Way Towards Panchgani..

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Ram busy with his business call, & he lightly look Priya doing her work in her laptop, he try to peep in & at the same time, she caught him, & she close her laptop screen..

Priya look him & says- I think, you forget the business rules..

Ram give a irks look to her & gets busy with his call..

Priya smile with herself & open the bag & pull out the tiffin, she look once in clock & dialled Khush's number for video call, at the same time she open her tiffin box, Ram looks that through corner of eyes..

From other side, Khush pick the call..

Priya without say hello to him, she start to burst her stern tone on him- why are you eating street food Khush..

Ram try to look, who's she on video call, but could not see who's Khush, because of sun light, he only listing one side conversation of Priya..

Priya tore Partha & she deep into curd & says- yeah just started to eat, thought to call you, to asked have you eat or not..

Ram look once into tiffin & gulping his throat with tempting of paratha's..

Priya chewing her one bite & casually look to Ram & who gulping his throat, & she keep her cell side for moment & ask him- it's Partha, if you want, you can take it, I don't mind..

Ram turn his face towards the glass, & Priya concentrate on her food, but with half heart..

Priya says to Khush- no it's usual perfect, you have to try it once..

Ram again look to her, who busy with video call, he look into her tiffin again with gulping his throat, his watering tongue won't control by his mind & heart, his stomach too start to crumbling with huger of Partha's..

Priya's call continue, but her corner eyes won't stopping to look Ram's reaction on his favourite food, he all over drooling on the Partha's..

Priya cut the call & forward the tiffin box to him & says- look, please have it, because no hotel in mid way of highway, & map showing me, it takes three more hours, to end highway, it's better you have..

Before Priya go ahead for her further words, Ram pick one Partha from her tiffin, & start to eat, without say anything, she turn her face with smile, & again dialled Khush's number, but this time Ram, high the volume of music, & she end the call with irritation..

Khush walking in news channel office to look something, & he wanted someone, who guide him, for his some motivation work..

Ram's burp sound give satisfaction to Priya, & Ram turn to her- thanks..

Priya- it's ok, & at the same time she forward water bottle to him..

Ram- no thanks, I have my own..

Priya- ok, & she keep bottle aside, she eat her medicine..

Ram bit of it surprise, that Priya having tablet, who never used to be, he try not to ask about her tablet story, because he don't want to interfere in her current life..

Priya have her medicine & message to Khush, & on next moment her cell beep with the message of Khush..

Ram look she is smiling while replying, he irks to look her smiling face, he gritss his teeth with anger..

Khush bump with the girl, while messaging Priya, & his cell fall down from his hand..

"I'm so sorry"..

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