Bid Bye With Heavy Heart..

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Mid of night, Priya comes to check kids, first she goes in Khush's room, she look he sleeps peacefully, & she comes in Peehu's room, she lightly peep in room, & found Nyssa on bed, she found a empty side of Peehu, she gets little worried, & she entered in without disturb Nyssa's sleep, she look behind bed, a dim light on, she walks behind the bed, & look Peehu seat there on floor with torch, Peehu look once Priya with upset look & again she look towards the torch light..

Priya didn't say word & take a seat beside her, they both didn't says word, & Priya hold her hand on torch light & make a hands bird..

Priya- you remember, when you are four, that time you & me spend our most time in dark, because you love make your hands in bird shaped, & hold that hand in torch light, that vision of birds you loved the most..

Peehu says with pouted tone- I still love the most..

Priya forward her one hand to her & says- come here, & Peehu lightly push herself in Priya's arm..

Peehu- I'm scared, I'm scared because you left for 12 years, if you left again & never come back me then, I will die..

Priya hold Peehu near to her & says- shuu, don't say such words, it's too bad words, I'm not going anywhere, I promise you, & these promise is yours & mine, I understand your insecurities, but this time I'm going only for work reason that's it, I'm not going anywhere, & this time if I left you, I'm the one who could not live for day..

Peehu- I'm sorry mom, but I don't believe you, please don't go anywhere..

Priya- do you want to come with me..

Peehu- no, because Papa is here, & I can't leave him here alone, even Nyssa too feel alone, if I come with you..

Priya- I don't mind if she be with us, after all she is too for me my daughter..

Peehu says with little kid tone- no I'm your first baby..

Priya- you are baby, & you always be my baby, if you give a birth your own child, that time also you are my baby..

Peehu look to Priya- that time too..

Priya- of course, after all you are the one who gift a mom love in me, that's why I love to Khush & Nyssa like my own babies..

Peehu- I'm proud on myself..

Priya- so should I go..

Peehu- no, never, you are not going anywhere, if you go, then I go to Pub, & get over with alcohol..

Priya- shut up Peehu..

Peehu- mom I don't know, why but I really feel so much alone, when you are not around me..

Priya- but I'm not going anywhere, just for some days I'm going for work, that's it, & even Khush won't stay without you guys, he won't stay there for so long, at any cost he will be back here, he can't live without you, Papa, & Nyssa, he too upset on me like you, but I can't do anything, because it's about work, & till Khush can't take all responsibility on him, till I have to manage everything..

Peehu- is any way to shift work here..

Priya- no, it's depend on Khush, when he start to do a work, with in some years he can move his business at anywhere..

Peehu- mom should I believe on you..

Priya- yes princess, you can, because I can't live my next life without you & Ram, I try my best to over my all work soon & come back to you guys again..

Peehu- you will back to me, right..

Priya- yes I will..

Peehu- if you not, then used to go pub again..

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