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Vikram entered in meeting room, where Ram seat alone with his thoughts, he take a seat beside him & disturb his thoughts..

Vikram- Ram..

Ram coming out from his thoughts & says- yeah..

Vikram- it's urgent, please try to understand..

Ram interrupt Vikram in mid- Peehu turn 18, & Priya must be here for Peehu very soon..

Vikram- right!

Ram- but as per Indian law, Peehu is adult now, & she have right to chose her parent, right..

Vikram- as per clause, Priya didn't file a custody case for your sake, if you go against that clause, she go in court, & start to fight with you for Peehu..

Ram gritss his teeths & says- she can do whatever she wants for Peehu, but she can't snatch Peehu from me..

Vikram thought for while & says- Ram don't think like business man, think like father & for Peehu sake, for some days keep Peehu with Priya, I understand she left Peehu, when Peehu needs her most, but that doesn't mean, she is not her daughter, think once before do any wrong..

Ram- Peehu hates Priya..

Vikram- then make her understand..

Ram take a long deep breath & says- I tried my best..

Vikram- try to figure out, why she divorced you..

Ram chuckle & says- not now, & not anymore, that Ram was different, & now's Ram is different, it's better we both are happy in our own world..

Vikram shook his head in disbelief & leave the meeting room..

In flight..

Khush look Priya, who busy with her laptop, & he lightly peep in, Priya looks & she down lightly laptop screen, & says- don't peep in, I hate it..

Khush- don't tell me, you writing your Diary..

Priya- it's between me & Peehu only, when I'll meet her, I'll give it to her..

Khush- you know what maa, now I'm scared, I'm scared because you gonna shower your all love on her only..

Priya smile touch his cheek with her & caressing his other cheek through her palm & says- don't be so insecure, you too always be my first & top priority like Peehu..

Khush smile & says- I know, I'm just kidding..

Priya- actually I'm bit scared..

Khush- you, & scared, why..

Priya- will she love me like old time..

Khush- of course she will, after all you are world's best mom..

Priya smile & says- ok, now sleep & don't peep in my work..

Khush give a kiss on Priya's cheek & says- ok mom, you want coffee..

Priya- no, I'm fine, infact I'm excited..

Khush- excited to meet Ram Papa..

Priya smile & says- no, not for him, he hates me..

Khush- how do you know that..

Priya- because I still love him..

Khush- what do you mean..

Priya- nothing, sleep now..

Khush shook his head in unbelievably & close his eyes..

Peehu taking shots of alcohol with excitement, & she furious by the face while she taking her step towards the high..

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