◾Random Day when Damon Forgets To pick Stefanie Up◾

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If you wanna follow my private instagram its: @nityaaah

◾Random Day when Damon Forgets To pick Stefanie Up◾

P.O.V:- Elena

          Elena:- Damon where are you !?
Oh this is a groupchat ! Sorry Anyone know where damon is !?

Rebekah:- This girl has some serious Issues 🙄.

Elena:- Not asking you Miss Sassy Pants 😒

Stefan:- Damon is with me and Alaric at the bar Elena.

Elena:- Has he picked Stefanie Yet Stefan ?

Stefan:- Wha..

Damon :- Shit ! Sorry baby !

Elena:- Pass me the dagger someone🗡️.

Damon:- Sorry baby i am going rn...

Caroline:- What were you doing Stefan !?

Stefan:- I...

Elena:- Its okay Caroline. DAMON should remember his duties.

Alaric :- Hey Elena , Lizzie has picked her up she is taking her to your house . She was on her way home and was picking Josie from the store when she saw her .

Elena:- Thank youuh Ric🥺

Damon:- I reached , Where is Stefie !? Oh . Oh. Thanks Cupcake 😅.

Elena :- Wait till you come home , I just asked you to look after her for one single day damon !

Damon:- Sorry Elena !

Enzo:- Looks like this is gonna be fun 😂 can i come and watch the drama !?

Bonnie:- Enzoo !!!!

Enzo :- What!?

Bonnie:- Its not A joke Enzo !

Kai :- Yeah bonnie that's the reason you should leave him and be with me 😏.

Bonnie:- Not again🙄.

Enzo:- If you flirt with with her one more time , i will kill you 🗡️

Josie :- Mrs. Salvatore , we are at your house with Stefanie , mind if we play with her for sometime?

Elena:-  Thankyouuuh babies❤️ And no i wouldn't ofc mind you all .

Hope :- Hey can i join you all with Landon !?

Klaus:- NO !!!!

DAMON:- NO !!!!!!


Hayley:- Seriously you guys are overreacting 🙄

Damon:- I said NO !

ELENA:- You Don't rule the house !

Hayley :- And Anyways hope and landon are dating.

Klaus :- what !?

Hayley:-  yeah didn't you knew ? Oh wait .  You would kill him wouldn't you ?

Hope :- Mom !!!

Elena:- Children take care of Stefanie while i come home and YES ! LANDON CAN COME !

KLAUS:-  SORRY NOT SORRY. But i am gonna kill this kid .

Hope :-  Dad he can't be killed !

Hayley :-  Klaus !

Rebekah:-  Nik stop it .

Damon :-  I hate to agree with him but yeah i am with him on this one

Elijah :-  Niklaus you would do no such thing and Damon Salvatore leave the poor boy alone .

Landon :-  Am i supposed to say something about this !?

Okay sooo endd of the first chapter !!!! Follow pvt @nityaaah  may follow you'all back ! See you soon with another chapter 😊

~Peace (Nitya❤️)

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