Taking Time

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Cab stop near the apartment, Priya getting down from the cab with paying the amount, & wait for moment, & start to admire the apartment with teary eyed..

She entered in the apartment, & watchman stop her..

Priya turn to watchman- yes..

Watchman- mam you have to do entry first..

Priya surprise by the new rule of society- entry! & She completed the process, & press the button of elevator, & watchman tells her, that elevator is not working..

Priya mentally laugh & she start her way through stairs..

Neha on call, talking with Natasha- I saw her near my office, I don't know why she came there, but you please take care, because I know she will definitely be came in Sharma house..

Natasha- Neha why are you so scared, she is Priya, & we did wrong with her, & she knows everything, but she not gonna open her mouth for our sake, it's been 12 years now, look we have to face her, I understand she is mad on us, & it's completely fine from her side, & we both deserve it..

Neha says with tensed tone- if she open her mouth infront of everyone, then..

Natasha- she will not Neha, if she did, then she knows so well, mine & Kartik's relationship, your & Vikram's relationship ruined in minutes, for that she won't open her mouth, & I know her so well, how much she loves Kartik & Nyssa, & she too knows that how much Kartik loves me, for them she won't open her mouth, didn't you remember, Papa asked her 12 years ago the true reason, she won't open her mouth infront of him, because she knows Kartik's love..

Neha- don't you think, we are taking her for a granted..

Natasha- but we both have no other option..

Priya reached on fourth floor & found Ram with huffing breath, she walks to him quickly, & look him with sweat, before he react to see her there, she start to clean his sweat through her saree pallu, Ram close his eyes by her action, he feel same concern in her touch, she clear his sweat & not say word, she start to take steps..

Ram look she start to walk, without say word & he say- thanks..

Priya look back to him- huh!

Ram- thanks..

Priya faintly smile & says- it's ok..

Ram- where is Peehu..

Priya- she going with her friends, for day out..

Ram- good..

Priya- you need a check up..

Ram- check up! & Why so..

Priya- I think your cholesterol level is high..

Ram- stop it..

Priya murmured with herself softly- like father, like daughter, both have an anger issue, Tch! 

Ram try to listen her words but could not understand, what she babbling..

Priya look him back & says- don't send the food to Peehu here after..

Ram- that won't gonna be happen..

Priya stop in mid of way, she turn to him & says- why are you making things difficult for yourself Ram, it's just for some months, I want to be with Peehu, that's it, I'm not gonna snatch her from you, don't be so insecure..

Ram- why you want to be with her for some months atleast, tell me, I need a answer..

Priya give him silent treatment..

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