chapter 6

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Sato was silent and he was slightly shaking he closed his eyes and calmed down Kanashe startes to scream in his sleep tears ran down his face he was twisting and turning Sato walked to Kanashe woriedly he tried shaking him awake Izanami looked at them confused Kanshe jumped awake his breathing was fast his eyes wide and tears kept running down his face "what the hell was that" Kanahe cried Sato huged him and softly whispers "it was just a dream calm down its going to be ok" Sato said "a dream?" Kanashe mumbled then looked at Sato tears kept streaming down his face his body shaking Sato was worried because Kanashe practically never showed any kind of fear or sadness and if he did id be gone within a few seconds Kanashe wrapped his arms around Sato after a few minutes Kanashe calmed down but he still just wasn't himself his happy go lucky facade was gone he looked emotionless he looked over at Izanami then at the pictures and old phone Izanami scrambled and telaported it all away "Izanami" Kanashe growled loudly Izanami and Sato flenched "yah what" Izanami said "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SHOW HIM" Kanashe screamed Iznamai took a step back "i have to leave Kanashe like now" Izanami said a bit scared knowing Kanahse was about to snap Kanashe teleported behind Izanami and wrapped one arm around his lower waist the other he grabbed Izanamis throught tightly "what the fuck did you show him" Kanashe growled "the pictures and the video" Izanami said Kanashe let go and Izanami sighed thinking Kanashe wasn't mad but a few seconds later Kanashe punched Izanami in the back with a little bit of his power so hard he was practically thrown against the wall and his back snapped Izanami coughed up a lot of blood his wounds healed after a few seconds Sato took a step back "he walked to Izanami and grabbed the back of his coller and pulled him up and whispers something "ok" Izamami mumbled Kanashe then telaported away Sato looked at Izanami "where did he go and what did he tell you?" Sato asked Izanami flenched he stretched a bit then sighed "well hes finally snapped but hes going all out and i can tell you even though im immortal getting on Kanashes bad side is something worse than death" Izanami said "what about Rina?" Sato asked "Kanashe has killed and tortured him many times but he eventually got tired of it and stopped"Izanami said about an hour had past and they were still waiting Rina showed up and smiled "hey Izanami i wanna tell you something you to you little shit" Rina said Sato flenched and Izanami sighed "ok what is it" Izanami said "your so called Kanashe is lying to you thats not his name, he lied about how he died, and about why he stopped torturing and killing me" Rina said smiling both Sato and Izanami were confused and said "what do you mean" Rina laughed a bit "His true name is Nala, he died by suicide and he stopped torturing and killing me cus we made a deal the deal was he stopped if i stayed silent about his name and death but he broke the deal a year ago by killing me and i feel like his real name should finally be used after all i gave it to him" Rina said Sato closed his eyes he was kind of angry but mostly upset Izanami flenched at the information Kanashe showed up covered in blood he looked at Rina he walked to him and grabbed him by the collar "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR DEAL TELL ME YOU DIDN'T TELL THEM ANYTHING" Kanashe screamed he was clearly pissed "you lied about your name" Sato mumbled "and the way you died plus why you stopped killing him" Izanami said Kanashe looked at them both his eyes widen for a moment he then looked at Rina and pulled him close "i swear you little bastered but youll learn soon enough that was a very bad mistake" he walked to Izanami and Sato "Sato ill talk to you later Rina in a week call me" Kanashe said then telaported both himself and Izanami to the godly realm "what are we doing here?" Izanami said Kanashe walked to the council desk and tapped a button calling an emergency meeting Izanami was confused a few minutes later everyone on the godly council showed up and sat at their chair "what is this all about" Kaori said Kanashe stood up he was still pissed which had most the gods a bit nervous "ive learnd how to permanently kill a god i need permission to kill the god of memory Rina" Kanashe said every god grew concerned and scared "in order for me to actually kill a god i genuinely need majority vote from the council so dont worry and im the only god capable of it" Kanashe said Izanami clenched his fist he stood up "you need to tell the rest if the council what Rina told me" Izanami said Kanashe flenched Kanashe walked to Izanami and punched him "drop it non of what he said mattered" Kanashe said "YOUR NAME AND DEATH DOES FUCKING MATTER" Izanami screamed the rest of the council whispers and looked at eachother "What does he mean" one of the gods said Kansahe growled he walked back to his chair and sat down he put his hand over his eyes and mumbled something then sighed "My true name isn't Kanashe and i didn't die by falling. My true name is Nala which was given to me by Rina and i died by suicide. And please never call me Nala" Kanashe said something seemed off about Kanashe he never went from how pissed he was to how calm he was at the moment the god of knowledge stared at Kanashe and Kanashe stood up yall heard what i want please try to have a answer for me before next week" Kanashe said he was about to leave

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