Figure Out..

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Priya talking with Rajat on call, early morning..

Rajat- early morning call, is everything fine..

Priya- yes everything is fine, just I wanted to tell you, if Khush call you for next process, please don't go against him, just start the process..

Rajat- Priya you sounded so low, any argument done with Khush..

Priya- not argument, but he now behaving like boss & guardian, too much weird behavior, almost he lied with me, he told me, through another person, that he is out of station, & like you informed me last day, he used his card in Mumbai, that time I went to meet him, that time his silent treatment almost killed me, Rajat for the first time he behaves so differently..

Rajat- can I talk with him..

Priya- try it, if he tell you the reason, then let me know..

Rajat- yes, but till I suggest you, don't think too much about Khush's behavior..

Priya- one thing make me mad, since his ignorance..

Rajat ask to Priya with serious tone- what..

Priya- about that thing, is he knows the truth..

Rajat- how can is that possible, it's between me, you, & that two culprit, & those proof's from our side I destroyed them, long back ago, & you was the witness for that too, 12 years is long time Priya, through that legal action, we can't take legal action against them now, because you already accepted that all allegations against you & save them & Ram from legal action's..

Priya- I know Rajat, but I'm scared to lose Khush, he trust on me, if by chance, he knows everything, would he trust me like he trust me like now, or he betrayed me & my love against him, it's my insecurities Rajat, it's hard to digest, when I thought about these..

Rajat- calm down, & should I suggest you..

Priya- yeah please..

Rajat- talk with them, I mean Natasha & Neha, is they vanished that proof's or not, then you will take normal breath's, otherwise your over think mind, over power your sleep & health..

Priya- that's true..

Rajat- in all, have you take your medicine on time, I know Khush is over protective towards your health, but as you explain me his now's behavior, that makes me little tensed..

Priya close her eyes & says- actually I totally forget to take a medicine, already I skipped three days medicine, two days because of Khush & that day I was in hospital, that's why..

Rajat little mad on Priya- Priya have you lost it, already for two times you had a hyper tension attacked, it's not funny, but our health is first priority, you got my point..

Priya- yes sir, I will take my medicine on time..

Rajat- please, & for God sake, don't think too much on anything, whatever is gonna happen is for good reason, trust your destiny..

Priya- you are lawyer Rajat..

Same time Priya look Ram stood in front of her, she cut the call with assurance, that she call him back..

Priya ask to Ram with tensed face- when you come..

Ram- you are lawyer Rajat, that time..

Priya- ohh, anything you want..

Ram- I want so many things, but you are not ready to give me anything..

Priya not say anything..

Ram- Rajat was the one, who become our parting ways..

Priya- umm! Ram can't we accept our now's life, can we move on from our past, please, it's request, it's nothing is in past, only our daughter is our..

Ram interrupt in between & ask her- what about our love, that's also in our past, we left it there in mid, what about that..

Priya- we can continue but expect that bad patch..

Ram come little closer to Priya & says- if that love we can continue, then I have right to know that bad patch also..

Priya looking into his eyes & says- so many lives will affect, & I'm not ready for that Ram..

Ram goes to open his mouth & Priya's cell ring, & she left the place with her cell, after she go, Ram hit his foot on couch with anger..

Nyssa meet to Khush & she handover that soaps to Khush, & he assured her that he will handover that key to her on Friday evening, & she left the office, on some moment later Khush too left the office with the soaps, he informed to Suhani about it..

Khush stop near the bus stop, & look Sudhir stood opposite side of road, he cross the road & look Nyssa with him, & he call the name of Nyssa, she stop on next moment..

Khush walks to them with smile..

Nyssa smile & ask- what happened bro..

Khush- I thought you alone, so thought to drop you to your home, & he looks Sudhir..

Nyssa- no actually, my grandpa is with me..

Khush give smile & says- ohh he is your grandpa, hello sir, I'm Khush Sharma..

Nyssa introduce Khush to Sudhir- grandpa he is Khush bro, I told you about him, that I called him bro, who work in Neha Masi's office, he is that one..

Sudhir- oh that boy, good to see dear..

Khush smile & touch his feet with smile, Sudhir blessed him with smile & Khush says- come I dropped you both..

Sudhir- no dear, we both will go..

Khush- grandpa please, my insist, please..

Sudhir- ok..

Khush call the cab, & they three seat in cab, & Nyssa explain the address to cab driver, Khush fix the address in his mind & smile with victory, & he thanks to his stars, even he surprise that Nyssa too his sister, & he happy for that..

Priya called to Suhani, Suhani pick the call..

Suhani- hello..

Priya- are you free for sometime..

Suhani- yes aunty..

Priya- had he dinner last night..

Suhani- yes, on morning he had his breakfast too, you don't worry, I will handle him, you please take care of yourself..

Priya- hmm, is he share with you, why he is upset on me..

Suhani- actually aunty, he did, but I can't tell you, because I don't want to come between you & him..

Priya- I beg you, please tell me..

Suhani- aunty please, don't say such a words, please..

Priya cut the call & she wipe her brim eyes..

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