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Mid in night, Priya comes in room of Peehu, who sleeps peacefully on bed with pillow, she cover Peehu in blanket in proper way, carefully caressing Peehu's hair with smile, & give light kiss on her head side, she look one book lying beside Peehu's bed, she carefully pick it up in her hand & turn the pages, she look to Peehu & smile with the thought's, "still she have bad habit of book painting", she close the book & turned on the night lamp, & leave the bed room carefully..

Next day, Priya wake up early with the excitement, that Peehu gonna eat her favourite handmade food, after long, she cook each type of favourite food of Peehu, & walks in the room of Peehu..

Peehu look Priya enter in her room without knock on the door..

Before Priya say anything, Peehu use her harsh words- don't you know, knocked on the door before enter in the room, it's a simple manner, & everyone knows about it..

Priya not say word, she gulped her throat & try to say something to Peehu..

Peehu- now why are you standing here like dumb, please go out from my room, I hate it, if somebody entered in my room without my permission..

Priya not look to Peehu, because of teary eyed, & she says with shaking voice- I cooked your favourite breakfast..

Peehu says with casual tone- ohh stop showing your fake love & concern towards me, it's been 12 years, I'm leaving my life without you, so don't interfere in my life, got it..

Doorbell ring & Peehu leaves the bedroom, tears rolled down from Priya's eyes, she clear the tears & comes in live area, she look Peehu received the tiffin box, she look Ram's driver giving tiffin box to Peehu, she walks to them..

Priya says with stern tone- one minute..

Peehu send back to driver & closed the door behind her, & say to Priya- as per your rule, you want me with you, only you want me, ok, & this food comes from Kapoor mansion to me, I'm with you, but I'm not gonna eat your handmade food, because it's not in your rule, Mrs. Priya enjoy I'm being here with you, & here after don't show me your fake love & concern, & she walks towards her room..

Khush gets ready to go for office & his cell ring with the name of maa, he quickly pick up the call, & at the same time his flat doorbell ring, he pick the call & walks towards the door to open..

Suhani on door, & same time he says to Priya- hey darling, how are you..

Suhani give him confused look, & he show his cell to Suhani, & she understands that he is on call..

Khush continue on call with Priya & Suhani entered in behind him..

Priya- just to check it out, if you wake up or not..

Khush- actually I put an alarm with gap of five minutes, it's really hard to wake up from deep sleep..

Suhani look him who wearing his jacket on t-shirt, & she says in between his call- don't wear the jacket Khush, it's Mumbai, & you will feel hot after wearing the jacket..

Priya listen a girl voice from Khush side & she ask him- a girl voice from your side, who is she..

Khush give a upset look to Suhani, & she ask him- what happened!

Priya again ask to Khush- Khush, are you sharing a apartment with the girl..

Khush keep his palm on cell & says to Suhani with husky voice- please don't say a word, otherwise I cannot stop myself to give true answers to her..

Suhani only nodding in yes, & Khush says to Priya- actually darling I'm sharing a apartment with all intern's, & it's common apartment for five person..

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