sato walked to Kanashe and sat on the chair next to him "Kanashe i want you to put your power away again and now" Chishiki said holding up 2 pins "no as soon as im better were going at it again but i do want the pins" Kanashe said Chishiki tosed the pins to Sato and said "ok whatever" then left Kanashe closed his eyes in pain he laughed a bit "damn that guy beat the crap out of me" Kanashe said Sato sighed "im sorry i should have told you about him i just didn't know ot think hed ever get out of jail" Sato said tearing up "its fine dont worry i just want to know how long i was out" Kanashe said "3 days" Sato mumbled Kanashe sighed "im so sorry if you want we can talk about the whole god thing" Kanashe said "please" Sato said
A few hours past befor kanashe told sato what god he was then it took about 2 weeks for Kanashes body to fully heal
Kanasge stretched he walked around a bit it felt weird but he was fine he walked to the arena dispite having all his power including Rinas he held the form he was in when he met Sato he had his left hand in his back pocket he stared at his hand "i need to redo my nails i guess i also have to handle the god of memorys bulldshit" Kanashe mumbled as he made it to the arena where everyone else already was Kanashe yawned he was tird from lack of sleep but he was a hell of a lot stronger then anyone there his strength hidden but was released and shown the moment he got 10 feet away from Chishiki "AND GO" Izanami screamed from the stands Kanashe stood still Chishiki went to attack Kanashe smiled dodged grabbed Chishikis arm and threw him in he grownd harshly he held his hand out to try and make his final move but Chishiki kicked him in the gut throwing Kanashe back a few feet Kanashe coghed but jumped to feet he growled at Chishiki as Chishiki got up "Kanashe you know you cant win" Chisiki said he created and illusion it showed the moment Sato died Kanashe backed up he held his head "why not give up just like last time you know you want to" Chisiki said walking closer to Kanashe. Kanashe closed his eyes took a deep breath glanced at Sato in the stands who smiled at him then he laughed the illusion gone "you know Chisiki i have something you have no idea about and this will end the match. But first i want a hand on hand combat for at least 3 minutes" Kanashe said Chishiki agreed they went at it constantly going at it and if they didn't dodge or block they attack after 3 minutes Kanashe smiled grabbed Chisiki and pulled him close "rebound" Kanashe whispers so the other gods wouldn't hear. Chishiki screamed in pain on the ground after a few seconds he passed out and Kanashe threw a knife in Chisikis hart to kill him all the gods but Sato stood there shocked "K....kanashe wins" Izanami said Kanashe riped out the kife and walked out the stadium he sighed "i finally get to keep my power." Kanashe said he made it to the rest area whitch was where he was befor he sat down

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