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(Amelia's POV:)
I was called to a meeting, but I wasn't sure why? Was I in trouble? What is happening Regardless, I was walking to the room where my mom and dad hold meetings.
I had been a Frostbourne knight for almost two years now, but both my little brother, myself, and my friends have been trained in combat since we where kids.

As I neared the room, I saw a few familiar faces,

"Hey, Amelia!" My best, best friend Deimitri said walking up to me giving me a hug.

Deimitri is a 17, so a year older then me. He, like his parents Daryll and Lyra, are gunslingers. I've known him for so long that I don't even have a memory where he isn't there. He normally wears a leather jacket over a plain gray shirt and black jeans.
"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" I asked

"Not any of you know?" Elie asked.

Elie is my best girl friend, you know, the one I pretty much call my wife even though both of us aren't dating. She is the daughter of Stella and Rain and is a year younger then me. She has a twin brother, Storm and both are Nether~kin. Shewears black, grey, and bright red armor. She's a mage like Rain is and trains to be an Enderwatcher.

"Nope." I say

"Not a single clue." Deimitri said.

"That's a no for me too..." Aaron said,

Aaron is my little brother. He is a year younger and he acts just like my mom, very creative and calm. He normally wears a lab coat over a dark purple t-shirt and black jeans. He aspires to be head of the Elytra Corps.

"Who called you all here?" Elie asked

"My parents." We all said simultaneously before looking at each other confused.

"Did we do anything wrong? Break any laws?" Deimitri asked.

"I don't know about you guys but I didn't do nothing wrong." Storm said.

And last but certainly not least, we have Storm. He inherited Rain's ender eye and whenever he gets angry or nervous, it shows up. He can be kinda reckless and angry sometimes but he isn't a bad person. He also is my crush- I mean what?

"Then why-" Aaron started before the door opened. Suddenly, Lyra poked her head out from behind the door and said.

"Amelia dear, may you come in for a minute?The rest of you just wait." She asked politely. I nod nervously and head in.

Sitting there at the table was my mom and dad, Rain, Stella, Daryll, Hilda, and a man and woman who I didn't know. One big thing I noticed was that Lady Ceris and Lady Abigail where here. The two of them ran a newer village called New Glacierford which we all just call Glacierford, it is a few days away on foot, and only two on horseback.

"Hello Amelia, please take a seat." My mother asked.

"O-okay?" I sit down next to my mom, we looked pretty similar with our blue hair but I was a bit taller, my hair was short, and had darker blue eyes. Other then that, we look very much so alike.
"May I ask why I am here?"

Abigail started "It's the village, guards have seen crazy amounts of spiders even a few vexes, and some... as people describe to be...glitching..." she said hesitantly.

Glitching? What does that mean?
I look towards everyone else to see their reaction to this and all of them where close to mine, confused...

Accept my mom and dad.
Mom looked...nervous, she normally was calm for everything, even in battle. But now I don't think I've ever seen her so scared.

While dad on the other hand, he tried to keep on a stern and serious face, but it wasn't fooling me. I could see that he was just as scared as my mom.

Something has been wrong with them the moment I walked in. Something I nor anyone else here knew about. Did they know what it was?

"Amelia? Amelia!" I herd Daryll say through my subconscious. At that moment I snap from my thoughts.


"Are you okay?" Hilda ask me.

"Yes, just a bit shaken. Though, I don't understand why I am here?"

"Well..." My dad started. "Myself, your mother, Daryll, Stella, and Rain will be going to Glacierford with Ceris and Abigail for a few days to see if anything is wrong. That leaves you in charge."

What... so your telling me, a 16 year old that I'm in charge of a village's militarily for two weeks. I mean I've helped my dad out before whenever he was sick, but that was like for a day or two...but two weeks?

The guy I didn't know slammed his fist down on the table,

"M'lord, M'lady. Are you sure...she can handle this?" He said in a snarky way. I felt a bit offended but, he is right, I am a bit young.

"Top of her classes, guard experience, and past experience in this position." Stella said before smiling at me.

"I feel like she is more then ready, or at the very least watch over the village for two weeks." My dad said.

"I'm still unsure about a little girl leading an army." He said flat out.
Notch did I want to smack him upside the head.

"Okay, all in favor of not having Amelia run the military when her father is gone?" A voice said from the corner.
We all turn to see all of my friends standing there.

The man was the only one raising his hand.

"Heh, now all in favor of letting Amelia run the army in her dad's place." Storm said and everyone rose their hand.
I smiled.

"Well it's settled, Lady Amelia shall run the place until her fathers return." Ceris said smiling at me.

"Okay, meeting adjourned. Anyone leaving for Glacierford should get your bags and meet by the stables. We leave in an hour." My dad said.


(An hour later)

Both me and my brother hugging my parents and saying our goodbyes at the gate. Of corse, we had already said goodbye to all of the other adults and had to say bye to our parents.

My mom was hugging us like she'd never see us again while my dad watched and chuckled a bit

"Dad! Help us! Mom is trying to suffocate us to death with her hugs!" Aaron shouts.

"No. Then she'll attack me with hugs since she can't hug you two. You mom might be short but she scares me."

Mom smiled and turned to dad, "I know I do, but you love me anyway." She said before turning back to us,

"Okay, okay, I'll let you go." She said letting go of us.

"Thank you momma." I said before hugging my dad. "I'll miss you dad!"

He hugged me back. " I'll miss you too Ame." he said using my nickname.
"Remember, Hilda and Lyra are there to help you if you need it. Also you can still talk to me or anyone going through walki-talki. Your mom just updated them so they can work in farther distances."

"Okay, thanks dad."

"Patrick! Azura! We have to go!" Rain shouted.

"We're coming, we're coming." Mom yelled before pulling all of us in for one last hug. "You guys are staying at Deimitri and Lyra for the time being. We love you two."

"We love you two too momma." We say before we watch the whole group leave.

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