chapter 5

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Kanashe growled "stop calling me that i hate the name you gave me and i hate you" Kanashe growled Rina sighed "But Nala you love me remember all those years ago i know your love was real come on just let me in" Rina said Kanahse looked at Rina his own eyes dull "i did love you but you never did you lied to me you manipulated me i hate you more than anything" Kanashe said Rina put his hand on the barrier "oh Kanashe you know i lied but in the end i did love you i still do i just wish youd listen to me for once" Rina said Izanami appeared he looked at Rina then asked "why is he here?" Kansahe sighed and slammed the door "dosnt matter he wont leave me alone howd you get in i have a barrier "you cant block me out" Izaname said Rina banged on the door "let me in N-" Rina started to say but Kanashe screamed " SHUT UP RINA AFTER WHAT YOU DID RIGHR BEFORE YOU TOLD ME YOU NEVER LOVED ME BUT FINALLY HAD AN INTEREST BECAUSE OF MY REACTION HOW COULD I EVER FORGIVE YOU!" Kanashe was pissed teats ran down his face but his bangs covered his face Izanami stared at Kanashe Sato saterd at the door when he heard Kanashe screamed the barrier was strong "ill be back i promise you Nala" Rina said then left Kanashe dropped to his knees he couldnt focus properly his eyes were wide and his body was shaking he felt nauseous Izanami ran to Kanashe "why did he call you Nala" Kanashe put hus hand to his mouth he telaported to the bathroom he threw up a lot and he already has little to nothing in his system so this did not help Izanami walked to him woried "Kanashe whats going on" Izanami asked Kanashe looked at Izanami "i was stupid enough to put up a barrier on the house but not my mind" Kanashe mumbled out it was clear Kanashe was having trouble speaking and thinking "go tell Sato everythings ok now hes in my room" Kanashe mumbled out he flushed the toilet and leaned against the counter forgetting what he told Sato "you look like shit Kanashe" Izanami said as he started to walk "i feel like shit to" Kanashe mumbled he slid down completely and stared at the ceiling light Izanami walked to Kanashes room "Sato everythings ok now you can come out" Izanami said but Sato didn't move Izanami sighed as he started to look around "look Sato Kanashe isn't doing all that great and cant necessarily come over here so he sent me to get you" Sato covered his ears and sat still Izanami was unable find him after a bit Kansahe sighed he stood up and slowly walked to his room "Izamami what's taking so long?" Kanashe asked as he put all his waight on the wall he still looked nauseous "well if hes in here i cant find him and he wont come out" Izanami said Kanashe put his hand to his head as Izanami was talking he closed his eyes "Sato come out already im not in the mood to search for you" Kanashe said his hand went from his head to his stomach Sato appeared in front Kanashe he looked at Izanami "whats going on?" Sayo asked "the bitch hasn't slept, killed, or eaten in the past 4 weeks then the god of memory came and really messed with his head" Izanami explained Kansahe droped to his knees he was unable to focus he couldnt think as thousand different memories went through his mind at the same mind he closed his eyes tightly in pain both Sato and Izanami were worried "kanashe you should eat something then get some sleep" Sato said Kanashe looked at Sato a bit confused "kanashe?" Kanashe said he sounded very confused but flenched he heald his head "damnit....." Kanashe said he started to mumbled something over and over again Sato and Izanami looked at eachother then at Kanashe everything went silent and they could somewhat understand "my name is Kanashe im the god of death i hate Rina the the name he calls me ....." Kanashe mumbled but stopped halfway through he pulled at his hair and screamed then fell to the ground completely and unconscious "why did he repeat that" Izanami mumbled Kanashes barrier fell but Izanami and Sato didn't worry to much about it Sato helped Izanami get Kanashe in his bed "Izanami im worried about him" Sato said as he stared at Kanashe "dont worry even if he were to die hes one of the gods that will just come back due to him being a well known god" Izanami said Sato sat in a chair his knees agains his chest and his chin on his knees "you know Kanashe is kinda cute" Sato mumbled Izanami laughed and Sato went a bright red as he didn't mean to say it out loud "i thought that to for some time but hes more like just a friend to me theres been a few peoole like you yah know hed get really attached to someone but everyone dies at some point even if thry didn't die they only looked at Kanashe as a father figure kinda but after about 4 people he lernd that it was pointless to try and save a mortal he promised himself hed never care for a mortal again but after about 4 billion years he met you and almost instantly he knew you were special no god knows what the hell is going on with you because i did not create you and non of ther other god could possibly create you and if another mortal created you id still be impossible cus id have part in it and nobody can find your book thats why he spent so long away from you" Izanami said Sato looked at Izanami "Book?" Sato asked "yah everyone has one even gods it records what we do at all times" Izanami said Sato looked at Kanashe "he then remembered something 4 weeks ago he was supposed to go on a rampage right?" Sato asked Izanami looked at kanashe and sighed then said "yah he never did and all the gods are scared for when hell snap cuse we all know at this point when he snaps nobody will be capable of stopping him" Sato stood up and walked to Kanashe "do you know why he always acts so happy happy" Sato asked he softly tuched Kanshas ears but soon stoped "Sato you really have no clue how he used to be do you?" Izanami said Sato looked at Izanami "no he wont tell me anything hes always acted this way he looked sad for a bout a minute one time the first time i met you but almost immediately snapped out of it" Sato said "ill be right back i think you have some right to see something" Izanami said then telaported away and soon returned with a few pictures and a phone "sit down ima show you some pictures and a video or two of Kanashe a few years befor he met you" Izanami said Sato looked at him curiously then sat in the chair next to a small table in the room Izanami sat in the chair next to him and placed pictures of Kanashe down in the pictures kanashe was either completely emotionless and dull or he was pissed off his hair was a lot longer in the pictures "he looks so gone like hes physically there but just wasn't" Sato said "thats kind of how it was he never really cared about what others thought and it took a lot to get him pissed most gods were terrified if he got angry because there wasnt gradually getting angry one minute hes emotionless the next he angry enough to distroy the entire world" Izanami said "his hair why did he cut it?" Sato asked Izanami glanced at Kanashe "he didn't a few days befor he met you for the first time he got in a fight with Rina and Rina cut his hair knowing id weaken him for some reason every part of him just makes him stronger including hair so he let it grow plus he liked to piss people off by pretending to be the opposite gender somethimes'' Izanami said Sato stared at one of the pictures he looked a bit sad "show me the video" Sato said Izanami sighed "ok but befor i do are you sure you want to watch this its not filming him doing nothing and it may change the way you look at him" Izamami said Sato was silent for a moment then said "im sure just show me" Izanami turned the phone on and went to the video "this video was taken 5 years before you were born" Izanami said then started the video Kanashe was standing still when another god showed up "they said you can go as far as you want today" the god said Kanashes eyes went pure black and his third eye opened his long hair which fell to hi feet went in the air and his body levitate a bit off the ground horns appeared and the bottom half of his hair went black the gods eyes widen and he immediately telaported away Kanashe seemed pissed he heald out his hand and a long line about 20 miled was obliterated a sword appeared in his hands and he slotered everyone he saw and distroyed buildings after about 20 minutes Kanashe had whipped out 3 different nations he turned to the man fillming "how many god damn times do i have to kill you fuckers stop filming and taking pictures of me!" Kanashe said as he killed the man the camra fell to the ground Kanashes form returned to normal "by the way who ever if fucking watching this i hope you happy with that cus there wont be a next time you mother fucker" Kanashe growled out then stepped on the camra and broke it

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